Seduce The Villainess (GL)

Chapter 54 The Fallen Saintess (50)

(Outer Regions- City of Galrannor)

(Local Temple Of The Varion Church)

"I have something to show you…"

Claire\'s words echoed through the room as the holy knight reached for the letter hidden in the pocket of her tunic.

This was the moment when the truth would be revealed.

Claire\'s fingers trembled slightly as she handed over the letter to Elisa. There was a small part of her that did not want to do this, but she needed to know.

It was just that…

Claire was afraid of hearing the wrong answer.

The former saintess did not know what was happening but when she saw the serious look on Claire\'s face, she knew that this was an important matter.

Elisa gently grabbed the piece of parchment paper and her brows furrowed as she recognised the familiar handwriting.

Her mother? Why had her mother sent a letter to Claire?

Questions surfaced in the dark elf princess\' mind, but she maintained a neutral expression as she read the contents on the letter.

Time slowly passed and the frown on Elisa\'s face deepened.

Claire remained frozen in place as if she were paralysed.

She kept staring at Elisa\'s face desperately trying to see the slightest change in her expression.

The holy knight\'s hands could not stopped shaking and the golden threads as if sensing their master\'s discomfort began to squirm.

Calm down… calm down… calm down…

Claire took in a few deep breaths and gently exhaled. She repeated the process a few times until her agitated mood calmed down.

Elisa finally finished reading the letter and placed down the piece of paper on the side of her bed.

The former saintess nervously cleared her throat but the words that she wanted to say refused to come out.

"Claire… I… I…." Elisa stuttered slightly as she spoke. The enchantment around her body shattered and her true dark elf form could be clearly seen.

What was she going to say?

How could her mother betray her like this?!

No… Claire was going to abandon her… she was going to find out…

Elisa clutched her chest in pain and felt as though the impression that she had made on Claire was about to crumble.

Her loyal knight was going to find out just how much of a monster she was for even considering the use of demons.

Claire stepped forward and grabbed Elisa\'s palm tightly.

The holy knight stared at the nervous former saintess and spoke the words that were hidden in her heart.

"Elisa… you just have to be honest with me. I have touched the golden thread connected to your body and I know that you have done bad things before," Claire spoke gently.

"I know that it must be difficult to be in your position. I\'m not going to judge you for considering the worst option."

"Your people have suffered at the hands of humans, and I promise you that no matters what you say next…"

"I will still help you rescue all the captured dark elves."

"Please just be honest with me."

Sui Li wasn\'t the original Claire.

The months that she had spent with Elisa had made her see clearly the kind of person the former saintess was.

She was someone incredibly brave.

It took a tremendous amount of courage to willingly enter the den of your enemies to rescue your people.

If she was planning to open the portal to hell… then Claire would stop her, but she wasn\'t going to kill her.

Elisa was startled by Claire\'s words of support and looked into the holy knight\'s eyes as if searching for something.

The dark elf princess laughed sadly and leaned forward. Claire had no time to react before a pair of soft lips crashed against her own.

Elisa gently stroked the side of Claire\'s left cheek and deepened the kiss. Her tongue entered the inexperienced Claire\'s mouth and playfully explored and played.

Claire leaked out a quiet moan as Elisa continued to hungrily kiss her with a desperate need and want.

Finally, the former saintess broke the kiss and leaned back against the corner of her bed with a fierce blush spread across her cheeks.

Seeing the dumbfounded look on Claire\'s face as the holy knight had just been kissed silly brought a small smile to Elisa\'s lips.

Elisa curled up her fingers into a fist and gathered up the courage in her heart.

Even if Claire rejected her now… no… there would be no rejection.

Claire was hers. She had to be hers.

Elisa closed her eyes and briefly hid the possessiveness that briefly surfaced in her gaze. She didn\'t want to scare off her future consort.

"It\'s true," Elisa quietly spoke as she stared into Claire\'s golden eyes.

"There is a prophecy that says that I will be the one to usher in a new era where humanity will be destroyed, and the foreign races will rise."

"I have been told all my life that it is my responsibility to fulfil this prophecy and summon the portals that will link to hell."

There was a moment of silence in the room as Claire did not know how to react.

Everything that she had assumed up to now appeared to be false.

If Elisa was the one prophesied to bring about the end of humanity, then it was most likely that she was the person responsibility for the bloodshed in the original timeline.

What about Saintess Marie? Was she not the villainess then?

And the taste of Elisa\'s lips…

That last thought surfaced involuntarily as Claire recalled the passion that Elisa had shown just a few moments ago.

"Okay… but… do you still want to follow the prophecy?" Claire tentatively asked as her golden eyes shone with a strange luster.

"If you had asked me that question a few months ago… then I would have said yes," Elisa truthfully spoke as she stared off into the distance.

"But… can the demons truly be trusted? I cannot rest at ease if I simply send my people from one dangerous situation to the other."

"And more importantly… you… you changed my mind. Maybe humans… aren\'t all evil."

"I will find a way to restore my people\'s strength, but I will do it with my own ability."

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