Aether Beasts

Chapter 68 - 68

Chapter 68 - 68

The next few days flew by as training took over everything, and we spent less and less time in camp and more and more time training.

Zirani didn\'t teach me any more new techniques, instead opting to help me improve the techniques I already knew and refine them. I\'d been disappointed at first, but then she\'d explained that new techniques needed to be taught at the right time and not all at once as that could overwhelm an arcanist and cause things like indecision during a battle, not to mention it was straining on a person\'s body at lower levels, manipulating aether into many different patterns, not to mention the fact she was already hesitant to teach me new techniques since my foundation wasn\'t complete. The way she was currently going about things was due to our situation. If we hadn\'t been in the middle of a war she would have taught in the way she actually wanted rather than this mimicry as she put it.

Being able to copy a technique was one thing and apparently the way I did it was very uncommon as was the speed at which I learned. She didn\'t want me to just mimic her techniques. She wanted me to understand how they worked from the pattern to the amount of aether needed and more. It was like seeing a swordmaster swing a sword compared to a regular soldier. While both could swing the sword, it was the master who truly understood its movements and workings.

My bark armor was already improved and along with that, she taught me how to create thicker vines and how to form two types of thorns on them. Sharp blade-like thorns meant for slashing and cutting and spike-like thorns made for piercing. She also helped me improve the basic aether burst techniques I used so often. The way I used it was simple. I moved aether into a basic pattern then allowed it to flow into my body, giving me a burst. Now, not only could I give myself a larger burst, but I could also enhance only specific parts of my body rather than the entire thing.

She also instructed me in the fighting style she was teaching me and general rules about warfare, specifically large-scale battles.

"A large-scale battle is completely different to a duel or fight against one of two opponents," Zirani explained as she paced in front of me. "It\'s often a mad melee and almost always chaotic in nature, especially when it comes to lower-level arcanists. At the higher levels, things tend to reach a realm that we\'d best not even think about until we\'re far stronger. When in a large-scale battle keep moving at all times and be aware of your position. It sounds obvious, but I\'ve seen plenty of people fall because they got too caught up in the fighting and didn\'t pay attention to where they were. They end up surrounded or cut off from allies. Another tip. This mainly applies to lower-level arcanists. Keep the adrenaline pumping and don\'t get lazy. All it takes is one moment and it\'s all over. I\'ve seen people defeat an opponent then take a knee to rest only to be killed by an arcanist sneaking up on them. The battle doesn\'t end until one side has retreated or until one side is all dead. Do not stop fighting or moving until that has happened. If there are still enemies left on the field then the battle is not over."

"What if I get injured?"

"Then you get out of there, or into a better position," Zirani replied. "If you get severely injured then fight your way out at any cost. Even if you sustain a lot of damage, if you live then you can fight another day. You can recover from injury, you can\'t recover from death, well unless you want to become an undead but that\'s a topic for another time."

"And if it looks like we\'re going to lose the battle?"

"We\'ve already spoken about this." Zirani sighed. "You get out of there. I know you see it as a cowardly thing, but it is not, because if the steel heart falls and you fall with them then there will never be anyone who will rise up to end them or force them back. You live to fight another day, and so that some hope remains."

There were a lot of pieces of advice she gave, not just to me, but also to Sandra and Misty who had their own training.

Sandra\'s training seemed to mostly consist of trying to control her bloodline or at least safely tap into some of its power and refining the techniques she already had. Sandra had also told me after the second day of training that Zirani had managed to teach her a new dark technique, which had shocked me at first, but then I just remembered how old Zirani was and how deep her knowledge of the arcane seemed to go. She really understood aether and the arcane in a way I didn\'t. She also seemed to be teaching Sandra some basic techniques like the burst technique she\'d taught me along with a few basic martial arts moves. Simple things which Sandra hadn\'t known. I\'d asked why she\'d never gotten a teacher, but she explained by the time she\'d joined the sect and was able to take care of herself, she\'d been around sixteen which was only two years ago and since then she\'d mainly kept to herself. She had made one friend in Lucas but well we both knew how that had turned out. The cost would have also been quite high and she\'d never been able to shake the thoughts that she\'d missed out on so much because she was in the plains.

As for Misty? Well her training was similar to Sandra in that she was trying to gain control over her power, but not just that. She was also trying to gain control over her new instincts. She didn\'t have any techniques like me or Sandra to start off with since her core was an amalgamation of life, death essence along with a mutated form of pure essence. Its properties were odd and often different depending on the vampire. Certain clans and groups had unique traits and abilities. Of course, even with that hurdle Zirani had pulled through and had managed to teach Misty two techniques that were both pretty basic. One was a technique that formed aether claws around her fingers that could be elongated and shortened at will and the other was a basic projectile in the form of a ball of black and red which would stick to something then rot and eat away at them. Both techniques could easily be mistaken for death techniques which was the point. Zirani had needed to be careful as she couldn\'t teach or help create any techniques for Misty that would raise questions, and she was already having a hard time with the blonde anyways. Misty seemed to be getting worse and worse, and it was clear Zirani was starting to get frustrated.

I\'d tried to put it off, but I realized that if I didn\'t help then things were going to take a turn for the worst. Zirani was trying to help and even Sandra seemed to have mellowed out towards the blonde, but it seemed like neither could shake the air of depression and sorrow that seemed to be clinging to her like a dark fog. Zirani had hinted that my words and truth might help her even though I didn\'t think it would, but both of them had tried in their own way, and it wasn\'t like it would hurt me to try.

It was after the fifth day of training that I asked Misty if I could deal with her, much to Zirani\'s joy. I could feel her relief through our bond, and even Sandra seemed to have been waiting for me to make such a move.

The blonde was clearly feeling awkward about my request and hesitant, but after a bit of prodding, she agreed to talk with me in her tent after we finished eating our usual meal just before we usually headed to sleep.

The entire time, the blonde seemed to want to say something but didn\'t while Sandra seemed assumed and relieved by the situation. The dark-haired teens\' entire demeanor towards the blonde had done a one-eighty since they\'d first met.

"Well I\'m going to head to bed," Sandra said as she stood. "I\'ll see you two tomorrow."

With one last smile, she left, leaving me and Misty alone. We finished our own food in silence then quickly left and headed towards her tent. Once again it seemed like Misty wanted to say something or protest but she did neither.

I entered her tent and after closing the flap, turned to face her. This was it. It was time to see if Zirani\'s idea would work and if my truth and thoughts could actually help.. For her sake, I hope they did.

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