Vampire System- The Last Mystic Swordsman

Chapter 257 Invasion Of The Mystic Apes! [2]

"Commander Melkor, do you copy?"

"This is Elanor, there is a beast invasion currently heading towards the Blood Market territory, call for help and stand your ground!"

"Commander, do you copy?"


Elanor turned to face the others with a look of despair on her face. "For some strange reason, the message does not send despite the network being normal".

"The network is not normal". Rex\'s eyes narrowed. "It\'s not a coincidence".

After being saved by his girlfriend, Rex already recovered and now, he was angry with himself at his inability to react instantaneously on the danger.

At this moment, he was ready to channel his anger towards the beasts.

"Are you saying…?" Elanor\'s eyes widened.

"Yes". Rex nodded confidently. "I think someone is behind this".

"There are too many matching elements for it to be a coincidence".

"If we didn\'t decide to come to the Great Ape Forest today, we would have never known of this. And if the network problem is also affecting Melkor, that means they can\'t send for reinforcements from the other regions".

"It would be the perfect moment to wipe off a whole region of our territory and occupy it, I wonder who the enemy is". Rex\'s eyes gleamed maniacally.

He had not felt this full of bloodlust and anger since the inter-region war.

"The first Apes would have reached your territory by now". Cassandra said as she looked outside at the Apes who kept trooping out in large numbers.

"Yes, that is why we need to act". Rex declared as he stood up.

The invasion seemed to involve a large number if not all the Apes in this forest. As one of the 3 Great Forests, the sheer number of Apes in this Great Forest could only be imagined, imagining all of them invading was mind-boggling.

Even as the first invading Apes already rushed out since dozens of minutes ago, others were still trooping out to go destroy the humans.

"I always thought the threat of the 3 Great Forests were nonexistent since I have not suffered from it since my time in the Red Zone".

"I once read in a book that if there is no beast invasion from the beasts in a long time, the one that follows is a big one that can herald a change in era".

"I thought it was just journalism writing then".

Rex ignored Elanor. "We can\'t wait anymore, we need to act now!"

"Act and die alone!" Swift Spear declared coldly. "Individually, the Apes are known for their irritating strength and endurance".

"If we meet a powerful Advanced mystic Ape, we have no guarantee of defeating them individually yet you want us to go up against so many Apes".

"Yes, I accepted to join your mission but I\'m not in for a suicide mission".

"This is not a suicide mission!"

"Prove it".

"See, I have a plan".

"Say it!"

Rex was irritated. His muscles bulged as he felt an urge to give this girl a piece of his mind but Cassandra touched his shoulders and whispered. "We can\'t afford to fight, we need to save Melkor and your other warriors".

Rex calmed down. "You remember why we came to the forest?"

"We came to the forest to hone our teamwork through fighting the Apes, what better way to do it than now?"

"I will not join a suicide mission!"

"I know, that\'s why all we need is to fight the Apes to get to Aragorn\'s Monster Truck. That truck is crazy durable, it\'s a war truck, once we get to it, I believe it can take us through all the apes to the Blood Market territory".

"Once we get there, I and my friends will help my warriors, you can decide to stay and just spectate then but by then, we would have achieved our goals of familiarizing with ourselves already".

"I concur". Ben spoke this time before Swift Spear could.

"I concur". Cassandra also spoke.

"I concur". Elanor said as she turned to look at Swift Spear provocatively.

"I concur but…, if I feel that my life is threatened, I will abandon you all and withdraw without hesitation, I am not your comrade".

"Understandable". Rex smiled as he said a random quote. "Without threats to our lives, we can never improve as mystic warriors, it\'s part of our daily life".

"This is the breakdown of my attack plan".

"Swift Spear, with your omnidirectional mystic device, you will lead the vanguard alongside me".

"These are the powers that I intend to mostly use…"

"Cassandra, your job is to…"


[You have activated Special Vampire Ability: Morphing!]

[Morphing forms available: 2.]

[You have transformed into a Bear-man!]

You have activated Iron Mike Cloak\'s mystic effect: Shadow Mirage!

You have activated Iron Mike Cloak\'s mystic effect: Blood Flight!

You have activated Iron Mike Cloak\'s mystic effect: Iron Mike Uppercut!



The strange guttural roar attracted the attention of literally every Ape that was in the vicinity as they turned to look at the unwanted intruder.

Instantly after they looked, Rex in his hairy Bear-man form seemed to turn into a bad replica of a mirage as his real body disappeared from its position.


The next moment, the real body was in the skies close to a tree just behind one of the massive Apes who was now scaling the trees.

A blood-red energy covered Rex\'s hairy and powerful fists the next moment as from underneath the Ape, he gave it the uppercut of its life.


One punch was all it took!

One punch to kill an Advanced Mystic Warrior!

The Iron Mike Uppercut showcased why it was a specialty left by Rex\'s tiajutsu ancestor, Bam. The man was cruel but no doubt he was extremely strong.

The bloody mist that formed from the remains of their brother shocked and completely angered every single one of the other watching Apes.

Ho! Ho! Ho!

The angered Apes charged towards the intruder.

With his Blood Flight, Rex was already levitating in the skies. Seeing the Ape\'s charge, he was not intimidated, rather he licked his lips excitedly.


You have activated Killer Boot\'s mystic effect: Killer Boot!

You have activated Gauntlet\'s mystic effect: Leonidas\'s Strike!


"Come on!"

Bam! Bam!

The kick to the Ape\'s head turned it into a fool while the gauntlet strike tore its brain open, bringing an end to another Advanced mystic Ape.

Ho! Ho! Ho!

The Apes were even more riled up as they had eyes for nothing else.


This was when Swift Spear exploded out of the cave with speed.

With her omnidirectional mystic device, her speed was otherworldly as she evaded the angry and rushing Apes like a slippery eel evading a bunch of sharks.

The Apes did not give special attention to her due to being riled up by Rex, this gave her the opportunity to start moving towards the truck\'s position.

No matter how strong Rex was though, he could not stand up against so many beasts alone and survive, this was when his friends came into the play.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Cassandra led the charge as the remaining 3 erupted out of the cave.

Unleashing their strongest attacks, they left Ape blood and mutilated body parts in their wakes for 2 minutes as more and more Apes were attracted.

Just before the numbers of the powerful and angry Apes could become too overwhelming for them to handle, a much welcome sound different from the others reverberated in the forest.

The Monster Truck\'s engine reeved to life.

They were ecstatic. "She did it!"

The Monster Truck powered its way out of its previous hiding spot into the open, bulldozing through any Ape that stood on its way.

When it came close enough, Rex and the others jumped in and despite the harassment of the angry Apes, the Monster Truck was unstoppable.

It shot its way with its main canon and bulldozed its way out of the forest.

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