What Do You Mean My Cute Disciples Are Yanderes?

Chapter 1193 The 'Elite' Spies


"Ehehehe~ Aniue is so cool~" Tsuki gushed, finally finishing up on her impromptu photoshoot.

I went ahead to reset the World while she was distracted so that the scenario could begin anew.

The fixed television turned on once more and the same person from before appeared on the screen.

"Good morning Agent L, Agent T. I have new assignments for the two of you. An ancient artefacts has been stolen by the organisation of Wololo. They are believed to be using it to summon up an ancient demon of sorts, so I want the two of you to sneak in and steal the artefact before they can do so."

Tsuki turned to me and made a questioning face, "Wololo? Ancient demon?"

I nodded, letting her know that those were indeed some of the changes I made to this World.

She shrugged and turned her attention back to the screen.

The man, who was actually our handler, continued, "You will be taking the next flight to the land of Weewoowoo and search where exactly Wololo are keeping the artefact. Once you do, take it back from them and return it to us. Understood?"

I nodded, "Yes, sir."

Tsuki suddenly jumped in front of me, "No, no, no! Are you telling me he\'s our superior, Aniue?! I can\'t accept this! Could you make it that you\'re the superior instead?"

The handler frowned at her back, "What are you talking about Agent T?"

My little sister completely ignored him as though he didn\'t exist, which obviously only pissed him off even more.

I needed a second to check if she was really serious about it and it turned out she was.

"But… Wouldn\'t it make no sense for us to be higher rank than the person giving us these missions?"

Tsuki shook her head, "Not at all! We can be their most elite agent! Ummm… So we\'re given a special rank that\'s higher than him!"

"Does it really matter?"

"Yes!!" She affirmed strongly.

Alright then…

I snapped my fingers and altered the reality of this World to fit Tsuki\'s demands before rewinding time again.

This time, instead of turning on and showing the face of the handler straight away, the television instead showed a screen that notified us that he was calling and gave us the choice of answering the call.

I went forward and pushed one of the buttons, causing the screen to change to him.

"Good morning Agent T, Agent L. I hope the both of you are well this morning," He greeted politely, a clear difference in tone as compared to the first time.

Tsuki nodded at him with a contented smile, "Hehe, we are~ So what do you need from us?"

"I have received new orders from HQ, they are seeking your help in retrieving an artefact that an organisation by the name of Wololo has stolen. We believe they are currently hiding in the country of Weewoowoo though we are unsure of their hideout\'s exact location."

I nodded at him, "I suppose you have our flights ready?"

"Naturally. Two first class tickets for the flight this evening. A car will be here to pick both of you up in a few hours."

Tsuki leaned against me suggestively, "Alright, I guess Agent L and I shall be busy with our preparations for the trip~ Do keep us posted~"

Our handler saluted before the screen shut itself off.

Turning back, I found Tsuki looking at me with a shine in her eyes.

"Ehehehe~ We\'re going on a spy mission undercover… Which means we get gadgets and disguises!"

I nodded, "That\'s right. Shall I skip time to us infiltrating the enemy base?"

"And miss out on the journey there?! Of course not, Aniue! We have to experience the journey too!"

Err… Ok… Though I don\'t know what she plans to do for this period of time though…

Tsuki then came forward and pulled my hand, "What are you waiting for, Aniue?! Let\'s go! Let\'s go!"

I was thoroughly confused, "Go? Go where?"

"Isn\'t this where we would get the really cool montage of us picking out guns, testing out gadgets and dressing ourselves up before making a really cool exit and into our car while wearing sunglasses?"


I grinned at her, "I suppose you\'re right. Let\'s go and get our things, Agent T."

She squealed and even jumped up and down excitedly while I pulled her along to the study room.

I pulled one of the books which caused the bookcase to open up and revealed a hidden staircase behind that led to an underground bunker.

Tsuki squealed even louder at the sight of it and rushed down the steps while pulling me along behind her.

I thought Elaria would be the one more excited about such a development than Tsuki but I quickly realised that it would make sense that the two would share similar interests since they were my little sisters.

The lights in the bunker lit up to reveal a shooting range with various different guns stored in the gun racks. On the other side of the shooting range was a special storage room that held gadgets and other weapons of different kinds meant for spies like us.

"Ahhhh!! This is so cool, Aniue!! Please, please, please pose with the guns over there!! Oh wait!! What does this do, Aniue?!"

She picked up a grey capsule and waved it at me.

I smiled and pointed at the centre of the capsule, "Press the button in the centre."

She did as I instructed and the top part of the capsule flipped open to shoot out a metallic blade, forming into a sword.

"Oooohhh~ This is so cool!! How do I store it back?"

"Press it again."

She did and the blade retracted back into the capsule, transforming it back into the unassuming capsule it was before.

"So cool~ What other cool things are there?! Which one should we bring?! Oh! We should just bring everything shouldn\'t we, Aniue?!"

Well… I mean, you already requested to carry over your godhood to this World, so you\'re able to create anything you want which kind of makes bringing all this pointless actually…

But the main thing we were doing here was…

"Ahhhh!!! Aniue!! Lift up that rifle a bit more! Yes, yes!! Look here!! Ahhhhh~ So cool!! So coooool!! Can you pose with this suit next?! Oh, oh!! And hold this sunglasses between your fingers like this!! Ahhhhh!! So cool!!!"

This is less of a mission preparation but more of a photoshoot now…

Oh well, it\'s her date after all so I\'ll just let her do what she wants~

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