What Do You Mean My Cute Disciples Are Yanderes?

Chapter 1244 Rolling Out An Update Patch


"I am Belz! The last Demonic General of the Demon Lord!! You damned Hero! I will kill you right here and now!!"

Eris turned to me, "Is he supposed to be the weakest boss or something, Master?"

"Umm… Not really, he\'s supposed to be the strongest before we reach the demon lord actually."

"Ehhh… But why does he look so weak?"

I turned my gaze back to the giant demon that stood over five times my height, the shiny red skin that I knew was harder than Orichalcum, bulging muscles that were strong enough to flatten mountains and magic potential that could blow up an entire city with a single spell.

Then I turned to look at Eris, the goddess of Paths who could create a path in reality that causes this guy\'s existence to be wiped in the very next second.

Well, when you look at it this way… He certainly does seem weak…

I pointed to him, "Do you want me to buff them or something?"

All four of them nodded.

"If it\'s not too much trouble, Master? He really does seem weak…"

"Yeah! It\'d be boring to fite\' him, Master!"


"This one also humbly requests more of a challenge, Master."

I wasn\'t really expecting them to agree to my suggestion but ok. I\'ll have to change the reality of this World a little bit…

Let me just open up the main menu and change the difficulty settings… Maybe I can combine some things from those other Worlds to make things more interesting… Hmm… This might be a little bit unbalanced… Maybe tweak his attack patterns a little… Give him a little buff here… And since I\'m doing it for him, I\'ll go ahead and patch the demon lord and the other enemies too…

There we go, all done!

Now I just need to roll out the patch by updating this World, guess I\'ll have to do a soft restart on this World.

The World seemed to spin around us before settling back into place.

The giant demon from earlier has now been changed to a demon with six arms and roughly about the same height as me.

Unlike earlier where Eris and the others were dealing with the demon with casual dismissiveness, all of them were now focused on the smaller sized demon in front of us while they gripped their weapons tightly.

Seems like they sensed his anti-divinity aura that negated their divine powers.

"Heh… This is indeed quite a boss Master has given us…" Eris remarked.

"Ahaha, I did my best," I chuckled, being the only one amongst us who was still relaxed. "Don\'t worry, I\'ll also do my best to heal you."

"Oh? Knowing that Master is watching our backs is most reassuring!"

The other three agreed, though they never let the demon out of their sights.

Belz punched his fists together, "Are you all done talking?! I\'m here to make sure you never get to the Demon Lord!"

Eris pointed her sword at him, "We\'re going to beat you up here and now, Belz! I am Eris, the Hero of this World! With my other selves and Master, I will not be defeated here!!"

She\'s really adapting to her role as the hero I see.

The demon let out a roar of challenge which Eris answered with a battle cry of her own.

That was the signal for the battle to start as Eris and Bait charged at the demon while the rest of us supported them from behind.

Laverna shot an arrow at him which he snatched out of the air to throw it at Eris. In return, she lifted her shield and the arrow bounced off the surface with a metallic clang, our hero not slowing her advance in the slightest.

Eris reached the demon first, stabbing her sword towards his exposed chest.

The demon covered himself with an aura of magic and raised his arm, deflecting her attack away. At the same time, two of his six arms reached out to grab her but she countered him by slamming her shield against him to push him away.

On the other side, Bait tried to flank him and raised her sword in an overhead slash. Unfortunately for her, the demon managed to catch her blade with two of his hands before his last hand punched her in the abdomen.

Bait was sent flying away from him and crashed into the wall on the far side of the cavern, creating an imprint of herself on the wall.

The demon then threw the blade he had caught at her, aiming to skewer her with it.

I reacted by creating a barrier of light to protect her, only to have the sword shatter the shield before it could fully materialise. Thankfully, the shield still managed to redirect the sword\'s trajectory a few centimetres away to stab into the cavern wall harmlessly instead of her throat.

I then casted a healing spell which restored Bait to her full health, the swordswoman letting out a growl of annoyance at being slapped aside before leaping up on her feet to rejoin Eris who was still locked in combat with the demon.

Denna finished casting her spell and a giant ball of fire was shot at the demon.

Eris must have received the warning telepathically through their link as she dodged away at the last second before the fireball passed through where she had been, allowing the magic to explode against the demon who had not been expecting the attack.

Though it looked like the demon did take damage, it was not enough to defeat him as he straightened himself to leap at Eris again.

Eris raised her shield and took the brunt of the charge on it, though the blow was enough to send her skidding back a few feet.

Just in case, I went ahead to cast a healing spell on her which should help her ease the numbness in her arm after receiving a blow like that.

She looked up to see the demon charging at her once more and she got ready to meet him again, only to see him leap over her head before charging towards the backline of our formation.

Laverna shot a few arrows at him but all of them were either blocked or deflected away.

Denna tried to cast another fireball but he was smarter this time as he used a piece of earth he broke from the ground to shield himself against it.

Just as he reached us, I stepped in front of my girls and tried to protect them by using my staff as a club to smack against his side, fully expecting to only deal a small bit of damage to him and cause him to be distracted enough that Bait or Eris could catch up.

As my staff came into contact with his side, the demon suddenly exploded into a fountain of gore, his entire top half of his body erased from existence.

Standing right behind the corpse without a torso were Eris and Bait, both of them having skidded to a halt to stare at me with flabbergasted expressions on their faces.

Oh… I errr… I forgot to nerf myself…


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