Reborn: Rise of the Greatest Summoner

Chapter 190 Master Alchemist Legolas


Each booming sound that reverberated were signs of this dying Elemental plane. Originally, after losing its element core, the Ice Elemental plane was supposed to last a week before dying but its expectancy time was reduced.

Its time was reduced due to the battle that ravaged through its body.

Each clash from these Grade C beasts and monsters accelerated its death, the gigantic collisions of energy rapidly ate at its vitality.

In the end, the beasts at the lower spectrum of the food chain suffered the most. Most of the beasts already died as the world died, the few others had nowhere to escape to as they just kept on running like headless chicken.

Far away from the heart of the war between the Frost Giants and the Yeti Monsters, a small black cat with glowing purple intelligent eyes watched alertly.

For some reason, it felt like it was being watched.

As the feeling grew, making it feel more uncomfortable, it finally decided to escape but it was already too late, its hunters made themselves available.


With Poseidon\'s Fury, Blade rushed out in pursuit of the cat.

Riding on top Leo with Brutus following behind, Christensen reprimanded the Shadow Hound even as he helped Blade to hunt the cat.

Like Brutus, the Nine-lives cat also had shadow affinity.

As soon as it felt the Pugilist energy eruption, without hesitation, this cat already opened a small shadow portal to slip away but Brutus was one step ahead.

Like a cop, Brutus nabbed the cat before he could escape, turning the shadow energy in the portal chaotic as it dissipated into chaotic shadow energy.

The cat panicked at first but its expression changed as for the first time since feeling the Pugilist energy, it finally turned around to look at its hunters as its intelligent purple eyes flickered.

A question entered this cat\'s mind. \'The world is dying, shouldn\'t these humans be also thinking of escaping? Or can they…?\'

Its eyes shone in understanding the next moment as the look which it gave the humans changed, then the next moment it surrendered and bowed its head.

Blade\'s eyes widened in surprise on seeing the action of the cat, he was confused but the cat detecting this clarified before he could be killed.

"Human, what do you want with me? I will help you, just don\'t kill me".

"…" Blade and Christensen looked at this cat in confusion.

Blade became alert the next moment. "Is this a reverse-psychology trick?"

The cat calmly looked at them. "It is not".

"We want your genitals". Christensen finally spoke.


The cat was taken aback at first but he soon nodded.

Blade\'s eyes widened. "You\'re willing…?"

"Yes". The cat answered before he could finish. "I am a cat with Nine lives, even if you take my genitals, all I need is to sacrifice one of my lives and I will be reborn as a complete cat with genitals again".

"What do you want?" Blade\'s eyes narrowed.

"Master is waiting". Christensen urged him.

"Wait". Blade was the patient one this time.

The cat looked at this human, then at the surrounding world. "As you can see, I have no future in this world anymore".

"I\'ve seen you humans in action before, I know you can leave our plane. Help me escape the disaster befalling my world, and in exchange not only will I willingly give you my genitals, I promise to also become your pet for life".

Blade\'s eyes widened in surprise.

"Master is waiting". Christensen urged.

Blade finally nodded his head. "Deal".


Loud sizzling sounds reverberated as Legolas worked on 2 potions.

Working as fast as he could without compromising the integrity of the potions, he already succeeded in making them, only the final ingredients from his students were required for these 2 potions to come to life.

These 2 potions were some of the most potent potions that became available to players in later versions, the Life-drain reverse potion and the Ice Dragon.

They were called potions, but they had the effects of poisons.

The Life-drain reverse potion worked like a poison, when ingested into a beast or human through any means, instantly they enter the bleeding state. Every second, they lose ridiculous amounts of health till death.

The only cure was the Ultimate Vitality potion. The Life-drain and Ultimate Vitality potion were claimed after Version 3\'s main villain was killed.

As for the Ice Dragon potion, it only worked on beasts with frost affinity and once ingested, it worked like the chaotic mana bullets. Like a poison, it infiltrates a beast\'s DNA and messes with their natural control over the ice element.

As Legolas observed for 3 days, cracking to the deepest parts of his brain, these were the best 2 alternatives that he arrived at to subdue this mythical beast.

And even with all these, he was still not confident.

Legolas looked ahead at the battlefield where the Snow Fenrir still dominated, then at King Nagakin\'s battlefield.

At this moment, the Frost Giant King and the Yeti Elder were both already exhausted and terribly injured but they still fought.

He looked at the Snow Fenrir again, then he looked back and not seeing his students yet, he made a decision. "I need it as my last gasp plan…"

Legolas opened his storage ring again as he got prepared to make a pill. This time, the ingredients required to make this pill were completely off the charts but luckily for him, he had them all.

His hobby of collecting herbs and rare materials as he travelled finally started paying its merits in full today that he needed it the most.

15 minutes later, Blade and Christensen finally returned with the heart of the Snow Deer and the genitals of the Nine-lives cat.

By now, Legolas already made the pill and stored it in his storage ring.

As soon as his students arrived, Legolas grabbed the ingredients.

He gently placed the heart of the Snow Deer into the cauldron containing the Ice Dragon potion, then he did the same to the cauldron containing the Life-drain reverse potion with the genitals of the Nine-lives cat.

The Ice Dragon potion became ready first as it turned into a milky white color, Legolas poured most of them into a bottle and the rest into special syringes that he made some time ago specially for scenarios like this.

As for the Life-drain potion, its completion was more complicated.

The contents of the cauldron sizzled as soon as they made contact with the genitals of the Nine-lives cat, an aggressive chemical reaction took place.

Legolas was ready though as he calmed the raging contents of the cauldron with his Summoner energy, expertly manipulating it to avoid an explosion.

A few minutes later, the contents of the cauldron turned pitch-black like the night sky without the stars.

A sinister aura and smell came out of this potion, no one recognized the smell of this potion except the only beast that came from outside Planet Darvis, the Snow Fenrir\'s eyes constricted in shock as soon as he detected the smell.

Its menacing eyes turned to look at Legolas, Legolas felt a shudder run through his soul like he was looking at god himself but he only laughed away the feeling, he patted himself on the chest and accepted the challenge like a man.


Warning! You have been marked by the Mythical Beast: Snow Fenrir!


Legolas accepted the challenge but he was not foolish, the extreme reaction of the Snow Fenrir to his potion did not escape the detection of the other Grade C powerhouses of this battlefield except Zombie Amon.

Legolas made a sign with his free left hand to his students.

"It\'s time".

"Stick with me and follow my lead".

Legolas looked up at King Nagakin who now looked at him through the corner of his eyes, then he declared his allegiance. "I am on your side!"

"I am a Master Alchemist, I specialize in making potions and poisons".

"I\'ve studied Mythical Beasts for years and tracked traces of the Snow Fenrir here, over the years, I researched ways on how to subdue and kill it".

"The poison that I created is lethal to him, help me let\'s kill it!"

Legolas spouted all this nonsense with a straight face.

King Nagakin did not answer, he was too preoccupied with his battle to but his silence was all the consent that Legolas needed to make his move.


You have activated active ability: Combat Master


The adrenaline of the danger he was plunging into filled Legolas\'s body like drugs, stimulating all his senses.

He grinned. "It\'s now or never".

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