Silent Crown

Chapter 406 Pray

Chapter 406 Pray

In the silence, Colt froze. He stared at the sword before him, shaken. His lips trembled but he could not speak. But aggressive flames soon burned in his unstable eyes. Gritting his teeth, he grasped the hilt and pulled the sword out. Very few people knew that, other than music theory, he was also the unbeatable fighter at the Rock Institute. Even dark musicians had been dealt with by him.

"You\'ll regret this, Ye Qingxuan." His eyes were red. "You will!"

Ye Qingxuan looked at him without speaking. He allowed Colt to bend over and aim the blade at his throat with sharp murderous intent. But then Colt\'s expression changed. His body trembled and the blade fell to the ground. All his strength had been sapped and he could not move! Colt gaped at Ye Qingxuan in confusion until he discovered the hint on the sword. It finally dawned on him and he roared hysterically, "Ye Qingxuan!"

"I was just playing with you but you took it seriously." Shaking his head, Ye Qingxuan walked up and yanked his hair up. Colt wanted to crawl back in despair but he was dragged toward the city gates.

One step, another step. It felt like he was being dragged toward hell.

He went crazy, using all his might to scratch at the ground. He left behind bloody gauges and his nails broke but he was still dragged into the gates.

Then Ye Qingxuan finally stopped and let go.

"According to my promise, I\'ve allowed you back into the Sacred City." Ye Qingxuan looked down and said gently, "So now, what happens next will have nothing to do with promises." He took a long and narrow silver nail from his back. It glinted with dazzling light, piercing Colt\'s eyes. Reaching out, he pulled Colt\'s wrist up and made a practice move. In his daze, Colt finally realized what he wanted to do.

He roared, "Ye Qingxuan, don\'t you dare!"

His roars turned to pained cries. The silver nail went through his palm, nailing him to the city gate. He screamed and struggled to no avail. The pain in his bone marrow made his writhe but also stimulated his mind.

Painfully, he said, "Ye Qingxuan, you won! I surrender. Stop now, please." He tossed away all his dignity. Ignoring the shocked gazes from the onlookers, he practically knelt before Ye Qingxuan.

"What can you get from killing me? Think about it, Ye Qingxuan! You don\'t have to suffer such consequences because of someone as lowly as me, right? You have more meaningful things to do! You\'ve already proved your abilities, right? I…I can transfer the Pope\'s blessing to you! You can travel smoothly on the road to the Scepter level!"

Ye Qingxuan paused and stared down at him.

Seeing that he had reacted, Colt\'s eyes lit up in joy. "The Lighthouse! There\'s the Lighthouse too! I can give you the authority! It has all the deep music theory and secrets of the Secret Keepers! Think about it, all the wisdom of the musicians! The treasure so many people dream of! Don\'t you want to know?" He moved forward on his knees without caring about his tearing palm. He lowered his head to kiss Ye Qingxuan\'s boots and looked up pleadingly.

"And the way to enter the all-knowing state and even the secrets to creating a legend and becoming a scepter! These can all be yours, Ye Qingxuan, as long as you agree!"

Ye Qingxuan looked at him coldly as if Colt was an awkward clown and the funny play could not make him laugh.

Seeing his indifference, Colt\'s heart sank. Voice trembling, he begged, "Stop, Ye Qingxuan! I\'m begging you, alright? If you stop now, no one will do anything! Haven\'t you done enough for that random girl? If you stop now, all the praises are yours and I, the lowly one, will live forever in the shadows so you seem glorious in comparison.

"I can swear on the Originator that I\'ll be loyal to you for life. Aren\'t you an Abstinence musician? We can sign a contract! I still have the secret judgement trials from when the Ministry of Science was still the Inquisition! And—ah!!" His other hand was lifted and nailed to the gate.

Expression twisting in pain, Colt was like a fish dropped in a pan of salt. He cried and yelled, "Are you crazy? Ye Qingxuan, weren\'t you raised in a church?! God loves! You\'re a good person. Why must you be so stubbornly hateful? Everything I said is true. I didn\'t lie at all—"

"I know." Ye Qingxuan looked down and cut him off. "I know that you\'re telling the truth but this has nothing to do with the fact that you\'re going to die."

Colt froze.

Ye Qingxuan reached out and grabbed him up by the hair. Ignoring the pained cry when Colt\'s wound ripped, Ye Qingxuan lifted him to eye level.

