Vampire System- The Last Mystic Swordsman

Chapter 178 Day 3 In Planet Tioron


You have been affected by a Special Vampire Ability: Interrogation!

You have entered a state of…


Rex\'s system notifications woke him up, everything was a blur to him.

"How did he get a Blood Shackle…?"

"…I don\'t know, do you think he is perhaps related to our ancestors?"

"I\'m not sure, but from how he was taken all the way back to the tribe tent, I think he is somehow related to the famed earth".

Rex woke up groggily to the noise made by gossiping young voices.

Once his brain fully woke up, he kept himself still and tried hard not to attract attention to the fact that he was already awake. Even without opening his eyes, he could feel at this moment the dozens of eyes that were fixated on him.

He tried to open his eyes while making it very subtle, but he was busted.

"YOU\'RE AWAKE?!" The loud voice completely rattled Rex\'s senses.

He grabbed his ears and jumped up.

As soon as he jumped up, he put up his guard but he was not attacked. After 5 seconds of not being attacked, Rex finally raised his head to look.

On raising his head, the first thing that he discovered was the tent-like house where he was in at this moment. He was not the only one here, alongside him were dozens of other humans who he already recognized as mystic warriors.

They were all dressed in red cover-all attires that made them look like desert men. From their aura, the least among them was an Advanced mystic warrior.

The strongest among them, the man who was seated in the middle of the tent with long white beards and hair had an aura that completely suppressed Rex. He was a Super mystic warrior!

On seeing this man, Rex gave up all hopes of trying to escape through force as he soon succumbed to his present circumstances.

"Who are you?" He became proactive and asked.

"We are humans, what are you?" This time, the man\'s voice was not as deep as before as Rex could finally tolerate and listen to it.


Rex was speechless on the man\'s reply but he dared not take it for a joke as he also answered while trying to follow the flow. "I am a human too".

"I know". He finally stood up from his chiefly chair and walked down till he was just a few meters from Rex. "We are from the Blood Spartan Tribe, what tribe are you from?"


"How did you get a Blood Shackle?"


"How are you able to use a Blood Shackle?!" By now, the man\'s voice was as sharp as a sword as Rex was suffocated by the force and pressure that followed it.

The man was already standing so close to Rex that their eyes were mere inches away from each other, then he threw his last question.

"Who are you?"

This was what made him lose control, Rex\'s legs buckled as he fell from the pressure and cried. "I\'m innocent, I swear! I\'m innocent!"

"Innocent of what?" The man suddenly turned to return to his chair, the difference was that this time, his voice was no longer as oppressive and pressurizing as Rex heaved a sigh of relief and coughed.

This was when he remembered his system notification.

"He had been using a special ability on me since". He shuddered.

He finally understood why the man\'s voice turned less oppressive. The man already sounded him out and already got the outcome that he wanted.

Another fact that he discovered was that his system ascribed a Vampire attribute to this huge man. He finally understood why he survived, and he now knew that there was a great chance that he already met his target.

There was a high chance that these group of mystic warriors belonged to the Blood Vampire Tribe, but the question was would they accept him?

What was he to say? Could he just say that he was their leader?

Just thinking of the ridiculousness of his argument deterred him. He soon felt at a loss, how did Lord Asuka expect him to achieve this impossible goal?

Amid his thoughts, the white-haired man spoke again. "Are you from earth?"

Rex paused as a lot of things went through his mind at the same time. He did not have all the time in the world, so he took a gamble.


The man smiled. "You know, there is a prophecy in my tribe that was passed down from our clan head about a savior that would descend on our planet".

"According to our clan head, his first days here will last only 5 days".

The man\'s sharp eyes glared at Rex. "I hope that you\'re the one. Pray that you\'re the one or once we get to the clan and its not you, you\'ll die".

"Carry him, we\'re returning to the main tent".

"Yes, General Spinlock".

Rex was hauled along by the group of mystic warriors; he was given the freedom to walk freely since they were confident that he could not escape.

