Warlock of War: My Ares System

Chapter 237 Slaughter And Another Demi-Human?

"I didn\'t even get a chance to attack," Cy grumbled.

A long silence befell the group as our eyes roamed to the fallen corpse of the monstrous troll, only for it to be cut short by the cackling of netherworld jackals.

But, this time, there were so many surrounding us that it was impossible to count all of them, especially since more came from the shadowy silhouettes of the massive trees surrounding us.

"Hey, you all… You wanna go all out for once?" I muttered, unable to hold the sadistic smile that slowly crept onto my face.

Adrenaline rushed through my veins, and the lingering sensation of danger that permeated the nauseatingly thick air continuously flowed through me like water.

"Alright, let\'s see what happens when we go all out! No toying around boys and girls!" Cy cackled at the top of his lungs.

"Shut the hell up and leave the biggest portion for me! I can clear all of these guys without any trouble!" Bella shouted, conjuring massive green fireballs in the palms of her hands.

"I don\'t really care," Findir sighed before going completely silent, disappearing from my sight.

"Same. You wanna just go find something else to eat?" Aisa asked but saw how Findir was already long gone and began slaughtering the backlines.

"I\'ll go with you," Luna smiled, her fingers tracing up Aisa\'s soft pale neck.

"Please don\'t touch me," Aisa said as she stared straight through Luna\'s illusion and flung a dagger made of lightning straight at her.

Her invisible body was soon revealed, scowling at the girl, who let out a long sigh of disappointment.

"What should I do?" Luna asked me, but I was already too invested in giving her a proper answer.

"I don\'t fucking know. Just don\'t get in my way," I muttered before coating myself in bloodlust and forming a semi-solidified spear that helped me tear through the jackals.

(Unknown POV)

It was a monstrous sight seeing these foreigners completely tear through the horde of jackals we had been dwindling at for the past few years.

Not only was their power and speed incredible, but their teamwork was so fluid you\'d think they had been a team since childhood.

Their fighting styles helped to cover holes in each other\'s attacks, making sure nobody got injured.

And the very cherry on the cake was the mage at the very back. No, not the one destroying waves of jackals with a sea of green flames, but the one whose hands radiated a strange pink light.

She was practically controlling the waves of jackals to make sure everybody wasn\'t completely overwhelmed as thousands of them came crashing in.

I\'m sure they didn\'t expect there to be that much, but from what I\'ve seen, they couldn\'t care less.

"ALL OF THIS EXPERIENCE IS AMAZING!" An older teen shouted with short black hair, looking intoxicated from the fight around him.

As he ripped through waves of jackals with his spear of fire, I could see shadows permeate the ground from beneath him, creating hundreds of shadowy spikes that killed the surrounding monsters.

Nobody was safe from their merciless destruction… and that would soon be me if I didn\'t escape.

So, I ran and ran as fast my legs could take me, attempting to make it to the village as fast as I could, but…

"Forgive me for scaring you, but may I ask why you\'ve been spectating our battle?" A dark elf with long locked hair asked, his pitch black eyes practically staring into my soul.

"I-I-I was just out gathering berries and saw you all fighting so valiantly. Please don\'t kill me! I swear I wasn\'t planning on doing anything!"

"Don\'t worry. I just came here to ask… how have you been doing?"

A chill immediately shot down my spine, and I could already sense the other five demi-humans surrounding me, their bodies shadowed out by a silhouette, but their glowing eyes locked onto me from every angle.

"P-Please don\'t kill me-"


All of a sudden, it felt as if my mind had gone numb as a pair of thin and pale fingers wrapped around my face.

It was almost euphoric as a strange pink light invaded my mind; opening it and reading it like a book.

And then, the fingers slowly retreated back to their rightful owner, the same illusionist mage that I had been stuck in awe by.

"Seems there is a village to the west. Interesting… I didn\'t there would be civilization in such a hell hole like this place," The mage muttered, and I spun around to see how beautiful she was.

No, everybody here was stunning… and I just couldn\'t tear my eyes away from them.

"W-Well, actually, there are various lords in this area, and ours is the-"

"Is the nicest. Yeah, yeah, I already read your mind. Anyway, I\'ll inform you guys as we walk to the village," The mage immediately cut me off.

"What should we do with the girl?" A boy with long purple hair asked, and his heterochromatic eyes locked onto me.

They were so cold that it felt as if I was being stared at by a wintery glacier. But, hidden beneath those cold eyes was a monstrous amount of killing intent that I just barely got a glimpse at.

"Let\'s just kill her for XP…." The illusionist mage shrugged.

"N-No, please, I\'ll do anything. P-Please don\'t kill me… a-and my family. I swear we\'re nice people," I begged, but everybody\'s cold eyes were like knives that dug straight into me.

"Wait, what\'s your race?" The spearman with short black hair from before asked, and I quickly responded, hoping he could possibly help me out.

"D-Demi human,"

"Then how come you have those black horns while we don\'t,"

"A-Are you new here?" I stuttered, just praying that they wouldn\'t take this as offensive.

"Yeah, we were just banished here," The boy with purple hair shrugged.

"W-Wait, banished? That means you came from the overworld, right?"

"Yeah, and what about it?"

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