Legacy of the Betelgeuse

Chapter 150

Kingstar and all the players watched Trevor freefalling from the thing he was riding on. They squinted their eyes and tried to see him from down below. They couldn\'t see much, but they could see Trevor\'s chained sickle shine from the moonlight reflection. Trevor swung his sickle and hard and fast as he could then it hit Shazjae\'s cheek. Trevor then pulled his sickle while spinning and swinging the chained sickle to Shazjae\'s face and hit its eye.

The sounds of Trevor\'s sickle hitting Shazjae\'s skin could be heard by all the players. Trevor kept attacking Shazjae and flew around riding a wolf that looked like a mythical beast. He lured Shazjae back to the center of the city while dealing damage to him. That was the first time so see Shazjae used his massive hand, and it was terrifying to look at.

The wolf released smoke kind of mist that filled with some kind of shiny blue crystals that looked like a snow crystal. The wolf flew around Shazjae\'s legs while Trevor stood on Shazjae\'s shoulder and used everything he got to distract him. The mist extinguished the raging flame from the acid in an instant. They had no idea how cold the mist could be since they were far away from the fight.

Kingstar ran back to see the battle and also to check on Ivonna\'s condition. He saw Ivonna is still laying on the ground dead. He approached her and tried to resurrect her, but when he did that, a notification appeared.

[Player cannot be resurrected]

Aspen, Chelsea, Emma, Grisell, and Francesca looked at Kingstar and Ivonna, then Kingstar shook his head.

"Protect Ivonna no matter what. I don\'t know for how long is she going to be dead, but we have to stay here and protect her."

Francesca scoffed.

"You don\'t have to tell me that."

Kingstar looked at the rest of the players and stood up.

"The rest of you, go and check the ballistae and catapults. We are going to help Trevor on dealing with Shazjae."

They all nodded and ran as fast as they could to find the catapults and ballistae that are still functioning or can easily be repaired with Grisell. As they ran to check the ballistae and catapults, they watched Trevor jumping and swinging around Shazjae\'s neck with his chained sickle. They watched him like a character from an anime, he moved impossibly fast. They also noticed that some part of Shazjae\'s skin is burning and it looks like an incision wound, from the neck, cheeks, and shoulders.

Hans watched Trevor using his [Eagle Eyes] skill to be able to see from far away. He looked at Trevor\'s hands that are burning and he knew it\'s because of the legendary gauntlets he got from the legendary box. Trevor swung around Shazjae\'s neck by stabbing his sickle into Shazjae\'s skin, but then Trevor pulled the sickle and he\'s free-falling. When he was about to touch the ground, he landed on the wolf\'s back. He kept doing that over and over.

Hans informed the situation by messaging Leonardo who is at the tower. Leonardo thought that Trevor did that for a reason, and then took the opportunity that Trevor has made for them. Even though he couldn\'t see the legs, he believed what Hans wrote. Leonardo then pointed at Shazjae\'s feet.

"Aim for his legs! The skin is totally frozen from the wolf\'s skill! It will be easier for us to pierce through its skin thanks to that."

They loaded the ballistae and catapults with a steel bolt, then they waited for Leonardo\'s command. Leonardo was messaging Gunther and Reinhardt who are on the other side of the city. Leonardo wanted to shoot all the bolts at the same time so it will be more efficient. Gunther and Reinhardt received Leonardo\'s message, they both immediately ordered all their teams to load the ballistae.

When Gunther and Reinhardt\'s teams loaded all the ballistae and catapults, they both raised their hands and told them to wait for the signal from Leonardo. Leonardo then sent the signal into the sky. Both of them immediately pointed their hands at Shazjae\'s feet.


Kingstar and the others who stood on the ground heard the whistling sound coming from all around them. They all looked up and saw hundreds of steel bolts were shot from the walls and towers. Hundreds of steel bolts hit Shazjae\'s feet from all directions. Loud cracking sounds came from where Shazjae is at, and he started to growl in pain. Shazjae looked at the walls and towers and he grabbed a boulder on the ground and readied to throw it at one of them.

