Dysfunctional - An Assassin's Guide to Reincarnating in Another World

Chapter 209 - 208 - The Perfect Hostage

Chapter 209 - 208 - The Perfect Hostage

Point-of-View: Shiro Blanc


"I\'m glad he didn\'t kill you guys...I really thought you were all dead," Remarked Persia, as she let out a sigh of relief.

"He just teleported us, I guess...but a lot farther than any teleportation spell can," Replied Azyl with a frown.

We had begun teleporting back bit by bit using the type of teleportation spell that teleports the user a certain amount of distance in the direction the Spell Card is pointed at, and after a few teleports, we came across the others, somewhere in Snow Serpent territory. I\'m starting to understand his summoning ability a lot better now...he can also use it as a form of teleportation, on either himself or someone else.

"I\'m just glad everyone\'s okay," I stated, letting out a sigh of relief to really sell it.

"Hey, I was wondering...the imposter, Kuro, claimed that you\'re the imposter...and it didn\'t seem like he was lying. So, then...maybe he actually thinks that he\'s the original?" Mused Persia with a frown.

Crap, I can\'t let any doubts creep into the minds of these idiots, or I\'ll lose my advantage. Gotta reply calmy.

"Hm, I guess that\'s possible...he does have my memories, so he might have inadvertently convinced himself that he\'s the original without even realizing it. Even though he wants to kill me and vice versa...I can\'t help feeling kinda sorry for him if that\'s the case," I responded, putting on a slightly sympathetic tone.

"Hm, that explains why he didn\'t kill any of us," Chimed in Azyl.

"Now that you mention it...he looked really shaken when he stabbed me," Added Persia, with a look of confusion.

I don\'t like this...I don\'t think they\'re suspicious or anything, but this was still rather unsettling. If he causes any more doubts in their minds at this rate, I\'m screwed...

"Well, whatever, that was a pretty frustrating fight...except for Persia, Azyl and Ekai, the rest of us were pretty useless," Sighed Gela with a frown.

"That reminds me, there was some kind of shield around his heart...my claws just deflected right off when I tried the stab his chest," I suddenly recalled.

"Oh, yeah, I almost forgot...my ice shattered too, when I tried to graze his heart," Said Azyl with a nod.

"He made that spinning blade with his bones, right? It felt really dense...," Muttered Persia with her brows furrowed.

My eyes widened with realization...he must have covered his heart with a shell made of bone...that\'s actually pretty genius, I need to start using my Healing Factor more like he does. Tch, we both were equal when I first took his place, but he\'s improved a lot more than I have in the time since then.

For now, I still held the advantage, and he was backed into a corner with the odds stacked against him...but as a result, he got stronger. He summoned a Giant this time as well, along with all those Goblins...but they just remained still after he left, they didn\'t attack me. Damn it, this is bad, the longer I take to kill him, the harder it\'s going to get. I need to convince the others that he\'s a major threat...

"He\'s getting too strong, and he\'s clearly unstable, so we need to kill him as soon as possible," I remarked after pretending to be deep in though, and then adding, "Let\'s get back to the Rustlands and then hunt him down again."


Point-of-View: Kuro Black


"Hey, you okay? You\'ve been quiet for the past two days, you haven\'t even eaten anything," Remarked Fuo, shaking my shoulder with a look of concern.

"I\'m not hungry."

"Pretty sure that\'s impossible, even for you."

"Leave me alone..."

"Aren\'t you going to hunt down the Beast King in the forest area? Another power up might make you feel better."

"I don\'t feel like it."

It had been about a day or so since my fight against Shiro, and I was still feeling a bit emotionally drained from that encounter...

"Look, I know that it must have been tough to fight against everyone while they treated you like an enemy, but-."

"I know, okay? You don\'t need to say it. If I think about it logically, then my reactions were all illogical...but then, it\'s not always as simple as just \'thinking logically\', now is it? The only way to think from a purely logical perspective is to abandon my emotions...but I can\'t do that, because if I do...there\'s no telling what I\'ll resort to. No, if I turn to that, it\'ll be as an absolute last resort."

"What do you mean?"

"The reason I\'m not going into the Rustlands to hunt down Shiro is because if we fight there, there\'s a good chance that a number of civilians will die...but at my core, do you think I honestly care about the lives of people who I don\'t really know? Because I don\'t. If one day, millions of people were to die, so long as no one I care about dies, I won\'t lose any sleep over those countless deaths. If I fight Shiro in the Rustlands and innocent people end up dying as a result, it wouldn\'t affect me that much emotionally, but...if that happens, I doubt I\'d be able to just go back to my normal life in the Rustlands, even if I do kill him."

