Speed Is King

Chapter 85

“YOU! ARE! THE! DONKEY! COPULATOR!” The alien shouted back.


Elliot smirked evilly as he dropped his clutch and smashed his accelerator three-quarters of the way down for a split second before flooring it the second his tires found its grip.

His white Honda Civic Type R literally leapt out of the starting line and immediately left the alien’s red Honda Civic Type R in the dust.


The alien’s Civic burnt out belatedly a second later and began to speed down the track after Elliot.


Back in the Diamond Sponsor VIP Room, Jessica Sands was once more rolling on the ground laughing her head off.



Elliot shifted his gears perfectly and pushed his Honda Civic Type R to the maximum acceleration and maximum speed it was physically able to achieve!


The Civic’s 3 Liter engine roared out magnificently and Elliot could feel it just feeding seemingly endless power into the wheels which in turn flung the car relentlessly forward.

It was pure exhilaration for Elliot.

He glanced quickly at his rearview mirror and discovered that the alien had surprisingly managed to gain on him a little bit.

“How is that possible?” Elliot frowned in mild disbelief. “Is his car’s acceleration faster than mine?”

However, the sharp corner was coming up fast, and Elliot could no longer afford to worry about the alien.

Elliot kept his foot on the accelerator until the very last moment and then executed a perfect downshift from the fifth gear to the second gear while smashing down on the brakes with all his might.

“I hope the brakes can last three laps.” Elliot thought grimly to himself.

The Civic’s brakes screamed loudly in protest and forcefully brought the Civic from an incredible 300kph to 100kph in a heartbeat.

The weight of his car was immediately transferred to the front, causing it to drop slightly forward. However, the increased weight in his front wheels also gave it more grip, and thus allowed for more liberal acceleration out of the corner.

The moment the Civic’s nose took the turn, Elliot smashed his foot on the accelerator once more and skillfully cleared the corner at record speed.



The alien’s red Civic roared powerfully from right behind Elliot a second later.

It may seem like it’s just one measly second. But in racing, one second was at least two full car lengths behind!

Elliot had widened his lead on the alien during the corner!

The two Civics thundered down the race track and once again, Elliot got the distinct feeling that the alien’s Civic was gaining on him.

The red Civic seemed to know exactly what was happening and it positioned itself on the outside lane which would reverse to become the next corner’s inside lane, aiming to squeeze Elliot out as they took the next corner.

“Not so easy, donkey.” Elliot growled lightly and moved to block the alien’s Civic.

The second corner came up, and Elliot widened his lead on the alien once more. However, the alien managed to shave off Elliot’s lead from two car lengths to only a single car length.

“At this rate, he’ll catch up by the third lap. I need to think of something.” Elliot thought.

The first thing that came to his mind was his Frost Domain.

“I could cast Frost Domain during the next corner and mess up his timing. But it wouldn’t be too effective. Maybe I should cast Blade Tornado instead. But I wonder if that’s considered cheating. The rules did say cars only.” Elliot hesitated lightly.

However, his hesitation soon disappeared completely.

Right before Elliot braked for the first corner, the red Civic suddenly glowed and turned ethereal!

“What the heck?” Elliot shouted even as he tackled the corner furiously.


The red Civic blasted past Elliot as it ignored the corner completely and bypassed the massive tires that served as guardrails for the track!

“CHEATER!” Elliot shouted angrily!

After Elliot cleared the corner, the red Civic was a ridiculous five car lengths ahead of him.

“So that’s how you want to play the game huh? WELL YOU’RE NOT THE ONLY ONE WITH SKILLS!!!” Elliot shouted. “BLADE! TORNADOOOO!!!”

Immediately, a powerful tornado appeared in the red Civic’s path!

The red Civic was caught completely by surprise and tried to avoid the tornado by swerving lightly to its left. However, the Blade Tornado followed it to the left!

The red Civic turned ethereal once more and cut directly through the tornado in a straight line.

Whoosh! The bottom part of the tornado disappeared as the car passed through.

“Huh? So its ethereal form is an area of effect, and not cast specifically onto his car! And the part of the tornado he turned ethereal immediately dissipated.” Elliot’s enhanced brain immediately analyzed the situation and drew extremely accurate conclusions.

Once the red Civic passed the tornado, it immediately corrected its direction and continued down the track once more.

“So you can’t turn while you’re ethereal huh? Well let’s see how you can win the race if you can’t use your steering wheel!” Elliot grinned sinisterly.

Four huge tornadoes appeared one after the other, all of them neatly spinning in the red Civic’s path. Elliot purposely maintained a healthy two car lengths distance between the red Civic and himself even though he could have easily caught up to him.

He wasn’t aiming to overtake the alien anymore. He was aiming to crush his damn car, preferably with him still in it.

The red Civic immediately turned ethereal once more to avoid the first tornado. However, when he did that, Elliot immediately moved the other three tornadoes in front of him.

If he wanted to avoid the other three tornadoes, he had to remain in ethereal form. But if he did so, he would completely miss the corner and go way too far off track.. There was no way he wouldn’t get disqualified in that situation.

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