Ball of Nothing

Chapter 548 - Elf King Sharos Childhood

Chapter 548 - Elf King Sharo\'s Childhood

"A long time ago, I used to be a teacher in Altear. I don’t mean to brag but I actually knew King Sharo personally. It’s nothing uncommon, the elven community is very close-knitted and there was no real social difference between the ruler and their people. We were a simple race like that until King Charo decided otherwise."

After hearing stories from various sources, Zero wasn’t surprised to know that the downfall of the high elves started with the narcissistic King Charo. In fact, Zero would be surprised to hear otherwise.

Arvin proved to know more than what Zero and Truen originally thought he did. Unlike other high elves who fell for non-high elves and were exiled from the community, Arvin chose to leave voluntarily after a falling out with King Charo.

"He was a brilliant elf and also my rival. Back then, we did everything together and the only one who could match his crazy abilities was me. We studied under the same sage and were destined to become elven leaders. The queen who led the high elves back then was no other than my mother. I thought that we would end up supporting her but Charo had a different ambition."

Unlike the royalty in Smargdas, the elven community didn’t elect their leader based on bloodline and heritage. It was a unanimous vote based on individual contributions and capability, similar to Magnus Hilda. However, elven ladies were considered more skilful than elven males. It wasn’t because they were better at archery or better warriors. The elves who were able to use magic were mostly females and this meant they had a natural advantage over the male elves who weren’t naturally gifted with magic.

King Charo was a rare case of a talented male elf with magic capabilities. In addition, Charo had good combat skills, high intelligence and was very hardworking. He was very much a perfect elf if people overlooked the fact that he loved himself a little too much and his pride as a high elf clouded his empathy for other races.

"I hate to admit it but Charo is a lot better looking than I am for an elf. He had a charisma that could convince you to kill someone you don’t know and feel like you’ve done the right thing. It was a scary ability."

Zero could only imagine the kind of person King Charo was as Arvin told him the story of Altear’s greatest moron of a leader. Charo was a basic asshole who dragged everyone into war because of his selfish and vanity. Of course, the simple-minded elves who never lived outside of the forest believed everything the charismatic Charo said. Arvin didn’t agree with Charo’s new education about superiority but he couldn’t stop his friend. Charo was too persuasive and Arvin’s words fell on deaf ears.

"He challenged my mother for the position as the ruler just to prove that he was the better elf. Nobody objected to Charo’s challenge for the authority. In fact, he had his group of loyal supporters back then. I couldn’t stop it from happening and my mother couldn’t refuse it. It was a tradition for high elves to accept a duel for the social position. My other challenged the previous queen for the right before she was recognised. She used to be a talented archer and challenged the previous queen six times before she was given the crown."

After Charo was crowned king, the nightmare became real. As things started to spiral out of control, Zero and Truen tried to imagine the despair Arvin must have gone through as he watched everything fall apart.

"My mother tried to guide Arvin who was named the first king for his outstanding abilities in all three rites. It isn’t uncommon for the previous queen to become the mentor of the next queen. However, Charo took offence to my mother’s guidance. He branded her a traitor and banished her from Altear. My mother was sent packing but I remained behind, trying to talk sense into Charo but power really does change a man."

Zero could almost sympathise with Arvin as he described the fall to madness. As Charo’s obsession with perfection became stronger, his ruling methods became crueller. High elves were no longer welcoming and the conflict with dark and wood elves made Charo and his group isolated. Nobody wanted to trade with them or have any dealings with them. The high elves fell into a state of poverty and Charo was at his wit’s end when he decided to rob others of resources through war.

"It started with small petty fights initially between villages in Altear. However, Charo had a taste of victory and wanted more. He also discovered the Weeping Willow that he used to his advantage. It might sound awful but the Weeping Willow was swept away by his charismatic charms. I don’t know how Charo did it but the tree would serve him everything he wanted on a silver platter. Her guardian spriggan hated Charo but there really wasn’t anything we could do."

Zero paused here. "You know Alex and the Weeping Willow?"

The plot twist about the World Tree being the first to simp for an elf was something nobody saw coming. Even Truen didn’t know what to say. All of a sudden, things became a lot more complicated than it should be. The spriggan Alex was a womaniser and the Weeping Willow was a simp. What was with this setting?!

Arvin sighed. It was a tale from long ago. He went way back with the Weeping Willow, Alex and Charo. In fact, he spent a few good decades with Sharo before he turned his back on Altear. Whatever these two adventurers had to do, Arvin had a feeling they needed to know more about Charo and the fall of the high elves.

Everything else that happened matched what King Brice mentioned before. King Charo went crazy and declared war on just about everyone in the vicinity with the help of the Weeping Willow and lost only to the dwarves with their unexpected reversal with the Droys. The war ended swiftly with high elves sent packing back into the Altear Forest to lick their wounds.

