The Villain’s Sister Suffers Today

Chapter 127

Editor : Aru

No, a person’s body wouldn’t break so easily.

…… I wanted to say it, but I closed my mouth because I thought it might be easy to break by Ash’s standards.

Well, he’s already destroyed a lot of things (?), so it’s possible for him to think that way.

Instead of replying with words, I grabbed Ash’s collar and pulled him in.

I don’t know how thin and soft I look in Ash’s eyes that he feels like I’ll be broken by his hand.

What’s important now is that I’m getting sick of it anyway.

I mean, it’s not enough.

The night bedroom with the light on, which is not very bright, probably has a strange effect of pulling a person’s courage to the limit.

I bit off Ash’s close-up lips.

Then with my tongue, I gently swept his lower lip and fell off.

Like provoking him.

“So what.”

It didn’t stop there, he stuck out his tongue and licked my lips a little.

“You can just keep me from breaking.”


“You’re not going to do it?”

All right, I did my best.

It’s too much. I can’t do it anymore.

I wondered if Ash would stop moving for a moment in my sudden act, and soon he laughed in a low voice.

After a while, he bit me at my earlobe in revenge for my actions.


Next was my nape. The sense of biting bare skin was clear and intense.

“Wait a minute………Ah.”

The traces have been stretched beyond the control of the heat.

As it was winter, the air inside the room, which was slightly cold, was exposed, and it touched my bare skin.

It was an unconscious development. I panicked for a moment and pushed Ash away. Ash stopped without a hitch.

His eyes were full of discontent and defiance.



I’m speechless. Didn’t you think I’m going to break just a minute ago, didn’t you say something like that? What’s with this change?

Of course, I meant it and brought it on myself, but it was embarrassing when he was doing it in a hectic rush.

Ash smiled with a nice pull at his closed mouth as if ‘a doctor had been delivered the diagnoses’ look.

“You said I just have to keep you from break.”


“Come to think of it, I think that’s the answer. Yeah, so that it doesn’t break……….”


Wh, where are you biting? In fact, my body became as sensitive as I expected.

“……I can do it well.”

Ash’s voice, mixed with laughter, scattered into the air, mixing with his skin’s warm breath.

The air heated up. My head was spinning.

I soon hugged Ash’s back with all my strength.



Stretching down to the first floor, I used to call Bessie when I found her. I’m glad it’s not the butler.

If there were the butler, he’d say something as soon as he saw my outfit.

I was wearing a white dress and a shawl in my pyjamas. There was no exposure, but the butler’s standards are strict.

“Oh, you’re up early.”

“Yes. Is Ash in the dining room?”

I was going to ask her to call him if he wasn’t. I was wondering if I’d join Ash for breakfast this morning.

But Bessie replied embarrassedly.

“Oh, no. His Excellency just went out.”

“Huh? He went out?”

At this early hour?

Bessie nodded.

“Someone came from the palace. The Emperor sent it himself. So……”


To sum up, he was called by the emperor. What did the emperor call Ash for?

I tilted my head, but I had no idea. Well, I guess I’ll have to eat breakfast alone.



I was going to the dining room alone, but Bessie called me.

And the surprise questions that followed tied my feet to the spot.

“Are you okay with your neck?”


I paused for a moment and answered casually.

“Uh, yeah. Well, yeah, yeah.”

…..… It would have been nice, but unfortunately, it was merely hope.

As I stuttered without hiding my awkwardness, my cheeks were hot.

Oh, I’m ashamed to die.

On a day when I was not particularly tired and rather full of energy, whether it was a gift from God of Dimension or not, I had a pretty great night with Ash.

It was so great. I mean, I mean… To the point where my voice was hoarse the next day.

I said to others that I got cold, but it didn’t work for Bessie, who already knew the truth.

Bessie stared at me meaningfully all day. Very meaningfully.

Is that all that? No. She brought a tea that was good for the throat and added that if my throat doesn’t get cooled down as soon as possible, then another slope will come first.

Even now, Bessie’s eyes were extraordinary.

Just like when I’m looking for Ash in the morning.

Oh, not like that! Bessie! Even so, it doesn’t start this early in the morning!

I struggled internally with embarrassment and changed the subject.

