New Game+

Chapter 170 - Landing In China

The crash was intense and painful. But barely before they can even recover from their dizziness, the system had announced that the pod would explode.

The trio rummaged out of their area and ran outside.

As they left the pod, they noticed trees and high marshes as well as the sounds of birds and insects.

They were in the jungle.

The group did not pause but continued to run further to escape the explosion.

Suddenly, a muffled sound was heard as the small pod which held all three of them started to melt.

"Pangean Eradication." The only woman of the three identified the tech that destroyed the pod.

The Pod disappeared as the traces of it quickly became black ashes.

"Where are we?" The woman asked.

"This is somewhere north of China. Based on the weather, the plant life here, and the existence of those plants, I\'d say it was in the Great Mongolian Forest. Mordor should be over there." The burly man suddenly pointed out to the distance.

"Why are we here? Where did he drop us off? And why did he do it?" The woman angrily demanded.

"To test us. Cheryl, Oark." A thin man spoke to call their attention.

"I had a conversation with him before he dropped us off here. You might have noticed it. Our bodies should be stronger than normal people. Our exit from that pod was proof. We were able to easily tear away those seatbelts with our bare hands." Madison finally spoke.

"Why are we here in Mongolia?" Oark asked. He was slightly calmer than Cheryl and had an attentive look.

"He gave us a mission. He revealed to me terrifying secrets which I will later share as we go along. But what you need to know, is that if we do not complete our mission, within three days, he will kill you two. A chip has been planted in your heart."

"Us two?! What about you?"

"He already wanted me in his team. This test is for you both. He opted to turn you into Programmed Slaves who will kill certain politicians and world elites. But this path would have been your death as you would then be tossed aside and become scapegoats. I petitioned to keep you alive." Madison answered.

"I recall that Seeker had some particular interest over you when we fought him. Madison, what\'s going on? And why have you opted to save us both." Oark gave him a suspicious look.

"For you, Oark, it\'s because we\'ve worked and fought against each other several times. But in all of those cases, you always did not make great efforts to kill me. And I had done the same for you."

"It\'s because we feared each other. You are a brilliant strategist in the Underworld."

"Yes. The feeling is mutual. I both feared and respected you and would be at ease to know if we would be doing a mission together. In a way, you could say that our numerous team-ups and clashes could easily make us friends. The state of the world will be in such chaos that I need allies like you to survive. I know your capability; he didn\'t think much of it. That\'s why I asked him to save you two. So he gave us this chance to prove it."

Oark was silent.

"I respect you enough to follow. If you think that, I\'m sure you have your reasons. What\'s the mission?"

"Wait! What about me? Why am I here?" Cheryl finally asked.

Madison momentarily hesitated but he knew time was against him.

"It\'s because I\'ve always loved you. And although I would love to talk with you about this, we have a mission to do. The first base nearby is a military base operated by the Russians. As Oark noticed, we are near Mordor. This gives us a better chance of finding the base."

"So Seeker\'s working with the Chinese? Or is it Arabs?"

"None of them. Our mission is to attack both the Russians and the Chinese make it look like the Arabs did it."

"Two bases? What weapons did he give us?" Cheryl maintained her composure. But her eyes looked at Madison differently. No matter her ice-cold nature, she could not help but reveal small glimpses of pure joy that had glowed on her face.

"Seeker gave us no weapons. He gave us the Unlocking. That drug he gave us which caused us great pain during the flight was something that enhanced our senses. We are different from before. We will use this advantage to steal their weapons. Any weapons we might use could be detected. We don\'t want that. We want mystery and conspiracy. Two bases destroyed, and no technological possibilities present that could help the WGP or whoever identifies which country attacked."

"Then people will doubt the untouched base in the area," Oark concluded.

"Yes. Our goal is to cause this chaos. Regardless of how the world reacts, it will create some doubts and confusion. On the first day, let\'s explore our new capacities as soldiers. As you noticed, Seeker gave us nothing but a common set of clothes on our back. But if what we can acquire would be just half of what he has shown us when he attacked us, then honestly… this mission should be a piece of cake."

"Alright. Then let\'s go look for the base. Along the way, you better tell us what\'s going on."

"I\'ll tell you. But I\'m not sure you\'d believe it… Even I don\'t believe it." Madison mumbled as he started sprinting.

As the three people rushed off, a plane had just landed on a certain airport.

World-famous political personality and actress, Amanda Bright used her connections to give her a free ride in and out of Pangea before people could notice her. But her return trip proved chaotic.

