Reborn: Rise of the Greatest Summoner

Chapter 36 Near-Death Experience

Predator obeyed this order only for 1 full day. Bored to death already, the Nightmare Beast nudged Lucky and getting no reaction, went out hunting.

The past 3 days were the most exciting and carefree in its life since it became a contracted beast. Free again, Predator got to hunt to his satisfaction.

Its dark shadow already became a horror sight in the forest.

Today, after a satisfying and fruitful hunting session where it enjoyed itself, Predator swaggered back to the clearing where Legolas left it and Lucky.

On getting there though, Predator paused as it directed a puzzled look at the airbag. A large hole was now torn through the airbag, and a yellow hairy body could be seen poking out of the hole.

That was Lucky but the question was, when did Lucky become so big?

Curious and excited, Predator ran closer as he kept on nudging at the yellow Fox with his nose to no avail as Lucky failed to give a reaction.

For some reason, Lucky grew big out of nowhere but it was still enjoying its weeks-long nap. Predator soon grew bored but as it was about to fall asleep, a familiar rainbow bridge appeared through which Legolas came out.


Predator soon started growling though as its master did not return alone, but he returned with a huge Wolf that seemed like a formidable opponent.

The only reason why it didn\'t pounce on the wolf yet was that it felt a weird sense of kinship with this wolf which was something that it could not understand.

"Ugh!" Legolas groaned as he rolled on the floor.

The journey to and back from the beast plane was not as smooth-going as he expected. His plan was nice and he was experienced enough to implement it, what he failed to account for was the lack of Lucky\'s presence for her incredible luck.

Without the element of luck, an endeavor that should have been pretty straightforward became a deadly encounter.

At this moment, Legolas felt dizzy and lightheaded as it seemed that all blood was drained from his body. The Wraith Wolf did this to him.

The most lethal weapon of Wraith Wolfs was their undead energy. When injured by them and infected with undead energy, without immunity, that part of the skin starts decaying in mere minutes.

In an hour without treatment, a Grade E superhuman dies.

At the moment of him jumping into the rainbow bridge with the Wind Wolf, the Wraith Wolf clawed him on his right cheek. At this moment, Legolas\'s face already started decaying as he felt the life draining out of him.

Even as Predator and the Wind Wolf kept on growling at each other, he could not respond to them as he was weak and his life was currently in danger.

There were a lot of ways to cure the decay caused by undead energy. The closest formula that Legolas could access in the forest was Quantum leaves mixed with red rap fruits and the monster core of an undead beast.

Legolas could get the Quantum leaves and red rap fruits in this forest, but as for the monster core of an undead beast, this was something he could not get now.

Every second that passed, Legolas felt his life force draining. "F*ck it!"

Out of options, Legolas could only resort to one other option in this moment of desperation. He tapped the grey apple tattoo on his wrist and instantly his consciousness left his body to the grey world.

In there, Legolas sent an emergency message through the World to the Star.

The message entailed that he was caught in a battle somewhere and was injured, he needed urgent help in the form of the monster core of an undead beast.

Legolas did not know what would be the outcome of this but he continued fighting for his life.

While ignoring the 2 growling beasts, he crawled deeper into the forest and found the Quantum leaves and red rap fruits after 30 minutes of searching.

By now, there was still no response from the Star and his face already started deforming, Legolas despaired.

Despite all this, he kept on hoping against all hope as he jammed the fruits and leaves together into a perfect mix. He added a drop of water to make it sticky before praying and waiting for a miracle.

If a Summoner died, his contracted and summoned beast also died.

By now, the injured Wind Wolf and Predator already noticed the signs as they forgot growling and came to Legolas\'s side with bestial expressions filled with worry.

They constantly whimpered but Legolas was too weak to respond.

The time continued counting without a reply from the Star.

It was 40 minutes already since he was infected, no response…

50 minutes, still no response…

55 minutes, still no response…

By now, Legolas already hovered between the point of consciousness and unconsciousness as he laughed inwardly. \'What a pathetic way for a legend to die\'.

It was at the 57th minute that his grey tattoo finally responded, the Star finally prayed and the monster core of an undead beast was delivered.

The monster core appeared in the real world, but Legolas was already too weak to make use of it. Predator and the Wind Wolf were left staring.

The Wind Wolf was completely clueless, but as for Predator, having seen Legolas making different miraculous potions and drinking them, it got an idea.

Predator grabbed the monster core with its teeth, crushed it, and threw it into the mix of leaves, fruits, and water. Instantly, the mixture sizzled before turning dark green.

Predator grabbed the mixture and shoved everything into its master\'s mouth, Legolas swallowed even as he lost consciousness at the same time.


You have been affected by an undead energy decay!

You have ingested the Reverse-decay mixture!

Calculating resistance and mixture efficacy…, calculation complete!

Undead energy decay has been stopped…

Commencing undead energy purging…


For 2 full hours, Legolas stayed unconscious as the Reverse-decay mixture worked its wonders while the 2 Grade E beasts watched worriedly.

During these 2 hours, the decay on his face disappeared as he slowly started recovering. Once the decay disappeared fully, the effects of the Ultimate Man Potion formula also disappeared as Legolas returned to his 15-year-old self.

This was when his eyes finally snapped open.

"Haaa!" Legolas gasped for breath.

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