Reborn: Rise of the Greatest Summoner

Chapter 646 Emperor Summoner

Chapter 646 Emperor Summoner

[Your Calamity Path has mutated into a Universal Law!]

[Congratulations! You have created a Law Domain!]

>Law Domain: This is the ultimate state of a calamity path, a law domain where your will overrides the laws of the universe, becoming the new natural laws. Everything inside your law domain falls under the authority of your law<

[You have gained the Special Law Ability: Law Manipulation!]

[You have gained the Special Law Ability: Law Suppression!]

[You have gained the Special Law Ability: Emperor Summoner!]

[Congratulations! You have gained momentum for a grade level up!]

Initiating level up process…, please wait…

Increasing Summoner energy levels…, process completed

Increasing Temporal energy levels…, process completed

Increasing Telekinesis energy levels…, process completed

Congratulations! Your life essence has increased

Congratulations! You are now a Grade S Emperor Summoner

+850,000 INT, +155,000 CHA, +280,000 MYS

+1 slot for a new contracted beast

+2,150,000 Summoner Energy/Mana Points

+3,800,000 Health Points

lightsΝοvel ----


Legolas\' breakthrough started inside a hidden underground bunker inside one of the deserted planets in the territory of the Gundogan High Race.

As soon as his breakthrough started, the reinforced walls of the hidden underground bunker creaked under the force of the sheer energy in display.


Warning signals reverberated across the temporary base of the Straw Hat Pirates as they employed the emergency methods that they prepared ahead of time, they wanted to prevent the energy fluctuations of the ongoing breakthrough from going out.

While they did all this, their leader underwent a total transformation that even affected his life essence.

Legolas felt like he was being born again under the influence of the mana, temporal energies and telekinesis energies that surrounded him and worked on him.

He was encased by a cocoon of golden energy as the transformation continued for minutes even as his energy level and life essence kept on increasing.

20 minutes after his breakthrough started, his law domain appeared.


The law domain was completely green.

A law domain was unlike anything that a Calamity Grade ever had access to. 

Legolas\' law domain was so powerful and expansive that it stretched for millions of kilometers, covering this whole planet and beyond in its territory.

Inside this territory, Legolas was God.

Inside his territory, the natural laws of the universe became secondary, the laws that he imposed became the new natural.

Legolas\' breakthrough was complete.

He felt liberated and complete, he grinned. "Finally!"

"Finally, I\'m a f*cking Beyond Grade A Super!"

Due to his Supreme talents, his health points experienced the most increase as all his stats rose to ridiculous heights.

Legolas\' attention first went to the new abilities gained from his law domain.

The special law ability, Law Manipulation enabled him to manipulate the natural laws in his domain. 

It required him to speak out on the new law that he wanted to create and with his will, his intentions would become the new natural law.

This was a power that already exceeded the limits of nature and the universe.

This was a power that defied the universe.

It was what differentiated Calamity Grades from Beyond Grade As. And it was why a single Beyond Grade A could eliminate hundreds of Calamity Grades without breaking a sweat.

Inside the law domain of a Beyond Grade A Super, anything weaker was nothing but just prey.

As for the 2nd special law ability that he gained, Law Suppression was more or less a passive ability of his law domain. 

It enabled his law domain to instinctively suppress the power of anything within its jurisdiction that he didn\'t view as an ally.

This was why it was paramount to never cheat on Beyond Grade As.

As a woman, becoming the wife of a Beyond Grade A was a double-edged sword since the day you make him unhappy, if his law domain makes the mistake of categorizing you as not an ally due to that, you\'re dead meat.

Legolas now gained this OP ability.

As for the last of the special law ability series, Legolas was now recognized as one of the peak Summoners of the universe, an Emperor Summoner.

As an Emperor Summoner, through the power of his law domain, Legolas could now create any beast that he wanted from his imagination. 

All he needed was simply calling on the beast to come to life and since he was God in his domain, the beast would appear.

This was the ultimate ability of the strongest Summoners; the Emperor Summoners and your imagination was only shackled by your Summoner energy.

Legolas grinned. "I feel… good".

He finally decided to check his new status.

Name: Legolas Baron

Age: 175

Race: Human/Half-Titan 

Main Class: Summoner [Emperor Summoner]

Sub Class: Beast Tamer/Agent/Battle Controller/Time Lord

[Multi-energy user: Tri-energy!]

[Energy Types: Summoner; Telekinesis; Temporal] 

Level: 180

Grade: S


Strength: 870,500

Dexterity: 610,080

Vitality: 1,046,330

Intelligence: 1,121,900

Mystery: 485,000

Charm: 210,200

Luck: 105,500

Health Points [HP]: 7,300,500/7,300,500

Mana Points [MP]: 5,460,000/5,460,000

[Passive Abilities:]

>Battle Controller Sub Class: War Allies<

>Battle Controller Sub Class: Battle Controller<

>Titan Bloodline: Enhanced Instincts- Partial Time Stasis<

>Beast Sense<

>Predator\'s Best Man<



[Active Abilities:]

>Beast Contract<

>Beast Plane Summoning<

>Combat Master<

>Shepherd of the Beast Plane<

>God of the Herd<

>Commander of the Herd<

>Beast Integration<

>Scent Tracking<

>Auditory Tracking<

>Spirit Summoner<

>Spirit Conjurer<

>Spirit Resurrection<

>Spirit Coordinates<

>Summoner Energy Manipulation<

>Grandmaster Beast Tamer<

>Beast Amalgamation- Partial Form<

>Beast Amalgamation- Final Form<

[Self-Created Abilities:]

>Beast Mirage<

>Stick like a Bull; Sting like a Viper<

>Nature Connection<

[Nature Connection: When activated, you gain the ability to draw upon the natural forces of the universe (neutral mana) to amplify all your physical attacks exponentially. 40% chance of dealing true damage with each attack.]