"I should thank you, Mr. Colt," he uttered, staring into Colt\'s eyes. "You helped me realize my weakness, my helplessness, and my naivety. You did it better than anyone—flawlessly. Therefore…you must die."

There seemed to be torrential rain inside those black eyes, reflecting the scenes of Hell. Colt gaped and shuddered in fear, his lips trembling. In his daze, he saw his final resting place—the path to Hell.

He laughed hysterically, twisting his face.

"Then enjoy the products of your revenge," he murmured in Ye Qingxuan\'s ears as he cackled. "But sadly, no matter what you do, that girl\'s already dead. She won\'t ever come back…hahaha! I should\'ve known that you and her are both b*stards, oddities, freaks, never able to be understood. Just have fun being crazy, you poor thing!" He opened his mouth and tried to spit out bloody saliva but he could not. The saliva hung from his lips disgustingly.

"So ugly, Colt. You\'re so ugly."

Ye Qingxuan\'s expression was still indifferent as if he had heard nothing. Pulling out a handkerchief, he wiped the bloody spit away. The action was gentle but Colt cried out in fear as if something scary was touching him.

"You\'re a hero, Colt. You should keep you fearless image even until death," Ye Qingxuan said. "Those dead priests from the Ministry would be sad if they see you like this, right? And wanting a speedy death now…it\'s too late."

Colt froze. A piercing icy feeling spread through his limbs. He could hear clanking armor in the distance. The Knights Templar had finally been called over. The iron whales appeared in the air.

"Don\'t be impatient."

Ye Qingxuan opened a small metal box. There were cold glass tubes, metal needles, and a small vial filled with icy blue liquid. He prepared the injection with practice, drawing the blue liquid in. He aimed at Colt\'s vein. The tip of the needle was cold as hell.

In that moment, Colt seemed to hear a murmur from the underworld.

"Before dying, you must pay for what you have done!"


At the same time, the archbishop of the Ministry of Information coughed violently. He yelled, "Ye Qingxuan! Is Anglo crazy?!"

Someone sped into the room with a pale face. "Archbishop, Anglo sent out an urgent message half an hour ago. Ye Qingxuan announced that he had given up the Sword in the Stone. Anything that happens now is unrelated to Anglo."

"What about the Silent Authority?" He studied the surveillance of the aether ball and roared, "Six grandmasters had died! Why didn\'t Nibelungenlied give any reactions or reports? Why hasn\'t the Sacred City Garrison acted yet?!"

"The Silent Authority…has not responded." The subordinate looked helpless. "Nibelungenlied and the Sacred City Garrison have not responded either. I do not know why."

The archbishop yanked him over. He breathed heavily with the thick smell of medicine. His emerald eyes widened like ghost fire. "Then report to the Papal Chamber!"

Letting go, he coughed out scarlet blood. "Hurry and use the Sacred City\'s alarm! Now!"

"Lord, without the Papal Chamber\'s signed order, we-"

"I said now!" the archbishop roared. "This is an emergency, don\'t you understand? If Colt dies outside the city gates, the Ministry will forever be a laughingstock!"

He had sent out the order but lying on the bed, his expression was still dark. Soon, he made up his mind and uttered, "Come, help me change."

The subordinate wanted to say something but seeing those eyes, he intelligently shut his mouth.

A servant washed his body with a hot towel and pulled out the tubes one by one. He gradually weakened. The smell coming from his body grew stronger. Finally, the servant helped him put on a blood red robe. It was lined with green gold and seemed serious and majestic.

Outside, the Witch Hammer had finished grouping. The priests lowered onto one knee. "Father Michel, we await your order."

"Since Ye Qingxuan killed Colt, we\'ll make him pay for it!" the old man uttered coldly. He grasped his ivory cane. "Let the Papal Chamber remain silent. After all, our Holiness will continue to sit on his throne like a puppet.

"The Silent Authority…they probably dream that someone will sweep us into the trash, right? However, I hope you all will remember that the Ministry of Information will never fall. The deaths of Will and the others will not be in vain!

"Even if I will pay for what we do today or even die, the crusade of fate will never end like this! Understand?"

All members of the Witch Hammer pressed their swords to between their brows in salute. They answered in unison, "We vow to eradicate the treacherous!"

"Good." Michel nodded in satisfaction. "Come with me. Show them the dignity of the Ministry!" He exited.