As they traveled, Rex got to know more about this group of warriors.

They were indeed from the Blood Spartan Tribe, and they were all vampires. In this group, there were actually only 8 mystic warriors with 7 of them Advanced mystic warriors with the leader, the General being a Super mystic warrior.

Perhaps, because the General said he was related to the prophecy, they were polite to him during the journey as they told him basic facts about Planet Tioron and also more facts about themselves.

They were just 8 humans in this group, the other 16 warriors in the entourage were referred to as Blood warriors and were not living.

On making contact with them, Rex discovered an uncanny similarity between these Blood warriors and his only Transformed humanoid warrior, Ambition.

He tried to know more about the Blood warriors but probably because of the presence of the General, they were all tight-lipped. Among the 7 warriors were some youngsters even younger than him, but none of them spoke about it.

According to them, Planet Tioron was a special planet that was dominated by mostly deserts with few forests and grasslands joining into the mix.

The bloody mist that covered the planet year-round made life here very difficult for all types of living organisms, both plants and animals.

Only beasts that evolved to become pureblood mystic beasts could survive here. The same thing applied for plants; only mutated plants could survive here.

The Blood Spartan Tribe was not the only human tribe in Planet Tioron, according to the warriors, there was a rival human settlement in the planet.

Though Rex probed, they refused to give him more detailed information about the rival human settlement.

Apart from the humans and beasts, there were 3 indigenous intelligent alien races in Planet Tioron. The Dalkins, Erodites, and Manians.

The Manians were the only ones that had humanoid appearances. The other 2 had beastly appearances but set themselves apart from the others due to their intelligence and incredible achievements.

By the time that Rex knew all these about Planet Tioron, he already developed a mental image of this planet that made him seem like a sole survivor.

At this moment, he was like a lost soul from earth that wandered the cosmos before being dumped in this planet where he was nothing but prey.

Perhaps, if not because of the Blood Shackle, he would have been dead already once the warriors of the Blood Spartan Tribe met him.

Another important fact was that for the past 2 days, Rex had been calculating wrong, a day in Planet Tioron lasted 27 hours.

The blood mist deceived him into thinking otherwise.

After all the reveal, Rex\'s curiosity about the current state of the Blood Spartan Tribe grew but all 8 warriors remained tight-lipped about this sensitive topic. Clearly, they were all disciplined warriors, even the youngsters.

After traveling for hours across the planet without encountering any significant danger, Rex\'s streak of safety finally got broken.

The bestial roars that reverberated from underneath the sand shook Rex to his very bone marrows but all 8 warriors in this group did not panic as they cooperated before taking him away to escape.

The warriors already recognized their enemies. "Dalkins!"

When Rex finally set his eyes on a Dalkin, he was shocked. These intelligent beasts had the physique of an octopus, one that moved and lived in the desert.

3 of these giant beasts went in pursuit of the warrior group.

Rex\'s heart was constantly in his throat throughout the pursuit as the vampires of the Blood Spartan Tribe showed their talent.

Rex had never seen such tenacious, versatile, independent, and self-sufficient mystic warriors in all his life, never had he read of such also.

Even the youngest of the mystic warriors fought like real Spartans. They were disciplined and principled in battle, making no mistakes throughout.

Their greatest trait that Rex observed though was their teamwork.

Despite the odds against them, they were able to kill one of the Dalkin, skin it and get its loot before escaping from the pursuit of the other furious 2.

At the end of it all, Rex was left awed and bamboozled. "Awesome display!"

None of the warriors responded to his praise, surprising him again.

For the next 2 hours till they finally arrived at the so-called main tent, the group of 8 mystic warriors kept on showing him things that surprised him.

Rex saw such a disparity in literally every sense from other mystic warriors that he had met before that even with his pride, he had to admit that warriors on earth were inferior to these group of mystic Spartans.

"Is this even real?" His shock only kept on increasing till he was dragged inside the main tent of the Blood Spartan Tribe.

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