“……… By the way, have you heard anything from Viscount Grace?”

It was a question with a lot of intention to divert attention, but after asking, I was really curious.

Bessie shook her head.

“Not at all. It’s the same.”


Agrita Grace hasn’t woken up yet.

Even a few days have passed since the day I met the God of Dimension in the palace.

‘It’s taking longer than I thought.’

I still think she’s going to wake up, but the days were running quite a bit longer than I expected.

“If you get any news, let me know right away.”

“I will, my lady.”

Bessie did not hide her signs of regret and concern.

It was understandable since she knew that Agrita and I were very close, and Agrita suddenly collapsed and couldn’t wake up.

I can’t explain this anyway. I left Bessie’s misunderstanding intact.

It was then.

“I think someone’s here.”

The front doorbell rang to announce a person’s visit. Bessie looked around the door and moved herself.

“Hello. Good morning.”

It was some young man who appeared at the door and showed up.

He was neatly dressed. As soon as he found me behind Bessie, he bent over and held out something.

“This is an invitation.”


I once approached and accepted it.

“Did you come in person?”

Usually, when sending invitations or other letters, a messenger or family servant is used for it.

However, to guess, either way, the man’s attire was too broad. He looked like a nobleman.

The man smiled awkwardly at my question.

“No, no. But it’s a special invitation from someone I respect personally…… I came here in person without using anyone.”

“What’s your name, sir?”

“I’m Lime Extract.”

He’s a nobleman. Judging from his physique and hands, he doesn’t seem to be a knight.

I nodded first. The straight card had a familiar pattern on it.

The extract is a name I’ve never heard of before, but this pattern is strangely familiar. When did I see this?

Bessie clapped her hands beside me as she was agonizing.

“Oh, that’s the emblem of the Marquis of Seacomert!”

“Seacomert, the Marquis?”

“Yes. I remember the blue rose pattern because it was impressive.”

Bessie said so and then carefully examined the pattern on the card and burst into a faint laugh.

“You sent a very small red rose next to the original blue rose. Is it because it’s an invitation to my lady?”

Bessie smiled and said as if she was proud of her idea.

Come to think of it, it was true.

When I found it, I saw a cute red rose that stood out and smiled.

‘Marquis Seacomert.’

I see why the pattern is familiar to me. The marquis were a high-ranking family.

Even without special exchanges in the past, the names and family patterns were not insufficient to remain in memory.

“Come in.”

I was pondering for a moment and said to Lime Extract.


“It’s before breakfast time, right?”

In this case, the person who receives the letter usually simply serves tea in return.

However, I decided to invite Lime Extract to breakfast.

It was an impromptu decision, but there was nothing to be taken. I was going to eat breakfast alone anyway.

“I’ll have the chef prepare your share.”

Bessie didn’t show much opposition.

Maybe it’s because Bessie knows. She managed the letters that came before me for a while.

She saw with her own eyes what letters were flying in.

It was the first time such a proper invitation had arrived since Irene’s letter.

And he showed his own sincerity on the outside of the invitation.

I don’t know about anything else, but this situation is quite unique. That’s why I want to return it with sincerity.

Although Lime Extract is only in charge of delivery, it is his choice to come in person and deliver the invitation without ordering a servant.

Lime Extract didn’t reject my offer. He bowed again to greet me, then he stepped inside.

Bessie was away first to tell the chef.

I took the Lime Extract and took it to the dining room, and suddenly I realized my outfit.

‘Oh, no.’

These were pyjamas. Of course, it was an indoor dress, not a day out dress, so it was not something to show to others, and it was rather light at the dining table where guests were invited.

“Sir Extract, please for a moment……….”

I asked my opponent’s pardon, changed my clothes, and turned myself in.

But Lime Extract was staring at me.

Just around my neck, to be exact.

Only then did I notice that the scrupulous shawl had run down a little. It was a quick push, but the Lime Extract was a step faster than that.

“You must have had a pretty intense night.”

I thought for a moment.

After a few moments, I’ve found out that there’s only a faint red flag left.

He has good eyes.

And then I thought.

I thought you were a healthy delivery man, but you were a criminal.

I reached out to a nearby cabinet and slapped the sexual molester’s mouth with a candlestick that caught my hand.


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