Ball of Nothing

Chapter 461 Zeros Recovery

Chapter 461 Zero“s Recovery

Several days passed with Zero showing no signs of waking up. Hua Tuo was worried enough when he heard that so he closed his hospital temporarily to visit his disciple. Needless to say, the gnomes were frightened out of their minds when more important people started visiting Zero.

Who exactly was he?

The Great Gods couldn’t come in person so they sent their representatives and clones but that was enough to throw the village into chaos. Every day was a feast to welcome important guests. To make things more complicated, the tension between angels and demons while Michael and Lucifer’s visitation hours clashed could have suffocated some weaker villagers.

Clowis felt the pressure of his duty for the first time ever since his appointment as the chief warrior. He’d never thought about security arrangements for such important guests and they were severely short-handed when Qin Yun arrived with her Demon Lord friends to give Zero their blessings.

Despite everything, the gnomes were glad that the blessings and well wishes of these important people made a difference. After four long days, Zero was finally awake. He slept like the dead and Hua Tuo remained by his side the whole time, unwilling to move away from his disciple. Different people came and went, giving Zero their mana and Truen watched with worry when Zero’s vessel showed little signs of changing. Cleo temporarily relegated her duties to the golems and monitored Zero’s vessel closely with Hua Tuo. Under their professional care, Zero made a safe recovery and recovered some of his mana.

Gaia broke the good news to the Onion Union when Cleo reported that Zero’s vessel was finally repaired. It only took Merlin, Lucifer, Michael, Lovina and Qin Yun to help Zero finally recover the remaining damaged parts of his vessel with their mana. Yet, nothing could be done about the lost mana reserves. Zero woke up feeling down but he tried not to let it show.

Noticing that Zero was in very low spirits, Hua Tuo decided to bring his oldest disciple back to his humble hut where he was away from most activities. Truen was left in charge of most matters including helping to arrange for Jermine an escort party to Lycantopia and settling the gnomes into the village. The archer sent word to Dorgon that they returned with the gnomes but needed time to fully recuperate due to an accident in the desert that left Zero badly hurt. He didn’t know how long it would take for Zero to cheer up but with Hua Tuo at Zero’s side, Truen felt more reassured.

The tranquillity of Hua Tuo’s hut made Zero feel slightly better. For once, his shifu wasn’t nagging at him or scolding him. Instead, Hua Tuo only gave him familiar tasks like fishing, cleaning and hunting that Zero gladly did. He spent his time for the next few days doing menial tasks and attending to Hua Tuo’s herb garden. There really wasn’t anything more Hua Tuo could teach Zero. Hence, he roped Zero into helping him roll pills.

When Zero wasn’t occupied, Hua Tuo helped Zero regulate his qi at Trigression Falls. He might not say it aloud but Zero understood his teacher’s intentions. Hua Tuo was trying to distract him from his problems while showing him a different option in life. While meditating and leading a simple life, Zero was reminded about how he had forgotten the most important thing about medicine.

After becoming a powerful magician, Zero completely forgot about living a balanced life. He turned to become overly reliant on magic and without his reserves, Zero felt hollow on the inside. If it weren’t for Hua Tuo showing him that life was more than just magic and medicine was more than just healing magic, Zero would have spiralled downward into depression very quickly.

A week later, Zero finally regained a glimpse of his former cheerful self. It was easy to forgive but a lot harder to forget. At least now, he didn’t bear grudges with the gnomes who caused him to lose all his mana reserves. What was done couldn’t be undone. However, it was difficult to let bygones be bygones. Zero estimated that this would probably still weigh heavily on his mind for the next few years.

Roovan sent reports to Hua Tuo’s hut regularly and after two weeks, Zero finally responded.

"Please tell Truen to get ready. I will escort Jermine personally to New Moon village. Has anyone else met Monoman?"

The scout shook his head. "Truen sent word to Mitchnew and she has located Jermine’s family. However, we are short-handed with the gnome additions to the village to meet Monoman yet. Chieftess and Schaf are still in Rocket Mountain. They’ve been travelling between Smargdas, Rocket Mountain and Magnus Hilda negotiating the treaties and trade agreements."

According to Truen, Monoman gathered the refugees from the lawless town near Indra Seagloo and required help building New Moon Village. The people he brought with him were mostly women and children. Most of the warriors and men were still in the lawless town and some were stationed in Deadman Town.

"Tell Truen to contact Deadman Town’s people. It’s time to establish a business contract with them through Monoman. Also, how are the gnomes coping? Is it possible to task Raj with building a new village for Monoman and the refugees? We need to establish a secure trade party as soon as possible. Once Schaf and Zenobia finalise the terms for the treaty and trade agreement, we would be very short-handed."

Roovan agreed. "Mitchnew said the same thing. Will you be heading to Rocket Mountain soon? Thomas has been waiting."

Zero nodded and glanced over to his shifu. Hua Tuo spent way too long on Earth. His hospital needed him and now that Zero was feeling much better both physically and emotionally, it was time for him to continue his journey. With several major discoveries from his trip to the desert, Zero was anxious to finish his business here and move on to the next lead.

He had to find a way to get to Whiskeria.

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