"I see what you\'re getting at...and you do have a point. So, then...what do you plan to do? Sulking around isn\'t going to change anything, Kuro."

"That\'s kinda strange, coming from you."

"Wha-!? What\'s that supposed to mean!?"

"Oh, nothing...just that you sulk more than anyone I\'ve ever met," I replied, a faint smile appearing on my lips.

"Grr, sometimes you\'re such a-...whatever, I just hope you don\'t plan to roll over and die. Because if what you said is really true, that you don\'t care about the lives of people who aren\'t close to you...there\'s a good chance that Shiro feels the same way, and I doubt he cares about the same people that you care about."

Yeah...she\'s right about that...

"That\'s a given, because he doesn\'t care about anybody besides himself, just like I was when I first came to this-...I mean, before I enrolled at the Adventurer Academy."

"So, um...what about me?" She inquired, a bit awkwardly.

"Hm? What do you mean? What about you?"

"Well, you know, um...people that you care about, so...I was wondering...um..."

"What\'s with the cute act?" I inquired with a raised eyebrow.

"H-huh!? I\'m not-!"

"If you\'re trying to ask me if you\'re included among the people I care about, then...well, I probably felt pretty neutral about you before, but we did travel together for over a month, so yeah, I guess I do have some level of affection towards you."

"I-I see...w-well, I suppose that I also-."

I suddenly stiffened, as one of the Goblins I\'d posted in the cave above spotted a couple of people.

"Hold that thought, someone\'s here," I remarked, before borrowing the Goblin\'s sight.

I stiffened in horror as I saw who the two people were, it was Shiro...and Mika...


Point-of-View: Shiro Blanc


A day after I got back to the Rustlands following the fight against Kuro, I was deep in thought, trying to figure out a way to finish him off once and for all. Maybe a hostage? That might work pretty well, but the four most effective hostages are all off-limits to me...who else does he care about? His cat? No, even I\'m not going to be that cruel, I\'m not going to hurt a cat.

Ekai? No, he\'s not that close to him, and besides, that guy\'s strong, it won\'t be easy to quietly take him hostage. Selesa? No, he doesn\'t like her. Vi? Oh, never mind, she already died. What about his underclassmen? No, he likes training them, but beyond that, he doesn\'t know them all that well. Wait, training...what about-.

I was interrupted as someone knocked on the front door. Hm, who could that be? I\'m not expecting anyone. Maybe Selesa\'s here for a booty call? I have been going at it with her fairly regularly. Sure, why not, I could use a good f-...oh, it isn\'t her. But even better, it\'s the one person who\'d be the most effective hostage after the four that are off-limits to me. Well, now, how convenient that she should show up right as I was considering my options for hostages.

"Hey, Bro, can I come in?" She inquired with a smile.

"Yeah, of course you can, Mika," I responded in a friendly tone.

The perfect hostage...as someone he\'s spend an extensive amount of time training, not to mention how he has a soft spot for her because she was tortured, plus the fact that he let her live with him after her parents were killed, there was no denying that he definitely cares for her quite a bit...yeah, she\'ll make a most effective hostage.

Now, then...how do I pull this off? It\'s safe to assume that if I show up in front of a Goblin, he\'ll be aware of where I am...I can sense that he\'s somewhere in the Goblin cave. Tricking this kid to go with me to that spot should be pretty easy, but what after that?

If I get his attention and he shows up, and then I restrain Mika and threaten to kill her unless he kills himself first...will he go for that? Hard to imagine it being that simple. Oh, what if I kill her in front of him, maybe he\'ll go into shock, drop his guard and give me the opening I need to finish him off.

As I continued pondering my options, it suddenly struck me...a brilliantly elaborate and cruel plan, one that was sure to crush his spirit, as well as eliminate any and all doubts or suspicions that the others have against me, if there are any...yeah, this is perfect...

"Hey, Mika...come with me, I\'ve got a surprise for you," I remarked in an amicable tone, putting on a smile.

"Hm? Ooh, that\'s got my interest! What is it?" She asked with a curious gleam in her eyes.

Too easy...

"Heh, if I told you that...well, then it wouldn\'t be much of a surprise, now would it?"


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