Ball of Nothing

Chapter 160 Auction House 2

Chapter 160 Auction House 2

"This is the famous Child of Roth! I don’t think I have to say much, everybody knows how much of a killing machine this thing is. The only downside is that you’ll have to train him and break him down before he can be any good. The last of his kind, let’s say no more. The starting bid goes for 10 Devil Gold."

Zero was only slightly peeved that they didn’t announce the Grade of this slave but he didn’t mind. If they did put a Grade to the nameless child, Zero might have been angrier. Numbers were shouted and the price was now at least double of what the starting bid was. Yet there was no sign of the bids slowing. Zero fidgeted. The child wasn’t looking anywhere else. It was as if he was challenging Zero to bid.

Coux looked slightly worried when Zero fidgeted. Lord Baal might not like it if Zero bought this child because he wanted to ’save’ him. Although Zero was powerful, he wouldn’t use his powers to defend himself. If anything, the secretary thinks that Zero is only buying the vampire child because of the injuries and poor treatment he received. The vampire child would have no problem ripping Zero’s throat out and Coux would very much like to prevent that from happening.

"50 Devil Gold! Any other offers? Going once!"

Zero grabbed the slate before Coux could stop him and wrote an amount that would make even Mammon faint.

"10 Blood Notes."

The auction house fell silent and the auctioneer stammered.

"M-my Lord... we only accept payment up front."

Coux pulled Zero back but the teen was stubborn. "10 Blood Notes for the child and all the other items you have for the rest of today’s event."

The secretary froze. Was Zero... bargaining?

The auctioneer blinked. Nobody breathed. Unsure of what to do with Zero’s proposal, the auctioneer announced that they would be taking a short break and hurried off stage. Coux used this short time frame to call Mammon directly to explain the situation.

"Zero!" Mii hissed. "What do you think you’re doing? We don’t have a single Cursed Coin on hand... how will we pay 10 Blood Notes? Also, we don’t know what kind of items they would be auctioning for the rest of the evening. What will you do if they aren’t things that we could use? Aren’t you being too reckless?"

The teen smiled. "Nothing will be wasted. If it comes to it, I shall absorb it. Who knows... I might gain some new abilities. There will always be a use for things. Don’t worry too much."

"Again," Mii deadpanned. "What about the money? We don’t have any and Baal is broke."

Zero grinned sheepishly. "We could bargain... I’m sure I have something worth the value of 10 Blood Notes to exchange."

Mii wasn’t impressed. If anything, this might be the dumbest thing Zero has done to date. "What kind of possession do you have that is possibly worth 10 Blood notes? You do know that is the equivalent to 10 billion Cursed Coins, right?"

Zero titled his head to the side. "What’s billion?"

Mii wrote the numbers out in the air and Zero felt dizzy. How many zeroes were there? Even if he didn’t know Math very well, the figure spoke of HUGE and Zero gulped. Maybe he shouldn’t have said that he would pay 10 Blood Notes.

"Do you think my ability to bring the dead back or cure incurable diseases will be worth 10 Blood Notes?"

Mii thought for a little. "Perhaps. However, it depends on the auction house if they are willing to negotiate for your services instead of money. I’m sure Coux is discussing something with Mammon now but don’t get your hopes up. We might have to let go of this child if we can’t pay up. You shouldn’t have been too hasty."

"But I couldn’t not do anything! He was looking at me with those eyes... I had to save him."

The strawcherry fairy rolled her eyes. The vampire child was in no way begging to be saved. If anything, those eyes screamed ’murder’. How did Zero manage to misinterpret it so splendidly? Still, she held her tongue as Coux finalised the call. From the sound of her tone, things must have gone the way she wanted. Lucky Zero. Mii was almost certain that luck was a factor that was maxed in Zero’s stats if he ever had any.

"Good news," Coux told the teen. "Lord Mammon has decided to absorb the cost of all the items tonight on auction. However, you need to do some work for him."

"What kind of work?" the teen asked and Coux felt proud that Zero was finally growing to be more cautious.

"He wants to take advantage of your absorption skills to clear out his warehouse. There are some potentially deadly items that couldn’t be thrown away and Mammon refuses to spend extra money guarding them every month because he couldn’t toss them out."

Zero nodded. It wasn’t a bad deal. In fact, he was thankful towards Mammon for being so generous. Which reminds him, there was a bet with Lucifer that he has yet to fulfil. Perhaps he should talk to Baal about it.

The auctioneer returned to stage and the audience waited for his verdict with bated breaths. Several merchant demons weren’t too happy when they heard the announcement but Zero secretly rejoiced.

"After verifying with the higher-ups, the buyer in the VIP room will buy everything we have for today’s auction with 10 Blood Notes. Our apologies for all those looking forward to it. As compensation, Lord Mammon has decreed that everyone who attended today’s auction will be given a free pass to attend any other auction event within the year. There shall be no additional charges for registration. Sorry for the inconvenience caused and thank you for coming."

Coux and Zero heard someone knocking on their door and Mii quickly de-materialised before someone entered the room.

"Lady Van Doux and Young Master Zero, please follow me to verify the goods," one of the cat demons whom Zero saw on stage earlier bowed humbly. She ushered them out of the room down to the waiting room where the items were being transported one by one.

Zero didn’t think that there would still be so many items left. The waiting room was huge but it was already half filled with Zero’s purchase. The rat demon from before was just about to leave when the vampire child was dragged over. He snapped his teeth towards the poor demon who cowered before the bouncer tugged at those chains. Zero seethed silently at the rough treatment but under Coux’s hard stare, he didn’t say anything.

