Rise of the Cosmic_Emperor

Chapter 693 Where It All Began... Part 3.

Order\'s plan was simple and also possible evidence that it had indeed become corrupted and from what Hal could see in its memories, even Order did not deny this narrative...

If anything, it sunk even deeper into it... Sunk deeper into the idea of gaining power through degeneracy...

The plan was to actively take a part of Chaos and use it to its advantage...

In power, the concepts of Order and Chaos are fairly equal but Order is more peaceful and less aggressive than Chaos in temperament, and in a bid to become much more powerful than Chaos when their next battle rolled closer, Order decided that synthesizing a bit of Chaos into its entire make-up would surely strengthen it.

Suddenly, Hal was no longer swimming aimlessly through memories and was suddenly inside the body of the monk (or at least the apparition of the monk within the memories).

At this point, everything that happened was much more straightforward and much more akin to how any Intelligent lifeform would feel because, at this point, Hal was no longer looking through the perspective of a powerful and formless concept but rather through the perspective of a monk created to be... Normal. (More or less)

Hal felt it all as the monk received its edict from the slobbering and recovering Concept of Order to approach the Palace of the Primeval Devil Queen... A Palace at the center of her Plane and her Plane is called Hell.

Whatever idea one might have about beauty, the Hellish Plane, the domain of the Devil queen could never disappoint.

While it stayed away from the golden and overall bright palette that Hal believed must be present in the domain of the Primeval Virtue queen, muted colors did not translate to dull in hell.

Pink, violet, black, grey, Scarlet... All manner of colors all related to the various Demonic bloodlines and types as well as certain aspects that were summed up in the Devil queen colored the Hellish Plane and mixed in a beautiful and magnificent tapestry.

Maybe not everyone would see the beauty in Hell (Hal certainly did) but everyone was sure to feel and acknowledge the power... Even the monk did.

All manner of demonic and devilish beings traversed the Plane and almost all traversed in their demonic or Devilish forms (horns, wings, and all).

The monk was on a mission and barely spared time to appreciate the scenery and as Hal was watching from his perspective, there was not so much that he could see but what he saw was enough to give him a general idea of the plane.

Speaking of the monk, as an Avatar of Order in a region that quite resembled the very epicenter of Choas (beautiful and wonderous Choas), he was dissatisfied.

The irony was that it was because of how much of an epicenter of chaos the Devil Queen seemed that made her perfect for Order\'s plans.

Anyway, the monk got a few looks from the Demon and devil kind all about the Hellish plane and it was no wonder that he attracted attention, especially in a region so close to the Devil Queen\'s palace... He looked nothing like a citizen and was quite easy to mark as an outsider.

Arriving at the gates to the immense and impressive Palace that housed the Devil queen in all her glory, the monk was stopped by two Demonic guards that Hal quickly recognized to be Tiberius and Myra, the two demonic generals that had been sealed into his bloodline.

Both had frowns on their faces but there was no surprise in their expressions as they eyed the monk even as he asked for an audience with the Devil queen which was because they already knew of his presence in the Plane and had been sent to escort him.

"Come with us," Myra said with an antagonistic expression that Hal found to be quite unlike her as he had never really seen her look this way.

Neither of the two was glad about the Monk\'s presence and they made no efforts at hiding what they thought.

Thing was, the feeling was mutual...

The monk hated having to deal with them.

Alas, with Order only recently injured and having to act through an Avatar, certain rules that should not have applied to such a powerful being now applied to the monk.

Now he (The Monk) was forced to follow protocols laid down by a petty creation.

Protocols that made it impossible for him to barge into this Devil Queen\'s throne room whenever he pleased.

Nihasa sat in the throne room and she looked almost like she had always looked whenever she had shown herself to Hal.

Dark hair, dark eyes, fair skin... However, she now had two large and curved horns (the largest Hal had ever seen)sticking out of her head.

Her magnificent throne was colored (tastefully) in all colors tagged with Demons and Devils all under her command.

The throne room was quiet and that actually surprised the monk who knew that this was usually a region of debauchery in normal cases and also knew that that hardly ever changed even while the Devil Queen held her meetings.

He wondered if she actually held him in such high regard to actually clear out her depraved minions or if the reason for their absence was totally unrelated to him.

Nihasa spoke first,

"I wonder what I should call you. I have never really been accurate with the monikers"

"What?" the monk was a tad confused by her words.

Nihasa chuckled,

"Even before you had yourselves crippled in an utter disregard for my lives or the lives of those I rule, I have always struggled with what was the right way of calling you... Informally I mean.

Should I call Chaos, Dad, and if I do, should I also call you dad? Uncle perhaps?

I settled for Other-Dad or Annoying uncle but now that you got yourself into this pickle, the predicament is back.

And what is up with that form... Is that really the best you can think up... Tch, at least Chaos had some taste"

The monk pursed his lips for a second or two and then said,

"I come with a proposition..."

"Save it. I don\'t want to hear it" Nihasa interrupted before he could be done with his words.

"What?" the monk was surprised.

Nihasa raised a brow,

"Did I shutter? Your proposition involves my offspring, doesn\'t it? I don\'t want to hear it" she said as she placed one hand on her flat stomach... To feel the little one growing within.

The monk furrowed his brows,

"Never did I think there would come a day you would turn your back on an opportunity just to be a protective mother," he said.

"Protective, Controlling, doesn\'t matter... He is mine... I don\'t see any benefits in having him become a part of whatever crazy plan you have in your head"

The Monk paused and his eyes darted to the two Demonic guards who still stood by and watched this meeting unfold and then he said.

"But there are benefits to agreeing to this. You see, you have the opportunity of saying no to the request now and if you are adamant enough, you can get me to leave of my own volition or even have your people throw me out. I am but a messenger... An Avatar of a force of creation that you yourself know you can not resist.

A thousand years have passed since the catastrophic battle between Order and Chaos and neither of the two has recovered enough of their previous strength but they are recovering.

Order would like to be ahead and put its plans into action and that is why I have been sent to come to an agreement with you...

You can be uncooperative but you are not the only agent of Chaos... You have a closer relationship than the other four but any of them would do.

You and I both know you have plans for this child of yours... There is a reason conceiving your child is so important to you and it has nothing to do with a sudden build-up of maternal instincts.

You want power, you want to truly be Supreme and truly be deserving of your moniker as the Supreme Overlord and that is why this will be mutually beneficial.

I get what I want and twisted as it is, you will get what you want.

One day I will come for it and then..."

This was the last that Hal heard of the conversation and while he wished to continue looking into the memories, he had more pressing matters as he was suddenly pulled out and became once again aware of what was going on in the private section of the monument which he was in.

He felt immense pain of something getting ripped out of him and intense as the pain was (More intense than any other that Hal had ever felt) it did not last long as the monk finally retrieved it...

... He finally retrieved the formless energy that was quite literally a piece of Order stashed inside Hal.

Maybe it was because of all he had witnessed in the memories, but when Hal looked up, he clearly saw that that piece of Order had been perfectly synthesized with the Choas he was privy to by his bloodline.

For something Hal had practically never felt inside of himself, he felt quite empty without it...

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