Vampire System- The Last Mystic Swordsman

Chapter 110 Special System Event [2]

[You have killed a Basic Mystic Warrior: Desert Cowboy Criminal!]

[You have gained 8 mystic energy points!]

[You have gained 5 mystic energy limits!]


With Rex starting the trend of killing the first criminal, it became enforced on all the others to join in on the killing. They needed to prevent the other criminals from noticing any anomaly and sounding the alarm.

Though that impulsive act on his part may have irritated his teammates, in Rex\'s books, it was completely worth it all because of the special system event.

Rex had never felt more motivated to kill humans in his whole life.

As he saw the mystic energy limits rapidly increasing with each criminal that fell to his sword, he felt motivated more than ever before to kill.

Without him knowing, his eyes already started glowing red as this was a sign of his bloodline that he was already in an extremely excited state.

Like he volunteered to do, Rex became the sword of the team as he led the massacre that was currently going on inside the main base of the Desert Cowboy Gang. He was now the mastermind behind all these deaths.

Due to the need to still keep their presence here hidden, Tim could not make use of his bombastic earth mystic ability since it would just alert all the criminals.

It was in scenarios like this that warriors like Sophia and Rex got to bloom. Rex\'s sword kept on making whooshing sounds like the sound of a sad flute playing as blood dyed the grounds of the gate with criminals losing their heads.

Killing so many basic mystic warriors was impressive, but the more impressive feat was engaging in this massacre while keeping the other criminals completely oblivious of it. This was a legendary feat.

Though Rex felt motivated to simply leave the main mission and focus on killing as many criminals as possible, he still knew the reason why he came here.

Under careful guidance from the 3 hackers that were taken along, once they climbed into the periphery gate of the main base, they killed all the criminals guarding it as they finally entered the inside of the criminal base.

Inside the criminal base was filled with activities. The periphery gate where Rex and his companions entered was like the back gate.

The front and main gate at this moment were experiencing a lot of traffic as armored trucks of the criminal gang kept on bringing new slaves.

From the activities, it became clear that Pain probably brokered a lucrative business deal with another scion of the Great Shelters, and was why he was so motivated to go search for new slaves all across the badlands.

Seeing children being manhandled, mistreated, and taken advantage of, the mystic warriors of this elite team were affected but they remained professional.

"Lead us to the main storerooms!"

"Yes, sir!"

The 3 hackers worked fast even amid all the pressure as they rapidly tapped away at the virtual projections hovering before them. "This way".

Under the nose of the thousands of criminals that were in this criminal base, 10 enemy mystic warriors infiltrated.

The priority was still on stealth and silence as they infiltrated, but once they encountered any compromising situation, Rex was quick to act as his Death Daggers went to work, ruthlessly bringing the criminals\' lives to an end.

By now, in just these few minutes since the infiltration started, Rex already built a reputation of extreme hatred against the criminals.

For some reason, this caused the other warriors of this team to respect him. Perhaps, he already suffered a lot from the criminals and now that he finally got the opportunity, he was giving his all to vent his hate on the criminals.

They all sympathized with him and respected him, little did they know that Rex was literally on cloud 9 already with every subsequent criminal that he killed.

This elite team proved its competence as for 15 minutes straight, they were able to infiltrate without being caught until they arrived at the main storerooms.

Compared to the thousands of criminals in the base, they were only able to kill a few dozen since their main mission was still a rescue mission for now.

The 5 main storerooms of the criminals were built like giant containers, the only difference was that instead of storing goods, they stored child slaves.

Getting to the storerooms provided the first real challenge to the team. The 5 main storerooms were guarded 24/7 by a battalion of criminals, and the hackers needed to make physical contact before they could open the storerooms.

Tim was placed in a dilemma.

At the moment, they had no idea if Pain was inside the base. If Pain was here and they were busted, the success chances of their mission would decrease drastically and they would also be in danger.

