The Rise Of A Porter

Chapter 419 - Land Of The Immortal One (2)

\'So you\'re telling me that there\'s a chance that the Immortal one wants me to be there and this is his way of calling me?\' Arnold was in a deep conversation with System sama regarding the Indian situation, \'You know he could have just forced me to have nightmares like he used to? I mean those were great starters to have us bond with each other. Shared, unnecessary trauma of dying and being forced to watch it again and again. \'

[You should really stop with your desperate attempts of sarcasm. Also, you never know what he is thinking. After all, he is a god that the other gods either respect or are afraid of him to their bones. So all I\'m saying is, you should check it out yourself.]

\'I could but-\'

[Even if I\'m wrong, you\'ll still get some rare metal to work on and the way I see it, you\'re gonna need quite a few weapons in the near future so you might as well stock up on some supplies.]

\'Well, when you put it that way...\' Arnold scratched his chin, "Talos, send in the automatons along with Bad-Breath. Once they have been there for a few hours, I\'ll use Void travel to teleport there and check things out myself."

"You got it, Master. Although it would probably take a couple of days for them to reach the actual spot. I have studied the map and Kailash is not an easy place to reach. Doesn\'t matter even if someone is superhuman or not." Talos wanted to confirm if Arnold really wanted to do that as the path to the place was seemingly dangerous. But Arnold wanted to visit, despite all the problems.

"That wouldn\'t be an issue. I\'ll be able to get a few things done in the meantime as well." Arnold replied, "Wait, before you send in the automatons, make sure to give them the thermal coating. I don\'t want them to cease function in the cold environment and leave Bad-Breath alone. Not like anyone would approach someone as ugly and smelly as him." 

Talos nodded and left to do the preparations. In the meantime, Arnold just sat there in silence. Earlier he used to hate the immortal because he had put him through a lot of things. Like forcing him into multiple life and death situations without a break.

But as time progressed he realised that whatever happened to him only ended up making him stronger than before. It was all thanks to the immortal one and system sama that Arnold had become whoever he was right now.

Thinking about all this led Arnold into thinking more about the Immortal one. The godly deity was shrouded in a fog of mystery. Arnold might not show any interest in him from on the outside, but inside he too was intrigued about the land of the Immortal one. Although he was immortal one\'s vassal, Arnold knew next to nothing about him. All he knew were a couple of tales System sama had told him along with the ones of the demigods he killed told him about.

Apart from that, Arnold had no idea who the Immortal one was. And since he had to wait for a couple of days before he could do much, he decided to ask system sama to tell him more about the immortal one.

In the meantime, he would try to repair his arm along with making the accessory to stop Orco\'s mana flow. So the way he saw it, it was a way to get rid of the lonely environment inside the domain while he forged some things and he would also get to learn something new as well.

"Say... could you tell me more about the immortal one? It doesn\'t need to be anything I shouldn\'t know. Just think of it as an employee asking around to know more about his employer." Arnold walked up to the window in the room while he asked System sama, "I lowkey want to know before I represent him."

[When you put it that way, I guess I could tell you something about the Lord.]

"Great. Just let me get inside the domain and then we can carry on from here. But first I\'ll have to tell Nina that I\'ll be gone for a while."

[As you wish. By the way, I got your rewards ready. You can claim them a time you want from the missions tab as usual.]

Arnold had not even noticed the blinking gift icon on his interface but now he did. He wanted to open it right then and there but he didn\'t allow his gift-lust to get the better of him. He would claim the gift later. First, he had to make sure Nina was okay with him disappearing for some time. Which she would most probably be once she finds out that he was disappearing to solve Orco\'s problem.


Four hours later, inside the Void...


• [The Ring of Mana Negation]: A Ring made by the most influential creationist on planet earth. The silver ring sports a red crimson blood rune in the middle as its stone. The blood rune is formed by the blood of a demigod who once was the closest aide of the Immortal one but was banished from godhood by him as a consequence of her foolish and selfish actions. Whosoever equips this ring loses the ability to manipulate mana and hence would not be able to use their abilities anymore.

Grade: Cosmic A

Type: Accessory

Weight: 0.01 kg

Addition effect: [Negation] - The rune in the ring seals away the user\'s ability to use mana. But it can also be used to raise a barrier under which everyone would lose their abilities as well. Has a cooldown period of 2 days. Does not consumes mana.

Addition effect: [Spell of Protection] - The engravings on the ring gives it the ability to raise a barrier to protect the user and everyone inside the barrier from any kind damage equivalent to 4000 STR points. Has a cooldown period of 2 hours. Does not consumes mana.


"Finally done." Arnold wiped the sweat off of his face, "I can not believe I used up all of Satina\'s blood to get only 2 mana negation blood runes."

[Well, she had a lot of abilities, to begin with. I\'m actually surprised that you even managed to get two of them.]

"Yeah. Also Thanks for the new subclass. I don\'t know if it would help a lot, but hey! At least I got something to spend my exp on."

[Now that you are finally done, we can start with the Tale of Shiva and why he is the most feared god to have ever existed.]


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