Aether Beasts

Chapter 37 - 37

Chapter 37 - 37

Sandra and I shot a glance at each other before we shot up to our feet. My bark armor was already half-formed as I turned to Zirani.

"Twin horn?"

She nodded. "Four of them, all first core arcanists."

"Just first core?" Sandra asked. "Doesn\'t seem so bad."

"It is," Zirani replied. "They\'re older and definitely have more experience, at least from what I can tell. The way they\'re moving makes me think of wolves, of hunters. You need to be careful, both of you, they\'re probably going to try pack tactics, try to wear you down then go in for a killing strike, don\'t let them. Be as lethal as possible even if you have to get reckless. If you let it go on then you will lose."

"You\'re not fighting with us?" Sandra asked, worry clear in her voice.

"I can\'t," Zirani said. "With the level that Aiden is at I couldn\'t last long or do much if I\'m being honest, and besides let\'s say you manage to take out three but one escapes. If they see me they will bring news to their leader and it will spread, which will lead to me and Aiden being hunted."

Sandra looked like she\'d bitten into a sour fruit but nevertheless nodded in understanding. "I don\'t like it, but I get it. How far are they? could we run?"

"Not likely, not with her." Zirani pointed at Misty. "And besides there all using movement techniques made for long-distance running rather than extreme bursts of speed or short boosts."

"How did they even find us so quickly?"

"Remember when you said if they were smart they\'d have brought their hunters and trackers with them, well it seems whoever was in charge did just that."

Zirani sighed. "There\'s not much else I can do, they\'ll be here in another minute, move Misty away, and get ready, things are going to get bloody one way or another."

I rushed over to Misty and moved her into a nearby bush, not caring about being delicate. Hell if she woke up maybe she could go all vampire on them. Unfortunately, she didn\'t stir and Zirani moved back into her core, leaving me and Sandra to face the oncoming enemies.

My bark armor was ready and I pulled aether from my core in preparation. Sandra did the same and the area around her seemed to darken and for a second I thought her shadow moved oddly, but I quickly forgot about that as four figures burst into the clearing. They were all men and looked to be in their thirties with twin horn robes, though they also had leather armor.

Neither Sandra nor I hesitated and immediately went on the attack, not bothering to wait for any talking or negotiations. We\'d seen what they did back at the camp and if I was being honest I was looking forward to ending these hunters. I let my anger fuel me as I struck out at the hunter furthest to the right. He managed to block with his forearm but there was still a slight popping noise, and he let out a small scream as he was pushed back. Unfortunately, that was the only surprise attack I got off as one of his buddies sent a spray of flame my way.

I dodged but still ended up getting singed slightly. I looked over to see Sandra dealing with two of her own, and she was mostly trying to keep them at a distance while peppering them with long-range attacks.

I didn\'t get to watch her for long as my focus was forced back to the two hunters who had regrouped and were now eyeing me with caution. They didn\'t move to attack immediately, instead they slowly began to circle me. Once again, I didn\'t wait and shot for the hunter closest to me, my fist aimed at his face. As I did, I formed a vine and sent it lashing out at the second who\'d been closing the gap. It stuck his chest, but he only let out a grunt and a second later, a bolt of lightning flew at me.

I cursed and was forced to stop my attack on the first hunter to duck down. Unfortunately, that sent me straight into a knee from the first hunter which hit me under my jaw and sent me stumbling back. I let out a groan but didn\'t have much time to do anything else since the first hunter was charging at me while the second was readying another bolt of lighting.

I dodged his first attack and managed to get a strike in, but once again his leather armor took most of the damage, and I was left open to a hook that hit my ribs and sent a burst of pain running through me. I needed to end this quickly or what Zirani had said would happen. The first hunter was whittling me down in close quarters while the second peppered me with ranged attacks. I couldn\'t take my focus off either, but keeping my focus on both wasn\'t easy either.

I mentally sighed and remembered Zirani\'s words. I needed to be reckless.

As the first hunter moved closer, his hands encased in fire, I rushed forward, changing the bark armor on my right hand to turn into a spike, while I prepared my left, forming a lashing vine. Once I was close enough, I let myself slip, dodging his fist, though his kick did get me, but it didn\'t matter as I was in position now. My left arm closed around his right shoulder and I wrapped the vine around the both of us, while I raised my right and pushed the spike into his right eye. He screamed but I didn\'t stop. Instead, I took the opportunity to put him between me and the second hunter, so that lighting bolts couldn\'t hit me. It only took a few seconds for the screaming to stop and his body to go limp, but now I was stuck. If I let go, then I would be an open target, but I couldn\'t exactly fight like this, not to mention I didn\'t have much aether left.