Also, due to the criminals that they already killed on their way here, it would only take a little while before other criminals discovered them.

Lasting 15 minutes without being busted was already a miracle. They were now on borrowed time and needed to act fast.

Tim thought hard but he saw no soft or easy way to solve this dilemma.

In the end, there was no choice, there was no open space for peace, and it could only be settled with violence.

"Sophia, once we start, take 1 of the hackers to the storerooms to open them. Time will no longer be in our favor".

"As for the others, spread violence with me!"

"Hell yeah!" Rex was hyped.

Once it started, it started bombastically!

Cain grabbed his spear and rushed into the battalion of criminals instantly as a powerful black domain mystic energy surrounded his sword.

Before the criminals could react, he already started a massacre.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

Rex threw his 2 Death Daggers first as he killed 5 mystic warriors with them.

The criminals were startled by the daggers as they instinctively looked at them, when they raised their heads, all they saw was a golden sharp sword energy descending towards them with vengeance.


Berserker\'s sharp blade edge resonated as a ringing sound reverberated.

Even as Rex and Cain led the charge to start the massacre, Sophia already exploded with speed. With her wind mystic ability, she was like a formless phantom as she grabbed one of the hackers before carrying him to the storeroom.

Tim did not fight, rather he stomped on the ground hard as the sand paved the way for earth to emerge. Tim raised the earth and formed a massive blockade in an attempt to try muting whatever sounds that would be made by the criminals.

This way, they would not be discovered instantly.

2 minutes of pure slaughter later, a loud clanging sound reverberated as one of the storerooms finally opened. Once the storeroom opened, Rex and the other mystic warriors were exposed to the pitiful sight inside.

Hundreds of children ranging from the age of 4-12 filled the storeroom. They looked pale and emaciated, they were clearly starving.

Due to the darkness in the storeroom all day, they looked like zombies. The fear and hopelessness in their eyes paired with the innocence hidden within was enough to fully arouse the anger of all the mystic warriors present.

Rex got even more of a reason to massacre the criminals.

"Die! Die! Die!"

"Die you piece of unfeeling sh*ts!"

While Cain and Rex continued the massacre, Tim already took the other 2 hackers forward. They spent a good few minutes and all 5 storerooms finally opened, but at the same time, an alarm rang around the criminal base.

Wom! Wom! Wom!

Once the alarm started ringing, the criminal base rose to life as the loud yells of the criminals immediately filled the massive base.

Rex and the others felt their blood boiling hot as they abandoned the remaining criminals and rushed into the storerooms to search for their target.

"Found him!" Sophia yelled the next moment.

The 6-year-old Maxime in just a few days now looked like an entirely different person. From the fear in his eyes, the boy was already traumatized.

"Move out! We got the target! Lock the storerooms back!"

Tim yelled as he sprinted closer to Sophia to help protect the boy. Like usual, Rex and Cain took the lead again as they tried to tear a hole through the formation of hundreds of criminals that were now trooping towards here.

As intermediate mystic warriors, they were not only stronger, they were faster also as they evaded the basic mystic criminals with ease.

Through the help of the 3 hackers, they discovered a faster route to escape the main criminal base as they boycotted the main gate of the base.

They killed a lot of criminals on the way while sustaining a few injuries but they could not be stopped, they only stopped when another group of armored trucks started riding through the main gate into the criminal base.

This was no simple entourage of trucks, this time, on the roof of one of the trucks poked out the half body of a handsome warrior in black with black hair.

This iconic look was famous in the badlands, Pain was here!

Having left the base to go take care of a few matters before, Pain was just returning. He never expected to meet an old enemy on his return.

"Dogsh*t luck!" Rex cursed as he stopped his advance.

"Tim, to what honor do I have this visit?" Pain laughed loudly as he jumped down from the massive truck that was previously ferrying him.

Tim\'s eyes narrowed. "Plan B!"

"Goro, now!"


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