Outside the door, a messenger sprinted over. Out of breath, he knelt down. "Lord, Ye Qingxuan stopped! He did not kill Lord Colt!"

Michel froze; his face turned red. His determination had somehow turned into a vile metallic odor that almost spewed from his lungs.

"What happened?" he asked through clenched teeth. "He was stopped?"

"No!" the messenger stuttered, "After he captured Lord Colt, he remained at the city gates and did not leave… He-he even purposely set off the Sacred City\'s alarm! Now all the lords had rushed over. Even the ambassadors were alerted. Now—"

"Go!" Without waiting for him to finish, Michel instinctively felt something was wrong. Leaning on his cane, he walked toward the city gates. When he arrived, he was already too late.

The civilians were kept away but it was still crowded with a sea of people. Even with the Garrison\'s protection, the carriage still traveled with difficulty. When Michael saw the people protected by lines of soldiers, his blood chilled.

With just a glance, he could see that people from countless departments had come from the various colors and designs of robes. There was the Papal Chamber, the Amnesty Institute, the Sacred Court, the Trinity College, the Ministry of Sacrament, the Ministry of Evangelisms, the Ministry of Religion, the Holy Spirit Temple… There were even ambassador musicians from the various nations.

Surrounded by all these people, Ye Qingxuan leaned against the city walls as if he was sunbathing. There was a half-smoked cigarette in his hand. The thin smoke scattered like a wandering ghost. Under the smoke, Colt was nailed to the gate. His head hung and drool dripped from his mouth. He did not respond no matter how the others called.

The commander was an unfortunate soul pushed out by the others. He was powerless in this situation. One side was the new treasure of Anglo, the other was a new hero… Neither side was dead but he personally wanted to die.

Hearing that Michael was here, he quickly ran over and bowed. "Father, the criminal has captured Colt from your ministry and is refusing to cooperate with the Sacred City\'s arrest." Pausing, he suggested quietly, "What if we form a team to attack and first protect Lord Colt, then—"

"No need!" Michel rasped out. Veins bulged from his hand on the cane. "Kill him now! Don\'t worry about Colt. The Ministry of Information will never bow down to criminals. I will not agree to anything he says!"

The commander froze, his expression awkward. He really wanted to die. "Really?"

A low voice traveled from the side. A man dressed as a musician cut in, "Since the criminal had made such risks and is holding a captive, why don\'t we see what he wants? Every priest is valuable to the Sacred City and should not be sacrificed easily."

The commander stared at him. "And you are?"

"Silent Authority," the musician replied. "Killing so easily damages the harmony of the world. This is the Ministry of Information\'s problem but if needed, the Silent Authority is willing to act."

Michel twisted around and glared at him, ready to fight. But then a hoarse voice rang out under the city gates.

"It seems that everyone has just about arrived." Ye Qingxuan took out of his cigar and said, "I\'m sorry for causing this mess and troubling you all." He was apologizing but his tone was anything but apologetic. With the help of a music score, his voice rang in everyone\'s ears.

Behind the barriers, the civilians had been gossiping and making noise. When they heard Ye Qingxuan\'s voice, they pressed forward in anticipation. The reporters scribbled furiously and tore off the papers to give to their assistants. The assistants then ran toward the news agencies. All of them were drenched in sweat and exhausted.

Ye Qingxuan\'s voice did not stop. He continued speaking slowly in everyone\'s ears. The reporters had no time to record.

"As everyone knows, I am Ye Qingxuan, a participant of the Romulusian War. I am a musician with no nationality. I am also the suspect…no, criminal, who planned various attacks on Mr. Colt. I admit that this is my crime and I am willing to be responsible for it."

By the city gates, Ye Qingxuan looked up and raised his voice, "I did not come here to attack the Sacred City and disturb all of your peaceful lives. I just…have some questions I would like to ask Mr. Colt in public. Here and now." He pulled out some shiny silver coins. They rolled on the ground and the music score on them shone. This was a basic Revelations music score with a simple effect: detecting lies.

Seeing this, Michel finally understood what was planned. He growled in anger, "Ye Qingxuan! You will pay for everything you\'ve done! What are you all waiting for? Someone come and arrest him!"