Hans, Leonardo, Reinhardt, and Gunther were watching Shazjae\'s movement and nervously waiting which one of them that will be targeted by Shazjae. When Shazjae pulled his hand ready to throw the boulder. Shazjae\'s head pointed in Hans\'s direction. Hans without hesitation screamed.

"Everyone! Run!"

Hans looked at Shazjae while running for his life, but then something happened to Shazjae\'s hand as if someone or something pulled his hand back and dragged it downward. Hans stopped all his team from running and told them to go back to their position. Hans used his [Eagle Eyes] skill again and checked what happened. Turned out, Trevor wrapped his chained sickle to one of its fingers and tried to pull his hand down, but what can a small creature like him do toward a gigantic creature like Shazjae, but Hans still couldn\'t believe that Trevor managed to hold him off.

A message appeared in front of Hans, it was from Leonardo, and told him to reload all the ballistae and catapults. Leonardo also said to keep on shooting Shazjae until there is no more ammo left. Hans then ordered all the players to prepare all the bolts and stones for the ballistae and catapults.

Kingstar looked around with anxiety, but then a message appeared from Grisell saying that all the ballistae are functioning now. Kingstar\'s face brightened and smiled widely. He then ordered Grisell to load all the ballistae and catapults and told her to wait for the signal before shoot all of them. Grisell knew about it and she already loaded all the weapons.

Leonardo then checked on the others\' situation. When he received messages from everyone he sent another flare into the sky. The sound of strings shooting the bolts and boulders was like the sound of victory for all of them. Leonardo was surprised when he saw so many bolts and boulders were shot from the ground, he smiled and nodded with excitement.

Trevor couldn\'t hold it for any longer, but then he saw hundreds of bolts and boulders hitting Shazjae\'s legs. Trevor then swung and pulled himself up onto Shazjae\'s palm. He looked at the fingers that looked like a tall building. He grabbed his scythe and used [Shadow of Death] and summoned a big shadow on his back, then he switched to chained sickles again and used [Afterimages]. Trevor swung his chained sickles as fast and strong as he could.






and then...


Trevor\'s sickle that was made by Grisell broke and shattered into pieces. Trevor wasn\'t surprised since the exoskeleton is way stronger than the steel and materials of the sickle. Trevor kept on attacking Shazjae\'s finger using Ezira\'s Sickle that\'s still as strong as when he forged it. Slowly but surely, he managed to pierce through his skin, and then...


A chunk of Shazjae\'s index finger part just flew away. Trevor smirked.

"It seems that my legendary weapon is still stronger than your exoskeleton."

Trevor kept attacking the finger, while the others bombard Shazjae with bolts and boulders. Suddenly, Trevor felt that Shazja\'s body is trembling, and not long after that, his body started to fall. Trevor was surprised because he never thought that Shazjae would fall by a mere attack.

Trevor jumped onto Azrael\'s back and he looked at Shazjae who is falling to the ground so slowly. Not just him, but all the players were looking at Shazjae falling to the ground with their mouths and eyes wide open. Then all of them screamed in joy while clenching their fists up in the air.

A screen appeared in front of every player.

[Hidden Quest (Completed)]

[Congratulation! You managed to bring down Shazjae! Your efforts and hard works will not be ignored by Betelgeuse!]

[10 Status points received!]

[Unique Title "Nothing is Impossible" obtained!]

[Shazjae is weakened!]

Kingstar raised his sword and then pointed at Shazjae.

"This is our moment! All of you, charge!"

Everyone screamed while raising their weapons high up in the air.

They looked up and see the wolf and Trevor are diving at full speed toward Shazjae\'s body that is laying inside the underground. A blazing flame came out from Trevor\'s hands and on the chained sickle.


A cloud of smoke appeared as soon as Trevor hit Shazjae.

When the cloud of smoke disappeared, everyone was shocked to see Shazjae\'s hand is clenched in front of his face. It looked like he smashed Trevor with his palm, everyone is surprised and see the giant hand came out from the underground.

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