"Back then, Charo was obsessed with increasing the population. He wanted revenge on the dwarves - on Dwarven Hero Dorgon to be precise. He took on several wives of ’premium pedigree’ and apart from his narcissism, we discovered that Charo had one more flaw. He had difficulty in procreation. It didn’t matter how fertile the ladies were, Charo had a hard time performing in the bedroom. It took him eleven years to finally have Sharo but by then, the dwarves were advancing too quickly and going to war again wasn’t going to work out. Not to mention, the Weeping Willow refused to give Charo any assistance after she learned that he took on eight wives in order to father one child."

Zero and Truen were speechless. How could they not be? Instead of a serious history of a country, they felt as if Arvin was retelling a family drama he read a few weeks ago. How ridiculous!

Sharo wasn’t the brightest child or the prettiest and Charo hated him. He couldn’t accept that his superior genes didn’t get passed down to his only child. It made Charo madder that the one who bore his child was who he deemed the ugliest of eight wives.

"Unlike Charo, Sharo wasn’t perfect. He was born with severe inferiority complex thanks to his strict father who constantly pressured him to do better. Charo would never be happy with anything Sharo did. If he didn’t manage to shoot ten out of ten bullseyes on his first attempt when he was only five, Charo would make him practise shooting a thousand arrows from day to night for weeks until he could do it. I couldn’t stand that kind of education and offered to become Sharo’s only tutor. Charo only backed off after that and I spent about a decade teaching Sharo the things he needed to know. However, I could not heal his heart, not even Alex could do anything."

Hearing about King Sharo’s childhood made Zero more convinced that the Elf King had mental issues. Just because his father was a nut case didn’t mean he had to follow in the same footsteps when he was the king.

Arvin talked a little about how he tutored Sharo when he was a child with Alex’s help. However, he didn’t mention anything about the spriggan’s womanising problems. There was only the mention of how the Weeping Willow didn’t like Sharo and treated him like what a jealous stepmother would for the first few years of Sharo’s early life until Arvin became his tutor.

"Why did the Weeping Willow not like Sharo? He was innocent."

Arvin looked at Zero unamused. "Although Charo hated his son, Sharo looked very much like him with the exception of his eyes. His eyes were the same as his mother’s. They were brown instead of green like Charo’s."

That made more sense now and Zero listened to the stories of how Arvin had to spend a lot of time getting Sharo to open up to him. However, King Sharo was too jaded. Even as a child, he never showed any expression. He stopped crying and complaining or feeling that it was unfair. Sharo simply worked hard and continued to strive to be better, not caring if he was sick or hurt. He was almost like a mindless doll, dancing to the tune of his father’s teachings.

"Sharo had no friends. He only had me, Alex and the Weeping Willow. However, that didn’t mean he didn’t have a rebellious phase. It was actually Alex who ignited that fire in him. The spriggan started womanising a lot in order to spite the Weeping Willow for what she’d done. I think Sharo discovered that this was one way he could win his father. He became quite the lady killer and it didn’t stop even after he became the king. I left when I learned that Sharo had no intentions to change or come back to the right track. I couldn’t bear the responsibilities as his tutor, I failed."

After listening to Arvin’s story about the high elf’s history, Zero felt that he had a slightly better understanding of Elf King Sharo now. While Sharo couldn’t be faulted for everything he grew up to be, Zero still thought that he ought to give this overgrown baby a good beating. If a wimp like King Brice could take a step up and better himself for that sake of his people, why can’t King Sharo?

"Thank you for telling us so much," Zero bowed and Truen glared daggers when Arvin’s eyes landed somewhere inappropriate on accident.

Arvin was quick to apologise and thanked Zero for the rare herbs instead.

Not one to miss the opportunity to expand his business connections, Zero introduced himself as a member of the Half Moon Village on Endow Hill.

"We’re actually on a mission to see if there are business opportunities in Altear. If you don’t mind working with us, you could find the merchant guild in Smargdas to talk to Schaf. He is also in charge of Half Moon Trading and we will be more than happy to sell you more of these rare herbs that we grew ourselves on Endow Hill!"

Arvin was thrilled to know that there was a supplier for these rare herbs. In fact, he gave Zero more freebies from his shop to show his sincerity for a good future business deal. Zero took a look at the beauty ointment and creams that Arvin swore worked wonders.

Once they were out of the shop, Zero tossed the beauty products to Truen.

"Why did you throw them over?"

Zero blinked. "It’s for you, isn’t it? This vessel is already too pretty. Nothing I use will make me any cuter. You might as well use it so that you can look more like a high elf. The skin tone as a wood elf is a tad too dark. You’ll stick out like a sore thumb when we get there."

Truen was speechless. Did Zero really believe that there were such miracle creams that would whiten one’s skin just after one use? Unless it was transformation magic or thick talc.u.m powder, it was impossible. Still, he chose not to say anything and stored the products away. He should probably give this to the ladies of Half Moon or New Moon village. They would appreciate this better.

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