The Silent Authority musician stopped him, blocking him. There were even faint waves of music theory. He looked into Michel\'s emerald eyes and asked softly, "Why don\'t you want to hear what he has to say? To be honest, I am quite curious…"

Ye Qingxuan seemed to hear Michel\'s growl. He shook his head with a smile but did not reply. He turned around and studied Colt who he had nailed to the wall. Mind muddled, Colt seemed to have been swallowed by black rain. He trembled and he murmured something vaguely. He struggled endlessly, trying to escape from the hands of hell. He was completely defenseless from the hallucinogen.

"Your name," Ye Qingxuan said coldly. "Tell everyone who you are."

"Colt." On the wall, Colt looked down blankly. "Colt Durand. I-I\'m a hero, a future saint. I—"

Ye Qingxuan cut him off and asked, "Colt, why did you join the dark musicians in Auschwitz? Was it to save people?"


Colt\'s answer created a flurry in the crowd. Shocked cries sounded throughout. Ever since the Romulusian War ended, Colt\'s achievements had been spread through the nations by the Ministry of Information. Everyone knew but now, it was refuted by him personally!

"Then why?" Ye Qingxuan glared coldly.

"I thought everything was over…everyone was going to die. The dark musicians were too powerful and the leader of the perishing praise was fighting personally," Colt replied dully. "If I didn\'t become a dark musician, I could die."

Ye Qingxuan nodded and continued, "Then why did you betray them later?"

"I sensed the Lighthouse," Colt murmured to himself but everyone heard him. "It told me that Knights Templar was coming. If I didn\'t separate myself from them, it would be too late…"

"He\'s lying! Ye Qingxuan, you\'re playing tricks!" Furious, Michel\'s eyes blazed. Majestic music score brewed inside his withered body. He was going to act with all his power but someone held onto his shoulder. He turned around in shock and saw an old priest as well as a middle-aged Eastern man.

"Michel, let him continue asking," the old priest said coolly. "I would like to hear."

It felt as if all of Michel\'s strength left. He trembled and finally lowered his head. "Yes."

At the city gates, the youth\'s purposeful voice rang out again. It was extremely stable and cold. "Then, Colt, was the situation already unsalvageable when you were the observer for the Knights Templar?"

Colt fell silent. As if instinctively feeling something was wrong, he struggled against Ye Qingxuan\'s question. His mouth opened but he stuttered and could not answer. The crowd listened in silence; every pair of eyes could see each other\'s shock. They were terrified by the possible answer of the question and did not dare to continue listening. But they could not wait to know.

"Answer me, Colt!" Ye Qingxuan stepped forward and screamed in his ear, "Was the situation truly out of control? Answer me!" His scream was like a clap of thunder. It tore at eardrums and resounded in one\'s soul, ripping apart Colt\'s last shred of defense.

"No!" Colt cried. The truth climbed out of his throat like a snake and stretched in the air, revealing its ugly appearance. "I…" he mumbled in confusion. "I changed the observation records. Yes, I did… It was such a good chance, I couldn\'t miss it, couldn\'t miss it…it would be gone! That old thing would rather give the Lighthouse to someone else! I spent all these years trying to make him happy but ended like this! Yes, I did! Even if the Rock Institute isn\'t willing to give it to me, it\'s still mine!"

"Just…because of that?" Ye Qingxuan looked at him with pity. "You lied to the Papal Chamber and forced the Knights Templar to use Heaven\'s Gate just because of this?"

"I want to be a hero! The only one who can become a hero is me! It has to be me!" Colt said in hysteria. His eyes were wild. "I\'m not wrong, the wrong one…the wrong one…yes, the wrong one is that b*stard! He blocked me, he has to die…he\'s gonna die…hehe, hehehe…" He laughed, submerged in his dream. He drooled like a wild dog who had dreamed of something lustful. It was disgusting.

"Last question." Ye Qingxuan stared at him, the pause stretching on. Finally, he uttered, "Why did you kill Elsa?"

"Elsa?" Colt asked back. "Who\'s that?"

In silence, Ye Qingxuan practically shook from anger!

"Is it…that little girl?" Colt gaped at him, his expression becoming troubled. "She was going to die anyway. Why should I give the accomplishment to other people? Killing a natural catastrophe is great political capital. Only an idiot would let it go. I let her die easily. She should be grateful. If someone else got her, they would—"

"Enough." Lowering his head, Ye Qingxuan closed his eyes in sadness. "Enough, Colt, shut up. I…don\'t want to keep listening."

In the dead silence, everyone looked over, barely even breathing. Only Colt continued saying random things and laughing. Ye Qingxuan turned around. He gazed at the crowd with troubled sadness.

