What Do You Mean My Cute Disciples Are Yanderes?

Chapter 320 - Witch In A Forest


I looked down at the animals lying down in front of me, the pile consisting of a handful of rabbits, a boar, two deers and a bear.

I should also mention that they weren\'t dead, I managed to use my Spell to freeze their movements and brought them to me.

It wasn\'t even that difficult too, first use a location Spell, then the freeze Spell before transporting them right over to where I was using a transportation Spell. I didn\'t even need to move much for that.

Then all that\'s left was to enjoy a little bit of discipline session with these little things to get them in line. I admit the last bit was more of for my entertainment than anything else.

I know, not exactly a \'hunt\' but when Master ordered for meat, I kind of got carried away a little.

Stepping towards the bear, I rested my foot on its back, the beast trembling as I did so.

"I wonder… Should I bring the biggest one back? I think it will be a worthy tribute to Master," I muttered to no one in particular.

The bear shook even more, though it still firmly planted its head on the ground obediently.

I tapped my chin with a finger, thinking aloud, "But if I go back empty handed… Master might actually punish me and maybe… Hehehe… I can request for a special training with just the two of us in the forest~"

Mmm… That definitely sounds like a much better idea!

I stepped away from the bear and cracked my whip on the ground, the sound causing all of them to flinch.

I made a shoo-ing motion with my hand, "Alright, you guys can go. Shoo."

All of them raised their heads to look at me, clearly confused.

"Well, if you stay I\'ll just skin you for the fun of it."

All of them quickly dispersed without any more hesitation.

I sighed, storing my whip and giving my arms a good stretch for my previous exertions. I can\'t say that I\'m a little bit disappointed that Master hasn\'t had His way with me yet today, but at least I can always look forward to tonight.

I licked my fingers unconsciously, feeling my behind tremble just thinking about how Master had taken us the previous night, the way He had punished me was absolutely delicious!

Just when I was considering rushing back to the beach and finding Master for some private time, a blast of Quarks engulfed the island.

I frowned, looking towards the direction that it had originated from.

Lian Li was most likely talking about this during breakfast today, though I admit I hadn\'t thought it would happen again.

Facing this unexpected phenomenon, it would definitely be a better idea to return to Master\'s side first.

"\'Time and space be compressed, I command thee for my--\'"

I saw something leap towards me from my right before I could complete my spell.

Acting on instinct, I ducked my head and took a step to the side, letting whatever had jumped at me sail over my head.

"-- Request; Send the winds to scour the--"

The thing turned out to be a giant spider that was twice my size, its eight legs ending in razor sharp points that could skewer me easily. I highly doubt this spider is a normal denizen of this island with how big it was.

It leapt towards me again, clearly intent on stopping my Spell.

I managed to jump towards the side to dodge it, but the action broke my concentration and thus interrupted my Spell weaving.

I clucked my tongue, glaring at the bothersome thing that was preventing me from reaching Master\'s side.

The spider reared on its back legs and sprayed a thick strand of web at me, barely missing me when I twisted my body away from it.

"Only Master is allowed to spray white stuff at me!" I roared, pointing my hand towards it. "\'Fires of damnation, burn away this abomination! Hellfire!\'"

A gout of crimson flames appeared from below the spider, engulfing the monstrosity in its fiery embrace.

The spider let out a screech of pain before the fire consumed it, leaving nothing but ashes that were quickly blown away by the wind.


If it wasn\'t because I was prioritizing returning to Master\'s side, I would have taken my time to properly torture it and make it know its miserable place.

Now where was I?

Ah yes, the wind walk Spell.

"\'Time and space be compressed, I command thee for my request; Send the winds to scour the land, find my Master as I demand! By my word and will, my form shall be nil; send me to the place, where I shall be displaced! Wind Walk!\'"

I felt my Spell whirl around me, the air shifting as the Spell started to take effect.

Just when I thought I would be whisked away to Master\'s side, the energies around me collapsed abruptly, my Spell failing completely.

I furrowed my brows, wondering if it was something to do with me.

I repeated the Spell again, watching as the energy swirled around me once more only to collapse again.

That means it\'s not me who is weaving the Spell incorrectly but something is causing it to fail. Could it be that I can\'t teleport to Master for some reason?

I had created this Spell not too long ago to match Manami\'s teleportation Technique, it should have let me use the air to transport myself to my intended target when chanted.

Although not as perfect as Manami\'s, it removes the restriction of me needing to know where to teleport in order to use it since the wind would help in locating the target location. I know this Spell should have worked since I tried it a few times on my own to sneak… Ahem. Nevermind.

It must be related to the Quark burst from before.

At least I know Spells weren\'t being restricted since I could still use my fire Spell to incinerate the spider, so that must mean that… Master is not here?

I repeated the Spell again, changing my target to my other sisters but the outcome still remained the same.

Frustrated, I selected a few meters ahead of me as the target and the Spell worked perfectly.

Looks like I am alone for this…

Inspecting my surroundings properly for the first time, I noticed there seemed to be a small effigy of a strawman suspended under a tree. I was pretty sure that wasn\'t there before.

Shrugging my shoulders, I called forth a fire Spell and burned it without much thought.

I summoned my whip into my hand, my head turning towards where I remembered the Quark burst had originated from.

With the Spider\'s appearance and that weird effigy, I can already hazard a guess that the forest was now filled with various kinds of monstrous beasts.

It doesn\'t take a genius to figure out that the key to escaping this might lie at where it had originated from and so that shall be where my target lies.

But if the whole forest has become my enemy…

Kukukuku… Then it has made a very big mistake! I\'ll make whatever thing that thought to contain me fully regret its stupid actions!

I am Master\'s Witch, and I will bring calamity on this forest if I have to!

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