>Body-Gravity Explosion<

[Body-Gravity Explosion: When activated, neutral mana in the atmosphere is condensed around your body to epic proportions, rapidly increasing your gravity to the peak to be released in an explosion of force on your will. 100% chance of dealing true damage and blows opponents back.]

>Nature\'s Rage<

[Nature\'s Rage: An improved and more energy-hungry version of the Nature Connection. When activated, more neutral mana is drawn and this time, it is all condensed to the edge of a weapon, increasing its offensive power to the maximum to be unleashed on a single attack.]

[The effects of this ability are like nature itself aggressively going against the opponent at the receiving end of it hence the name…, Nature\'s Rage.]

>Telekinesis Domain<

[Telekinesis Domain: When activated, 30% of your mental energy is drained and condensed to form a domain of telekinesis energy. The telekinesis domain can act as a defensive shield, an offensive foundation, and can restrict enemy movement inside the domain.]

[Inspiration and epiphany gotten from Emperor Nico Guaguam special all-encompassing Telekinesis Domain.]

[NOTE: This self-created ability can be upgraded with time.]


[Bloodline Abilities:]

>Rewind; Degradation<

[Rewind; Degradation: When activated, across a region of 1 kilometer when target is confirmed, time rewinds on target object, degrading said object to more basic forms that were present during its creation.]

>Temporal Control; Pause<

[When activated, time pauses for 4 seconds within your vicinity ranging from 1 kilometer to 10 kilometers depending on potency of temporal energy supplied, enabling you to do anything.]

>Temporal Control: Acceleration<

[When activated, you gain the ability to accelerate time. This ability ranges from accelerating time on a weapon, to accelerating time to enemies, on oneself, and on even external objects like buildings and warships.]

[NOTE: Time can be accelerated on anything so long there is enough energy to build the required momentum.]

>Unique: Temporal Destruction- Temporal Bomb<

>When activated, you gain the ability to destroy time itself around a region of a kilometer around yourself. By destroying time, you induce a deadly temporal bomb that causes unstoppable destruction, leaving everything in your wake in a timeless loop< 


[Law Domain Abilities:]

[NEW! Law Manipulation]

[NEW! Law Suppression]

[NEW! Emperor Summoner]



>Christensen Exclusive Special Talent: Detective<

>Veteran Summoner<

[Veteran Summoner: Due to your pre-existing knowledge about the main Summoner class and its utilities, you have unlocked a special talent that compliments your battle style.] 

[+100% Speed and Ability to spot Summoner-exclusive traces during battle.]

[+100% ease when having an overview over a huge battlefield.]

[You have a 10% chance of triggering the Overdrive state!]

[Overdrive: When triggered, you enter a special state of concentration like the zone. +500% concentration, +200% decision making ability, +200% rapid thinking ability, +100% leadership ability over your allies.]

[Equipment: Cutting-Edge Weapon- Positron Rifle; Cutting-Edge Weapon- Obsidian Spear; Enchanted Treasure- Lucius\' Mirror; Cutting-Edge Armor- Hex; Enchanted Armor- Scales of the Nightmare Dragon!]

[Contracted Beasts: Predator; Akela; Bran; Warp Prime]

[Beast Pets: Lucky]

[Tamed Beasts: Kozuki Demon- Kinemon; Demon Asura- Azrael; Demon Asura- Akramac; Demon Asura- Argam; Guardian Komodo Dragon; Cosmic Cheetah- Leon…]

[Basic Summoner Knowledge: 8/8]

[Intermediate Summoner Knowledge: 6/6]

[Advanced Summoner Knowledge: 4/4]

[Cutting-Edge Summoner Knowledge: 4/4]

>Beast Merger- Final Form<


>Beast Energy Extrapolation<

>Calamity Path- Defined<

[NOTE: Mission Completion Card Available.]

[Ultimate Summoner Knowledge: 3/3]

>Law- Defined<

[Titles: Beast Plane Traveler; Thief; Basic Learner; Knowledge Collector; Honorary Warrior Legolas; Friend of Titans; Master of Akela, the Wolf Conqueror; Planet Darvis Legend; High Official of Planet Darvis; Grandmaster Beast Tamer; Negotiator; Mastermind behind the War; Human…, Demon…, Summoner!]

[Rare Titles: The Myth…, the Legend; Time Traveler; Immortal; Galactic Influencer; Slayer of Calamity Grades; Time Lord; Legendary Thief!]

[Remark: Congratulations! You\'re no longer a conventional Super, you\'re now on a league of your own, you\'re now an anomaly…, a maverick!]


Legolas grinned. "Hehe…," He chuckled.

He wanted to cackle like a maniac, he wanted to feel like Clown of Version 1, he finally understood why villains cackle so much.

That feeling after you\'ve achieved your goal after an incredibly long time of working towards it, the feeling to celebrate by cackling in laughter like a maniac was too enticing to ignore.

He struggled to hold himself back but distraction soon came.


Warning alerts rang through this base as they jerked to action.

Legolas looked up and saw them, the familiar golden-colored disc-shaped warships of the Gundogan High Race.

They probably were on patrol and detected the unusual energy fluctuations from Legolas\' breakthrough and was why they came to check.

An interested look crept up Legolas\' face as he looked at them.

He raised his hand and looked at it, then he spoke.

"Law Domain!"


His green energy erupted, forming the law domain as it instantly engulfed all the surroundings of this planet.

He looked up at the warships. "Plummet!"

The law kicked in and instantly, gravity went against all the warships.


All 10 or so warships plummeted to the planet, exploding in the process.

Looking at the aftermath, Legolas grinned.

He cackled. "Muahahahaha…!"


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