What Do You Mean My Cute Disciples Are Yanderes?

Chapter 273 - A Horse, A Swordswoman And A Loli Dragon Walked Into A Battlefield


Gamma charged towards one of the giant freaks with her lance braced against her right side.

Her target swung his giant sword at her, trying to decapitate her from the waist.

Our centauress drew another sword with her free hand, using it to redirect the sword that had been cutting towards her into the air with practiced grace.

She thrusted her lance out, impaling her target in his abdomen, the lance piercing through his body.

The centauress did not stop there, however.

She continued her charge, easily lifting the lance with the trash who probably weighed a few hundred kilograms impaled on it with a single hand.

There was another shitstain behind the first one and Gamma thrusted her lance into him as well, lifting the two of them up like a barbecue skewer.

She used her new \'companions\' as a shield and charged into a throng of enemies, trampling down all who stood in her way.

Gamma swung her lance in an arc, flinging the two burdens on it away to flatten even more Dong dogs with impunity.

I tried to summon my Lightning again to smite those two and this time the attack struck home, piercing through both of them in the chest before the heat disintegrated their corpses.

It seems like the anti-quark barrier only works when the person themselves has the strength to maintain the barrier so it doesn\'t grant them full immunity.

Gamma was not done yet though.

She sheathed her lance and sword before drawing out the halberd she had strapped on her side.

With two mighty swings, a dozen men had fallen before they could even step in front of her.

Two Dong soldiers tried to approach her from behind, thinking her equine body would be her vulnerable spot.

Gamma reared and kicked her hooves back without hesitation, caving in both soldiers\' skulls and leaving them dead on the ground.

There\'s a reason why she is put in charge of our Church\'s security.

A distance away, Eris was stuck dueling with five of the big ones on her own and despite the size difference, she showed no fear and even had a cocky smirk on her face.

The five men said nothing and charged towards the smaller girl, all of them not underestimating her at all since Eris had dispatched one of them with ease.

The one leading the group tried to leap at her, most likely thinking that his weight would play to his advantage.

Eris slashed her sword above her, creating a bolt of lightning that arced towards her assailant.

The man scoffed at the attack, knowing that it will be nullified before it could reach him.

As he had expected, the lightning disappeared when it got close to him, fizzling out in a shower of bright sparks. But what he did not expect was for Eris to leap up at the same time as the lightning, her movement covered by the light being emitted from her attack and not giving him a chance to react.

Our swordswoman stabbed her blade through the man\'s neck with absolute precision, planting her feet on his chest for extra leverage before twisting and pulling her blade to the side.

The trash\'s head was separated from the body and flung into the air splendidly, hitting the ground at the same time as the body with Eris landing on her feet just a few moments later.

The other four stopped and stared at their fallen comrade, hesitating for a second before they continued their mindless charge.

Eris actually laughed at them before sprinting forward, her sword held by her side.

The one in front of her tried to slam his sword down on top of her.

Using her smaller frame to her advantage, Eris slid in between his legs to avoid the blow, her sword lifted up to cut the little useless thing that was hanging in between his legs.

While the first guy was still trying to register the pain that would come with the missing organ, Eris had leapt up to stab her blade into the second giant freak\'s chest, right where his heart was.

There was a red shine in her eyes before the man suddenly erupted into flames, his body burned from inside out.

Only ashes remain of the man when Eris touched down to earth again.

Doing a graceful spin, her sword cut the first trash that was still screaming while clutching his groin, decapitating him in a single slash.

The other two were a bit more hesitant to move forward, eyeing Eris with trepidation.

Their hesitation proved to be their undoing as something flew out from the side, crashing into both of them and sending them flying away.

I looked in the direction of where the object came from to see Cai Hong gleefully beating down men three to four times her size with nothing but her fists.

One tried to slash his sword at her but our little dragon merely stopped it with her palm before crushing the metal in her claws.

Judging by how everyone else around her is unarmed, I think she was merely playing with them all this while. I really should request Master to teach her not to play with her food.

One of the big cockroaches tried to punch at Cai Hong\'s back, but she was ready and stopped it with her palm.

As though the scene of a small girl stopping a giant\'s punch was not surreal enough, she clenched her fist and her assailant\'s wrist snapped, the man wailing like a little girl at his broken appendage.

Two leapt at Cai Hong, intent on wrestling her into the ground.

What they didn\'t account for was her tail that lashed out to slap both of them across the face, sending them sprawling on to the ground.

Turning her attention back to her plaything in front of her, she stretched out her fingers on her free hand and impaled it in the man\'s stomach before pulling out his intestines.

Someone nearby puked at the sight.

Cai Hong used the organ to lasso around her victim\'s neck, tying it tautly to cut off his air supply and leaving him to die from asphyxiation.

The dragoness turned and leapt at one of the men she had slapped with her tail earlier, mounting his chest to pin him down before she proceeded to rip his throat out with her hands.

She back flipped away from him just in time to avoid another one of the giants trying to tackle her, letting her land on his back instead and shoving his face into the dirt.

Without even a moment of hesitation, her fist punched into the back of his skull, breaking open his skull like it was made out of paper.

There was a loud squelch sound when she crushed the tiny brain inside that was audible even from here.

One more of the shitstains tried to charge at her again, but he never made it to his destination as Gamma came barreling into him, her halberd hooking around his neck to slice it clean off.

I continued tossing my own lightning towards the unprotected Dong soldiers since these anti-Technique freaks are being whittled down, opening up a hole in their defenses.

Right then, the sound of several drums beating was heard from behind our destroyed wall.

I strained my eyes to look across the battlefield and my blood ran cold from what I saw.

The main Dong army had already dismantled our barricades and their numbers were way larger than we imagined it to be.

Probably about two to three hundred thousand troops stood at the foot of the Death Mountains, all of them glaring right at our position.

Forget barricades, if all of them charged at us together, even the houses around us would collapse by their weight alone.

A horn was blown from behind me, that was Guiying\'s signal for everyone to commit to the fight, forgoing our initial plan of rotating in reserves.

This is it… Elaria, if you plan on coming, now would be a very good time…

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