What Do You Mean My Cute Disciples Are Yanderes?

Chapter 916: Youre Too Early

Chapter 916: You\'re Too Early

(Lian Li POV)

I landed outside the gates of Heaven Sect, prompting the guards there to react defensively to my appearance.

I could have just flown into Master\'s courtyard but the people here do not know me yet so I\'d rather not cause Master any trouble.

"Who are you? What business do you have with Heaven Sect?" One of the guards asked warily.

I felt it was appropriate to let these mortals know of my status so they knew who they were dealing with.

"I am Lian Li, Goddess of Conception and right hand of Origin. I have come to meet with my Master, Master Lin of Heaven Sect."

Mmm… That should do it, now I should be able to go meet my Master without any problems.

"M… Master Lin?" The first guard repeated.

Hmm? Were they shocked to hear Master\'s name? Or do they not believe that I am Master\'s disciple?

My expectations were shattered when he turned to his colleagues and asked, "Did we have someone named Lin among the Masters?"

All of them shook their heads collectively.


That can\'t be possible! Everyone in the Practitioner world knew of Master\'s name! How is it possible that people of Master\'s Sect were not aware of Him?! Are these people even doing their jobs?!!

For them not to recognise Master… Should I just kill them?

No… Wait a moment… At this time… Perhaps Master had yet to reach the rank of Master yet?

In the normal timeline, I would have met Master four years from now… From what I managed to find out back then, Master had only held His position for two years which means… I\'m two years too early…

Kuuuuuhhh… No matter, Master should still be here! I just need to find Him!

Perhaps our little figurehead can help me.

Shook my head, "My apologies, I might have been mistaken. I\'m here to meet Sect Master Qing."

"Do you mean Sect Master Long?"

I cursed internally, of course he would not be the figurehead of Master\'s Sect yet.

"No, I meant Elder Qing," I corrected.

The guard frowned at me, "You\'re being really suspicious right now. Why should we let someone like you in? For all we know you might be trying to do something nefarious!"

Regretting at my choice to be diplomatic, I decided to go for the harder approach now.

Remembering how Master had first cowed me into submission, I concentrated my aura to a single point before releasing it out in a wave with a little of my killing intent mixed in it.

The effect was instantaneous as half of the guards immediately fell onto the ground in a crumpled heap, foam spilling out of their mouths.

The rest of them had dropped into a half crouch, all of them shivering from the pressure they felt pressing down on them.

To think Master managed to achieve a much bigger impact on an entire courtyard of people with so little effort back then… As expected of Master!

I went forward and pulled the guard back on his feet, the man still a little dazed from the pressure.

"If I wanted to do something \'nefarious\', you wouldn\'t be able to stop me. You have two choices, either let me go in to find Elder Qing, or tell him to meet me out here."

The guard hesitated for a moment before swallowing, "I… I will go and talk to Elder Qing…"

I dropped him back on the floor and shooed him away, prompting him to make a dash back into the Sect to look for the Elder in question.

I waited there with my arms crossed, ignoring the other guards who were trying to make themselves as small as possible.

Hmph, just a little bit of pressure and they\'re already cowering, good thing the ones back at our timeline were thoroughly trained to not be this spineless.

A few minutes passed before figurehead Qing descended in front of me, looking at me warily.

"Good day, senior," He greeted respectfully, most likely aware of the difference in power between us. "I was told you were looking for me?"

"Yes, you have a disciple with the surname of Lin, correct?"

His brows furrowed, "That is… Correct. Or rather, he used to be my disciple but he\'s independent now. What do you want from disciple Lin?"

Ehehehe~ At least they recognised Master\'s talents and did not seek to restrain Him~ As expected of Master!

I cleared my throat, "He is my Master and I am here to see Him. Before you ask, it is for a private business and I will do whatever I need to do to seek Him, even if I have to resort to violence."

He blinked, "Your… Your master? How--"

"I come from the future where your disciple has already become widely known as the strongest being in the entire world. He had taken me in as a disciple then and I have trained under Master before circumstances made me return here."

He blinked a few more times, "Umm… Forgive me for saying this… But if that\'s true, then… Disciple Lin would not recognise you right now, right?"

Ah… I never considered that.

I was thinking that Master would definitely somehow know who I was and might not even be affected by the time change. Surely that must be the case, right?

I shook my head, "My Master had reached the stage where time manipulation was not beyond His means, it is very likely that my Master could still remember me. I have to try."

"Hmm… When did you return?"

He was most likely referring to when I returned back to this timeline.

"This morning," I answered easily.

"Hmm… I do not remember disciple Lin doing anything out of the ordinary… Do you have anything to prove your words are true?"

"Is the fact that I am powerful enough to flatten this entire Sect without any of you being able to do anything about it not enough?"

He grimaced, "That may be true but it still does not prove that your words are false."

Hmm… I could simply just fight my way in but I suppose I can sympathise with their caution. But what can I say to convince them?

Oh! Of course!

"Master likes to take His tea time exactly two hours after noon and prefers His tea black. Master also likes to take night time walks alone in the garden. Also, Master prefers His underwear in dark colours~" I listed off proudly.

He blinked a few times at me, "These… I suppose you would know this from your time spent with him?"

"Obviously. How else?"

Figurehead Qing looked doubtful but stepped aside anyway, "Very well… I\'ll show you to where he is. But if you were to try to hurt him in any way, the entire Heaven Sect will be your enemy."

I nodded to show my understanding, already knowing that the entire Sect saw Master as their ticket to rising up as the number one Sect, of course they will treat Him well and protect Him like their golden goose.

They had coddled and shielded Master as best as they could, something that my sisters and I were grateful for as it preserved Master\'s innocence and benevolence.

I followed behind figurehead Qing as he led the way into the Sect, stepping past the gates and the still recovering guards.

Wait for me, Master! Your Lian Li is here!!

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