Seeker remained seated as the plane landed. He looked outside and waited.

On his trip going to China, the plane was asked to circle and there were issues on various airports forcing the plane to move further and further north. The plane was finally forced to land. During this period of making the plane move further north and due to air-traffic operations, the plane had to circle about before discreetly dropping off a small pod somewhere in the vast snowy mountains of Mongolia.

Several military drones caught the pod and move further north dropping the package into the largest forest that man had grown. The Great Mongolian Forest. The operation involved a lot of precise execution to hide the dropped package and to ensure that the WGP or the Aragarians wouldn\'t notice the strange actions.

Amanda was strangely allowed to walk around the airplane. Although Seeker ignored her for the great majority of the flight as he was focused on talking with Madison, the information that she overheard shocked her.

Aliens? Unbecoming and Inhumans? A Future war? It was all too mysterious. But the existence of Seeker sitting casually with the dangerous Madison listening to every word he said was such a strong proof that she could only remain silent. The fear on her heart continued to grow as terrifying plans were being uttered. He witnessed the dropping of Madison\'s pod and how a strange military drone appeared and carried it towards the Great Mongolian Forest.

All these things she witnessed and understood that the young man she wanted as a sex toy was a monstrous being.

As the plane landed, she could not help but ponder what of her faith. Why was she left unharmed?

"I suppose… that seducing you wouldn\'t be of any help." She gathered her courage and approached Seeker who was relaxing.

Seeker glanced at her and simply snickered.

"Amanda… You\'re probably among the top most beautiful women in the world. But to the Unlock… it\'s honestly useless. We have greater control over our urges and emotions. Unless you become unlocked, your taste and overall brand will always be one step lower. In fact, for people of my standing, I may prefer someone who is Unlocked but is a bit uglier than you."

"So your kind don\'t find me attractive?" Amanda asked carefully.

"We still do. But I guess people like me would feel that you\'re inferior. I mean you do have inferior pheromones. People who are Unlocked are generally more attractive. Normal folks call it sex appeal I guess."

"Why are you keeping me alive then? You don\'t find me attractive, you have already taken control of my money, what more do you want?" Amanda finally screamed.

"To blame you of course. In a short while, the Chinese army will raid this place. They will receive reports of possible Arabian attacks of people infiltrating. You\'re here… in a place where you\'re not supposed to be. Considering your involvement in European politics things should get messy. New Great Britain would probably blame the European United Nations and further create tensions in war. China will blame you, the Arabs will deny you… Frankly even I don\'t know the chaos of what would happen after they see you."

Amanda felt as if her stomach were turning. She was silent and had a blank expression on her face.

Seeker stopped talking noticing her lost expression. After a few seconds when she seemed to have some life on her, Seeker finally continued.

"You have two choices. You could choose to play along with my plan or go against it. Know that if you try to expose me, you\'d get killed immediately. We could just kill you after all. It would be more beneficial for me if you\'re dead. They\'d find your body and they can frame it all… It would be impossible for people to conclude that you were kidnapped given your last locations…"

Amanda shivered.

"Why haven\'t you killed me then?"

"It seems that I have underestimated scum like you. First was Harker and his daughter. Who knew that they\'d be so helpful? Then there\'s Madison. That Oark seemed rather formidable as well. And Cheryl seemed to have an interesting skill. A little push is all it would take for them to find their Road. And while I don\'t carry any hopes of your usefulness… I\'ll still give you a chance. What can you offer me? I want to start a Continental War or something that will make the WGP more aggressive. What can you offer?" Seeker calmly spoke.

"I can- I can-" Amanda was stuttering.

"Contacts of politicians! I can give you access to various people in the European nation!"

"What else? Those things are not impressive. Doctor Lennox can get those if he exerts a bit of effort."

"Rumors! Secrets of the Underworld and the people that take part in them! I can give you the dirt on all officials."

"Harker is my subordinate. You think I don\'t have those?"

"I can seduce more people! You and your kind might not be affected, but I can get politicians, religions leaders, generals and so on to get those!"

"Meryl Mikado. She\'s far beautiful than you. She works for me."

"Money! Access! The Ponzi schemes I manage! The corporations I own! My stocks and shares and direct connections to the makers of Pokemon! You\'re a gamer right! I can give you access to the unreleased games! Connections to the royal line of Europe! Diamonds, golds, and whatever jewels!" Amanda listed everything she knew that could attract Seeker.