"My apologies, Young Master Zero and Lady Van Doux," the auctioneer from before entered the room and smiled. By now, all the other auction winners had left. The auction house staff were still transporting the goods and Zero let them perform their jobs. His interest was fixated on the vampire child who didn’t try to bite him. They stared at each other and didn’t break eye contact until the wolf demon auctioneer coughed awkwardly.

"I understand that you are interested in the goods but please wait for a little longer. Some of them need to be cleaned and repackaged. As there are many goods, we could arrange to deliver them to your residence as soon as they are ready. I believe that you might have more important matters to attend to than wait around for us. Before you leave, could you inspect the goods and sign on this scroll of undertaking?"

"What’s the scroll for?" Zero asked.

"It’s to signify that you acknowledge buying these goods and have seen the exact condition they were in. This is a contract to prevent back outs from our clients and disputes about the condition of goods after payment."

Zero glanced over the terms and conditions briefly. Learning Demon Tongue certainly came in handy. Coux helped to identify each item on the long list and together, they took about half an hour to verify every single purchase before Zero signed it off.

"Thank you for your patronage," the auctioneer and auction house master bowed. Zero didn’t think he was worthy of such treatment seeing how Mammon was absorbing the cost and footing the bill on his behalf. Still, there was one more matter pending and he whispered to Coux to ask for permission.

"I don’t see why not," she told him. In fact, the half-succubus was glad that Zero had thought so far. It wouldn’t do to let the auction house take care of the malnourished vampire.

"Can I take him along with me first? You can send the rest of the items back to Lord Baal’s castle," Zero told the wolf demon.

"Most certainly!" the auction house master bowed and clapped twice. At once, two burly demons appeared beside him and restrained the snarling vampire. Zero was shocked when they injected something that made the child go slack in their hold.

"Do not worry," the auctioneer assured Zero after seeing his alarmed look. "That was a sedative so that none of our workers is hurt from helping him to bathe and redress. It’s a standard procedure we follow before handing over slaves to their new owners."

Reluctantly, Zero entrusted the vampire to the staffs’ care. A part of him disapproved of the way things were done in the abyss. However, Zero understood that every place has its unique culture. It would be rude for Zero, a mere guest, to demand a change from the people who lived here.

It didn’t take very long for the workers to return with the vampire all clean and smelling like tea soap. He now wore clean clothing instead of rags, something Zero felt better about. However, the sedatives had not worn off and the doctor-in-training was slightly worried.

"How long does the effect of this sedative last for?"

"Please do not worry, it will last for no longer than a day. I would advise you to keep him locked up or tied for safety reasons. He can be rather feral."

Zero didn’t agree with the advice but nodded to appease the auctioneer who was merely doing his job. The teen wanted to get out of the horrible place as soon as he could. It didn’t matter if he couldn’t achieve his flight or shape-shifting abilities. Like Buddha said, everything happens for a reason. Perhaps his trip to the auction house was to rescue the mistreated vampire.

"Let’s go," he told Coux who bowed and escorted the brunet. Zero didn’t look back at the auction house master or the workers. There was no need to. He wouldn’t be returning to the place anytime soon.

"Where to?" Mii asked the moment Coux and Zero entered the carriage waiting for them, away from prying eyes. It wasn’t often to see someone treating slaves so well. The child of Roth was carried into the carriage with the utmost care that made many go green with envy. Zero even laid the kid over his lap before they left.

"Let’s head back for dinner," Zero told the secretary and Coux agreed.

"Lord Baal told me to remind you of your dinner appointment with Lord Lucifer today. Zero, do you have the confidence to treat his eyes and win the bet? While nobody is against the idea of you attending the Academy, it can be dangerous. There could be discrimination and nobody would be able to attend it with you. Lord Baal may be going to the Academy but he can’t always look out for you."

Zero smiled warmly at Coux’s concern. "It’s alright. I have to learn how to defend myself. Truen said that the world isn’t always a nice place. Nasty people like Count Carrabas exist, I have to learn how to handle situations and people like that someday. It’s always better to start earlier rather than later."

Mii looked like a proud parent while Coux looked like an overly worried one when Zero said that. The vampire didn’t even stir as the carriage stopped. It didn’t take much time at all to return to Baal’s castle and Zero decided to prepare a good meal for the malnourished child sleeping on his lap.

Sekkin came to greet them and was surprised at the new addition to the castle residence. Coux explained the situation quickly and the spider demon raised a brow.

"Will we have enough space? How much storage are we talking about?"

"We should empty out three guest rooms for the goods and prepare one for the kid here. He’s feral so please let Lord Baal know. Zero doesn’t want to use chains but some sort of restraints would be advisable for safety reasons."

"Don’t say it like that... he’s a good kid. Anyone would be cranky being locked up and dragged around by chains..."

Sekkin chose not to argue. Knowing Zero, there was no convincing otherwise.

"Understood. We won’t use chains. Let me carry him instead. Coux could you get Amaraline to prepare the room? also, Lord Baal has requested your presence, Zero."

Zero allowed the spider demon to carry the vampire and got out of the carriage before making his way over to Baal’s room. Coux got busy once more. There was simply too much to do before the arrival of their esteemed dinner guest. Whatever it was, Coux hoped that everything would go smoothly between Lord Lucifer, Lord Baal and Zero.

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