I glanced over to see Sandra. Her face was panicked and though she didn\'t look to be hurt, it was clear she wasn\'t doing well in her own fight. The hunters had cornered her and we\'re gaining ground under the onslaught of her dark bolts.


I tried to think of what to do, but once again my attention was forced back to the fight. The lighting wielder had turned away from me and started sprinting to Sandra.

"Oh no you don\'t"

I flung the corpse of the first hunter off me and chased after the second shooting a vine to wrap around his ankle.

That was when he turned, a big smile on his face and his hands full of lighting. The last thing I saw before I found myself lying on the ground, pain running through my body, was a bright flash. I was convulsing and no matter how hard I tried to get up I couldn\'t.

My ears were ringing and my vision was blurry, but the light was fading just enough for me to see the second hunter approaching.

He stopped next to me and looked down with a satisfied smirk on his face. I grit my teeth and try to get to my feet but I couldn\'t. I felt Zirani\'s fear through my bond and could tell she was trying to manifest, but I\'d used too much aether and there wasn\'t enough for her to manifest.

Was this how I was going to die? At the hands of some no-name twin horn hunter? I\'d never get to see my aunt again or find my parents. Images and memories flashed through my mind as the hunter readied a technique to end me.

"No," I groaned, gritting my teeth and trying with all my might to get to my feet. It was worthless. There was too much lighting coursing through my body and I\'d been badly burnt.

I closed my eyes as the hunter finished his technique. I waited for the end, still trying to move even though I knew it was useless, but you never know and I would never give up. A few seconds passed then a few more and I opened my eyes to see why I wasn\'t dead yet,

Instead of seeing the hunter\'s smile and his technique descending, I saw his face, eyes wide and glazed while his mouth was opening and closing silently. I forced and tried to figure out what was going on.

That was when I noticed her. The blonde figure latched onto the hunter\'s neck by her teeth, or more correctly her fangs.

It seemed that Misty had finally awoken.

As off and unusual as the sight was I couldn\'t help but let out a breath of relief. My heart sped up, and I felt Zirani feeling the same relief I was. My body was still not in a good state, but enough lighting was gone that I could sit up, using my arms as supports.

I looked and saw Misty, still drinking from the hunter, her throat moving as she gulped down his blood, but now just that. I could sense the aether being drained from the man. His face had gone pale and his movements and twitching were lessening with each passing second. He didn\'t have long left.

"Misty," I said to try and get her attention.

She didn\'t react, instead, she just continued to drink.

"Misty!" I said louder. "Help Sandra!"

I was able to look over just enough to see that Sandra was still fighting the two hunters, except now at close range and she was not doing well at all. Her face looked even more panicked and there was clear fear in her eyes not to mention the fact that one of her arms looked to be broken and limp.

I turned back to Misty and took a deep breath, before mastering all my remaining energy into one shout.


The blonde snapped out of her drinking trance and unlatched herself from the man. She turned to face me and I noticed that her eyes were now a mix of red, blue and white, with what looked to be some black mixed in. Blood dripped from her mouth and I could see her fangs.

"Help Sandra," I hissed.

Misty looked confused for a second before she turned to see the fight. Her eyes widened slightly and she looked panicked.

"But I can\'t, I mean. I-I don\'t fight," She stuttered.

"You do now," I replied. "Help her or she\'s going to die. Please."

Misty bit her lip and for a second it looked like she was going to burst into tears but then something shifted in her eyes and she froze for a moment before turning. I frowned as I followed her gaze. One of the hunters had been cut by one of Sandra\'s attacks and he was bleeding from his neck.

Misty sniffed and I noticed her nails lengthening as her eyes began to glow, her aether moving through her body in an odd pattern. She moved so fast that I didn\'t even register it at first. I turned to look and had to gulp as I saw Misty latched onto one of the hunter\'s backs, biting into his neck while her claws tore his chest apart. The hunter tried to push her off, but it was useless. She didn\'t budge at all, and his attack didn\'t seem to face her.

His friend tried to help him, but that gave Sandra the opportunity to move in and send an attack at his head. The hunter turned back just in time to receive a large dark blade directly into his forehead and out the other side. He stood swaying for a few seconds before he toppled. Only a few seconds later Misty\'s victim was dead, although Misty continued to drink from him for a moment longer before she released him so that he could fall down next to the other hunter.

"Thank fuck," I muttered.

I felt my body relax and as the adrenaline faded I felt my eyes beginning to droop. I tried to keep them open, but my mind grew fuzzy and the last thing I heard was Zirani\'s soft voice.

"Rest Aiden, I\'ll deal with the clean-up."

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