"Pokemon you say…" Seeker smiled.

"Po-Pokemon?" Amanda was stunned that that drew Seeker\'s attention.

"Can you help me get a meeting with the top people managing the current Pokemon games? And it has to be a secret meeting." Seeker smiled.

"Ye-yes! If I can get out of China, I\'ll definitely-"

"Alright then. I promise you, you will live through China."

At that moment several Exoskeletons and thanks and soldiers appeared and surrounded the plane.

Seeker wore a military outfit that matched the uniform of the soldiers.

The soldiers went in and raided the plane.

As the soldiers entered the plane, they paused and saluted Seeker Carlean.

"General Seeker Carlean. We will be escorting you and your men to Mongolia. General Greydon and Nogard are waiting for you."

"Alright. Amanda\'s team are on the other room. Kill some of them and make it look like they resisted. Keep Amanda alive but beat her up first. Make her a priority prisoner." Seeker ordered as he left.

"What?! Seeker you-" Amanda shouted but the soldiers suddenly struck her and gagged her.

Several gunshots were heard inside the plane.

The soldiers outside went into full alert as several soldiers were going out, while others were going in.

Seeker and another soldier had moved out and although they were in plain sight, the attention of the media who were already taping the occurrence had their attention in the few opened window of the aircraft.

"Report," Seeker ordered.

"We have received several important messages from Harker has been received. Lieutenant Sting, One and Force will be escorting you to the base."

The soldier led Seeker to a van that was waiting outside the airport.

Seeker sat down and was greeted by the three Fangs.

"Young Master, Seeker. It\'s good to finally see you."

"Sting. I see you\'ve healed your eyes. Nice pun by the way. But why did you do it? You might have gotten better without your sight."

"I felt that the opposite would have been better, young master. Master Nogard has taught me interesting tricks."

"Oh? I\'m looking forward to meeting him."

"Young Master. Message from Harker. He has kept both students, Lara and Charm as you have suggested. Harker used Charm\'s position as the True Inheritor to redirect Lara\'s suspicion. It was revealed that True Inheritors are a distant relative to the WGP."

"Wait… Charm\'s a distant relative of the WGP?" Seeker was shocked.

"That Cliff! He hid it from me and only told Harker!" Seeker cursed.

"The Novelty-Blastoise clan is related to the WGP?" One was intrigued. Even for them in the Underworld, this was big news.

"You could say that it\'s a vassal branch of some sort. It\'s a long story. Let\'s go."

Seeker then rode the car and left the airport.

Amanda\'s capture was all over the news. 

"The flight of this plane was very suspicious. It circled China almost reaching Mongolia itself. This plane had just left Pangea. It means that for whatever reason, Amanda may have visited Pangea during these last days. But we have yet to find out why. The Pangean Government had also denied any knowledge of Amanda\'s visit. With the recent attack on Harker, they are guarded and have decided to shut down all international flights for the next months. Even medical aid has been rejected." A Chinese official answered during the report.

"All of this to hide your arrival here." One laughed as he listened on the news.

"It isn\'t just to hide. It\'s perfect. The best plans are ones that do not cover up one thing, but dozens. In this act of chaos, we hid my arrival, sent forces that would attack Russian and Chinese bases, create panic in Pangea blocking all arrivals thereby isolating the Aragarian known as Lara. This will also give Harker more reasons to keep Lara confined and thereby delay her in possibly alerting the other Aragarians. This delay will cause wariness and possible impatience on the Aragarians out there. And we might finally fish out another Presider. Of course… these are but the most basic of our purposes." Seeker smiled.

It was then that a priority message was shown on Seeker\'s phone.

Seeker perused it and after reaching the end of the message, Seeker had a strange expression.

"Is something wrong, Young Master?" Sting inquired.

"A WGP Fleet Admiral is trying to blackmail Lowengren and Alean."

There was silence.

"I\'m sorry Young Master. You mean… Lowengren… As in Sebastian Hoross?" Force confirmed.


"Young Master Sebastian Hoross, who is Lowengren. The leader of Warfreakz. He who Treads in the Council of the Wicked?"

"The very same."

Force and One had a strange expression.

"And the other one is Alean. That is Alean Cipril. Daughter of Harker Cipril."

"Again, you are right."

Force and One glanced at each other. They then nodded together in understanding.

They took out some incense sticks and sat on the other end of the car where they prayed to their ancestors pleading them to aid the strangers who dared blackmail the Demonic Pair.

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