"Do you all see this?" He pointed at Colt\'s blank smile and said hoarsely, "This is the hero that you all look up to. This is the idol you all worship…" He roared, "Do you all see this?! This is the world you\'ve all created with those f*cking \'survival of the fittest\' beliefs, only caring about the result and the so-called big picture!"

No one replied.

"In this f*cking world, if you try to follow the rules and be a good person, people will think you\'re an idiot, a joke, someone weak enough to bully. You can put in so much, endure everything, but just become a sacrifice to be buried under this hero\'s feet!"

Ye Qingxuan demanded, "Doesn\'t anyone think this is wrong?"

The crowd rustled; a low commotion sounded. Now, they finally realized what this crazed man before them wanted to do. Their expressions grew troubled and their eyes filled with fear and pity.

"Yes, like this…" Ye Qingxuan stared at the numb eyes and smiled bitterly. "You all suffer through this but no one dares to stand out and say that this world is wrong!"

He paused. Using all of his strength, he yelled at the silent people, "So let me tell you that this is wrong!" He said, "This! Is! Wrong!" He raised a hand and moonlight transformed into a sword. The cold and sharp blade landed on Colt\'s neck. The light was blinding and illuminated the murky soul.

Colt woke up from his pretty dream. He gaped at the unfamiliar man before him. The black rain seemed to come out of his nightmare and truly announce the coming of judgement.

"I\'m…going to die?" he murmured. Raw terror rose from his heart. It controlled his mind and he shook, unable to speak.

"Ye Qingxuan, no!" A familiar voice rang out—it was Wolf Flute. He had finally arrived. Trying to move past the guards, he yelled, "Put down the sword! Don\'t kill him! You\'ll—"

Ye Qingxuan did not listen. He just stared at Colt\'s pale face. "Pray."

"…Pray?" Colt\'s lips quivered. His eyes pleaded.

"You should pray but it\'ll be useless." Ye Qingxuan looked down. His eyes were as cold as metal. "All karma is well deserved."

The cold moonlight flashed. In silence, Colt\'s head rolled from his shoulders. The pleading in his eyes extinguished under the moonlight. There was no more light in those blank eyes.

He was dead.

Fresh blood sprayed onto Ye Qingxuan\'s face, adding a sheen of red to his steely eyes. Under the shocked cries and angry roars, he turned around. Studying the confused and furious faces, he suddenly wanted to laugh. He wiped away the blood on his face. "So this is what blood feels like…"

Majestic bells rang in the air. The bell echoed under the sunset, within the vast iron city. It seemed to be announcing the falling of the sun of the coming of night. In the chaos, Ye Qingxuan looked up at the setting sun.

He allowed the soldiers to rush over and tackle him, putting on layers of shackles. They pushed him toward the prisoner\'s car.

Amongst the crowd, he saw the Eastern scholar. Sensing his gaze, Mr. Hu\'s eyes grew troubled and sympathetic. "This is not all…"

Seeming to hear his voice, Ye Qingxuan laughed. For some reason, he remembered what Mr. Hu had asked him before.

"Ye Qingxuan, what would you do if, one day, you realized that the world was not the same as you thought?"

Yes, Ye Qingxuan. What would you do if you realized that the world is not the same as you had imagined? The world is not as beautiful as you thought. It is cruel, scary, cold, and heartless.

The kindness and gentleness is just an occasional ornament. Everywhere else, there is darkness. Most of the time, justice and truth are just a beautiful fantasy.

Those things from fairy tales are all lies.

What would you do?

"It\'s simple, Mr. Hu," he replied softly. "I\'ll just change the world to how I imagined."

Ye Qingxuan closed his eyes. In an instant, everyone seemed to hear a hallucination. It was like a dragon roaring under the sea, like an illusory instrument…Before the music, the Barrier of Knowledge shattered. The long-awaited cold moonlight rose from his chest.

His heart was transforming into something beautiful after it had fused with the Philosopher\'s Stone. It beat, creating tiny ripples in the aether sea. In that moment, it went past the levels of the sea and became one with the Originator under the guidance of the Heaven Ladder.

Under everyone\'s scrutiny, it rose into the sky and shone. It fused into the serene and cold moon.

Moonlight fell down, illuminating Ye Qingxuan\'s white hair and eyes.

I give my worried heart to the moon. I give this heart to the moon.

Even in a pitch black world, there would be moonlight in the darkness.


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