Rise of the Dark Alpha

Chapter 66 - Culture Shock

"I can\'t even speak to them without them thinking that I\'m receiving their interest?" she asked, incredulous.

"Not one on one," Kyelle corrected. She had become brighter and warmer as she\'d warmed up to her subject and they\'d moved away from Zev. She seemed to truly want to help Sasha understand. Sasha just hoped she could remember it all. "If you sit at a meal or a gathering, where a group is discussing something, you are relatively safe—though it\'s probably better not to smile at anyone. And definitely don\'t meet their eyes if they preen."


"You know, show themselves off. Display their bodies, or feats of strength. Or if they bring you something they\'ve made."

Sasha\'s mouth fell open. "Display their bodies?" she repeated dumbly, her mind suddenly filled with images of walking into the village to find a herd of tall, muscular men stripping their clothes off and flexing. A snort of laughter broke in her throat and she tried to swallow it, but just ended up making spluttering noises.

Kyelle grinned. "Surely males have preened for you before?"

"Well, sure," Sasha laughed. "But the human guys are a little more… subtle." Only a little, when she thought about it. Her laughter died quickly, though. "I just… I\'m so worried I won\'t think and I\'ll accidentally give someone a signal. Are you certain I can ignore them without offending them? Maybe that\'s the best way to make sure I don\'t slip up. I\'ll just ignore all of them?"

"All of them but the Alphas," Kyelle reminded her. "Those have to be acknowledged, but you can simply meet their eyes and nod, then turn away. Don\'t smile or speak to them unless you want to encourage the interest."

"But… how will I know if they\'re an Alpha?"

"You\'ll know because the other males will submit to them. When an Alpha displays the others will remain behind him."

Sasha shook her head. "I just feel so out of my depth. I never thought I\'d have to navigate this without Zev," she said, then could have slapped herself for the startled look that crossed Kyelle\'s face—followed by the woman averting her eyes again and turning away.

She was about to apologize again when Kyelle stood and wiped her hands on her thighs. "Well, I know that Zev is strong enough to fight his way back for you," she said finally, still not meeting Sasha\'s eye. "So… perhaps your focus should be not on how difficult it is to learn quickly, but on being the female who is strong enough to deserve him."

Then she turned and locked eyes with Sasha, who was completely off-guard.

For a moment her stomach twisted exactly the way it had back in high school when the popular girls would corner her and ask her how she\'d held onto such a hot boyfriend. For a split second she wanted to cower as she had back then—because their questions were her questions too.

But then something in her chest flared.

She was a grown-ass woman. She had held onto herself even in the loss of Zev. And he had come back for her. If he\'d been close to this woman, well, she\'d been close to a guy since they broke up too.

But not anymore. Now she was here—wherever "here" was—and she needed him. And it sounded like he needed her, too.

"You\'re right," she said, standing. Kyelle was several inches taller than her, but Sasha held her gaze. "I am strong enough to do this. Thank you for your advice. I need it. If you know anything else that might help me, tell me, I\'ll listen. But other than that… you\'re right. He\'s mine, and I\'ll protect him, and myself, as best I can until this all plays out. Thank you. Sometimes I need a swift kick up the ass."

Kyelle blinked, then a smile grew on her face. She really was quiet pretty. She nodded and turned for the kitchen, breaking eye contact as Sasha stood there, heart pounding.

"You must be hungry," she said gently. "It\'s lunchtime. Can I get you a—"

A hammering knock sounded on the door, startling Sasha. But Kyelle just looked towards it, rolling her eyes. "He really doesn\'t know his own strength," she said with an affectionate smile. Then she hurried across the room to the front door, pulling it open. "Yhet!"

"How are you doing?"

"We\'ve covered the basics. I think she will be able to handle it. Did you want some lunch?"

"Thank you, Kyelle, but I think I need to take her to the meal so there\'s no accusation of her trying to find him."

"Yes, that\'s probably wise," Kyelle said without any hint of sadness, Sasha noted. "While you two eat I\'ll see about a home. I\'m assuming you\'d like your own space?" Kyelle said turning to face her.

"Yes," she said thoughtlessly. She always preferred to live alone. But did she really want that here?

"Can you see if there\'s anything on the edges, Kyelle? I don\'t want to make it easy for them to find her—and that way I can move around some without bothering people."

"Of course, of course," she said, leaning out the door to pat Yhet\'s shoulder. "You\'re a good friend, Yhet. Zev must be so grateful."

The man\'s already rugged face reddened, and Sasha grinned. He really was a sweetheart.

Then Yhet beckoned her forward and she walked to Kyelle\'s side at the doorway.

"Are you ready?" he asked pleasantly.

Sasha nodded. "Were you able to find Zev and give him the bag?"

"I did. He is well and prepared. He\'s set up in the cave," Yhet said with a cautious glance at Kyelle. "But I imagine we\'ll be seeing more of him before too long. Once he\'s eaten."

Kyelle nodded.

Sasha was confused. "But I thought he wasn\'t allowed in the village?"

"He can go wherever he wishes, but he won\'t be acknowledged," Kyelle explained.

"Until he forces one of them to see him," Yhet said darkly.

They both gave little sighs.

Oh, right, Sasha remembered. The fighting.

Then she sighed as well.

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