Aether Beasts

Chapter 42 - 42

Chapter 42 - 42

Kara took us to an area full of tents that were used by disciples who wanted to rest. They were all quite small and weren\'t used for anything else. They had areas for storage and places to eat among other things. When I asked about things being stolen or problems that might arise, Kara just laughed.

"We\'re not those soulless bastards from the twin horn. We believe in brotherhood and sisterhood. We work together and help one another. We may all mostly just be in the sect because it\'s not restrictive and allows us to work bounties and take jobs much easier, but we also understand the idea of strength in numbers. Of course, it happens sometimes, but punishments are quickly dolled out, although I doubt you\'ll find any thieves here anyway, not with the war going on. We all know what we\'re fighting for and what\'s at stake. If we lose then we die or get enslaved, and who knows what happens to our family and friends."

She made a good point. As we walked through the camp I could see disciples training, and some getting ready to head out on jobs, checking weapons, and sorting their groups out. One thing that made me glad I\'d chosen this sect was the fact that I saw smiles and laughter. Even in this hard time, there was humor and it was clear the people were trying to keep the positivity up. I could respect that.

Once she\'d showed us to our tents she handed us a small map that they gave to visitors or people who didn\'t know their way around. She left with Sandra, heading to a healer to get her arm fixed.

"I\'ll be back later," Sandra said as she walked away with Kara.

I looked over to Misty, who was awkwardly looking anywhere but at me.

"Come let\'s get some food," I said.

"I-I don\'t eat normal food anymore," She replied quietly, looking around nervously. There wasn\'t anyone nearby but I could understand why she would be nervous.

"I know, but I\'m hungry and I can\'t leave you alone, so let\'s go."

For some reason I wasn\'t privy to, Zirani had decided to keep Misty, which in and of itself was quite the statement. I\'d argued that she wasn\'t a lost puppy, but Zirani had been adamant. She clearly had some sort of plan and idea, but she wasn\'t telling me yet, not that I was angry. I trusted her judgment and if she thought I needed to wait then I would wait. Still, it was going to be quite awkward with her.

There were a few places to eat in the camp, but the main area was essentially rows of tables next to cooking pots and other implements. There were cooks and other people who clearly weren\'t from the sect helping out. I didn\'t need to ask to know who they were. Probably family members of some disciple who had wanted to help or just people the sect had hired. Plus, it wasn\'t too hard to believe that some people from Orton didn\'t want the twin horn sect to get control over the tower.

There was a wide variety of food on offer which I hadn\'t expected but was a welcome surprise and I piled my plate high with food. There was no cost or charge since we were at war and when I asked one of the cooks they told me that there was plenty of meat. That wasn\'t a surprise. Even in West Vale, we had a ton of produce due to how easy it was to raise livestock and the amount of space we had. It also helped that aether beasts tended to ignore normal animals since they didn\'t need normal food to survive and there were no normal predators anymore, just aether beasts. Aether beasts fed on things with aether within them, other beasts, plants, that type of thing.

Misty did actually end up getting a plate but it was mostly filled with cakes and other baked goods.

"Didn\'t you say you can\'t eat normal foods?"

She blushed. "I don\'t need to but I still can. I-I like cakes"

"Oh, ok, by the way, did you and—"

"Don\'t," Zirani interrupted me, having read my thoughts and knowing what I was going to ask. "Don\'t ask her that. Remember what I said. Just leave all of that to me."

"Ok, whatever you say."

I ended up going back for seconds when I was done, and afterwards I headed back to my tent with Misty in tow. There, waiting for us, was Sandra, fully healed and with a new set of robes.

"Oh good, you\'re finally here," She said when we approached. "I was beginning to think I\'d need to go and look for you. Elder Kaylin wants to see us."

"Already?" I asked. "We just arrived a few hours ago."

She shrugged. "I Don\'t know why, ok, and I wasn\'t about to question him."

I sighed. "Fine, Misty you can—"

"She goes too," Zirani said.

"What? You know what, fine," I replied. "Misty let\'s go."

I raised a hand before Sandra could complain. "Zirani said to bring her."

Sandra closed her mouth and nodded. "Ok then."

Sandra was smart and knew better than to anger Zirani not to mention the apparent information Ziorani had on Sandra. I still hoped she told me that soon.

We made our way back to the same tent and the guards let us in this time, apparently having been told we were arriving. Unlike the last time, Edler Hyphen wasn\'t present.

"Good you arrived quickly," Elder Kaylin said. "Although you have one more than I asked for."

"She\'s with us, Elder," Sandra replied.

"Another to add can\'t hurt," Kaylin replied. "I\'ve asked the two of you here because I\'m putting together a mission and you came recommended."

I frowned. "By who?"

"By me," A voice said from behind us and I spun to see the grinning face of Markem.

"Holy shit, Markem?" Sandra asked in disbelief. "You survived?"

"Barely," he replied, gesturing to his abdomen which was heavily bandaged. "I got skewered but managed to get out. I was on my way to bring the news to the elders, but lo and behold when I arrived they had already been informed."

"Markem and I are good friends," Kaylin said. "And he\'s told me a lot about you. If half of what he said is true then I want you for this mission, and Sandra your track record when it comes to stealth and skirmishes speaks for itself, as for your friend, well having another lookout won\'t hurt, and I can see she has a death core so she can defend herself."

"What sort of mission?" I asked.

"A dangerous one. We\'ll be leaving tonight, but it\'s best if I wait until later to explain everything so I don\'t have to go over it twice. You\'ll be joining ten others."

"What about the news of the merchants?" Sandra asked.

"Elder Darin is dealing with that. Now it\'s best if you get some rest while you still can because you\'ll be waking at midnight."

Sandra and I glanced at each other before we turned back and bowed.

"We understand, elder," We both said in unison. I didn\'t know what this mission was and I hadn\'t been expecting anything hours after we\'d arrived, but it was clearly important, and I was a part of this war as well.. The fate of West Vale lay in the balance, and if I could help then I would.

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