Vampire System- The Last Mystic Swordsman

Chapter 228 The Ancient Feud Secret


Corpse of the Ancient Holmes Family Detected!

Ancient feud blood ritual has automatically activated…, extracting…

Congratulations! You have extracted the essence of your bloodline archenemy!

You have gained an additional tier in the Advanced Mystic Realm!


Rex hovered in the air and watched in a daze.

As soon as he killed Arthur, his body assimilated his remains automatically and he seemed to break a limit in his mind. The Ultimate Rage State that left him hungering for blood like a savage beast became more controllable.

In this more controllable and rational state, he watched in a daze.

When he crushed Arthur\'s head, he expected to see and gloat at the lifeless body of this foe of his who had haunted him since he became a mystic warrior, he never expected to assimilate Arthur into his own body.

His system notification shocked him even more. "Ancient feud blood ritual…, what\'s that?"

Though the system notification came out of the blue, he seemed to have an inkling of what just transpired as he looked at his system status to confirm.


Name: Rex Vector

Age: 19

Race: Vampire Ancillae

Blood Rank: Vampire Hunter

Rank: Advanced Mystic Warrior

Advanced Warrior Grade: 6th tier


That was all that Rex needed to see.

On seeing his Advanced warrior grade increasing by a whole tier all of a sudden, he was shocked as the realization of what just happened started sinking in.

In his shock, a familiar phenomenon occurred.

Rex\'s vision went blank for an instant, and when he regained consciousness, he was stuck in a bloody battlefield with thousands of corpses lying all about him. Once again, he was dragged into the world of his mind without his consent.

"Is this the effects of another mind travel?"

Having experienced this numerous times already, most notably when he saw his future self and got the inspiration to create the Nirvana Slash sword skill, Rex was familiar with this phenomenon but this time, it was different.

As Rex looked at the bloody battlefield that surrounded him, he felt something which made him put up his guard as he squinted his eyes and looked up.

Like he expected, there was a figure floating in the skies.

This figure was cloaked in a long black robe with red markings snaking through it. He had long white hair and beards that flowed down his shoulders, his eyes were as black as the abyss and they now looked at him silently.

As he stared back at the eyes, Rex shuddered, he felt like he was looking at the eyes of a millennium-old beast, it was that frightening.

In his fear, the name of this figure floated before him.

"Orion Vector…"

Rex\'s eyes widened then he bowed his head the next moment to pay his respects, this gesture from him finally prompted a smile on the old man\'s face.

Slowly, he descended from the skies till he hovered just above him.

"I have waited for your arrival for centuries already".

"You killing a Holmes means that the hope of our resurgence lives". The old man stared down at Rex with the gentle eyes that a grandfather gave to his grandson, inducing a fuzzy feeling in Rex.

"Young man, what is your name?"

"Great Ancestor, my name is Rex".

The old man smiled. "Rex, you are a great warrior, you managed to unlock one of the 6 Hidden States of the Upgrade Mystic Ability".

"You did it even faster than I did, you have a lot of potential".

"I know that you are curious about why I am here, I\'m not alive, this is one of my consciousnesses that I left to interact with the chosen one".

"Sit, tell me about yourself, I want to know about your adventures".

Like a grandfather listening to his grandson\'s school adventures, Orion Vector materialized a rock where he sat with his last descendant.

Rex was restrained at first but as he became more free, he soon let go of all his worries, even forgetting that he was stuck in the middle of a battle as for the first time in all his life, he poured his whole heart to someone.

From the days of being bullied by the hands of Collins, to his 18th birthday and how his life changed, to Arthur\'s attack on Bowling Town, to his decision to leave to protect his friends, to his new friends and all his adventures, he omitted none as he laid everything bare before this old man.

Orion Vector was patient enough to listen to it all.

When Rex was done, he patted him. "You\'ve gone through a lot kid".

"You managed to fight the demonic will of the vampire bloodline with your will of fire, you are indeed a worthy grandson of Orion Vector". The old man boasted with a proud grandfather smile on his face.

"My time with you is short, so I will tell you everything now".

"After my rise, the Vector Family became one of the strongest Ancient Mystic families in the world. My upgrade powers struck terrors in the hearts of the mystic beasts and humans alike, and naturally, envy and greed came".

"My allies in fighting the mystic beasts sought to get my power for themselves".

"For a long time, they plotted without succeeding until a radical experiment by Diabolos Holmes succeeded in mutating his mystic ability to rival mine".

"He developed a mystic ability that was fueled by hatred, and it become my nemesis. The Mind Devourer mystic ability is a natural enemy of our Upgrade mystic ability, both has the ability to prey on the other".

"Once the rest of the world knew about it, they plotted behind me and supported Diabolos conspiracy as he hunted Vector descendants".

"He devoured a lot of upgrades, fueling his powers and rapid rise to the peak of the world. He almost devoured mine also…" The old man chuckled. "I was lucky, my loyal followers helped me in our last stand battle".

"After laying the foundations for the creation of the vampire system, we sacrificed our lives and put our full hope in the coming generations".

"My consciousnesses watched from the inheritance ground as my descendants were hunted including your father, until you finally came".

"By unlocking one of the 6 Hidden States, you unlocked your destiny".

"Diabolos\'s plan is to devour all upgrades alive which will perfect his Mind Devourer mystic ability, making him the strongest mystic warrior alive with powers rivaling those of a god".

"Your destiny is to oppose him, devour the Mind Devourers".

"I don\'t know how you go about it, you are Rex, I am Orion, you may decide not to carry the burden of a whole family on your head and I won\'t blame you".

"But if you do, I and countless others will be grateful to you from our graves".

,m "And who knows, you may be saving the world by doing that?"

"I would love to spend more time with you but the time allocated for this consciousness of mine is exhausted".

The old man patted Rex on the head. "Rex, get stronger".

"If fate favors it, we\'ll meet again".

"Also, you can now access the inheritance ground again to finally commence your training to master the Ancient Legendary Sword Style- Death".

The old man chuckled. "It was created by one of my more mischievous descendants, unlike you, he embraced the demonic path of the vampire".

"A little grandfather advice, thread carefully around his techniques".

"Goodluck kid".

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